Trump Made Fools Out of the Lot of You

How’s The Big Guy’s first week working out for ya lol?

I seem to recall he had some answers for the China Virus.
Hello Darth,

How’s The Big Guy’s first week working out for ya lol?

I seem to recall he had some answers for the China Virus.

This is a discussion about problems with Trump. You didn't even bother to try talking about the subject. Since you don't want to discuss the topic, and instead are attempting to make it about someone else, it suggests that you are avoiding a difficult subject.

Is Trump's record a difficult subject for you?
"In the days between election and inauguration, a lie former President Trump had been grooming for years overwhelmed the Republican Party. The Times examination shows how that lie grew, finally managing to upend the peaceful transfer of power that had been the bedrock of American democracy."

It is actually comical how Trump fired up his dim witted Deplorable base with incendiary lies about stolen elections, and then jetted of to his Florida mansion, ditching his fan boys while they wait for a knock on the door from FBI.
It is actually comical how Trump fired up his dim witted Deplorable base with incendiary lies about stolen elections, and then jetted of to his Florida mansion, ditching his fan boys to wait for a knock on the door from FBI.

I bet he wakes nightly in a cold sweat
"In the days between election and inauguration, a lie former President Trump had been grooming for years overwhelmed the Republican Party. The Times examination shows how that lie grew, finally managing to upend the peaceful transfer of power that had been the bedrock of American democracy."

What an excellent analysis. The first few paragraphs:

"By Thursday the 12th of November, President Donald J. Trump’s election lawyers were concluding that the reality he faced was the inverse of the narrative he was promoting in his comments and on Twitter. There was no substantial evidence of election fraud, and there were nowhere near enough “irregularities” to reverse the outcome in the courts.

"Mr. Trump did not, could not, win the election, not by “a lot” or even a little. His presidency would soon be over.

"Allegations of Democratic malfeasance had disintegrated in embarrassing fashion. A supposed suitcase of illegal ballots in Detroit proved to be a box of camera equipment. “Dead voters” were turning up alive in television and newspaper interviews."

The Reichwingers here will, of course, completely reject this truth in favor of their conspiracy narrative. Wait for it.
"In the days between election and inauguration, a lie former President Trump had been grooming for years overwhelmed the Republican Party. The Times examination shows how that lie grew, finally managing to upend the peaceful transfer of power that had been the bedrock of American democracy."

How can you make fools out of those, who were already fools in the first place?????????????????????
How’s The Big Guy’s first week working out for ya lol?

I seem to recall he had some answers for the China Virus.

I've noted that vaccination rates are going up. Keystone is dead, forever with any luck. Fact-checkers are finding that most of what Biden says is truthful, with a few exceptions where he misspoke -- but not deliberately like your ex-IMPOTUSx2 did hourly. There's the EO regarding govt.-purchased electric vehicles. Reopening enrollment for the ACA to help those out of work and without insurance due to the pandemic. Lots more.
Hello Cypress,

It is actually comical how Trump fired up his dim witted Deplorable base with incendiary lies about stolen elections, and then jetted of to his Florida mansion, ditching his fan boys while they wait for a knock on the door from FBI.

Only to people who take pleasure in the misfortune of others.
Hello Cypress,

Only to people who take pleasure in the misfortune of others.

Storming the Capitol, attacking cops, subverting the democratic process, engaging in vandalism and larceny is not a misfortune, and I will commend and applaud the FBI agents who track down and arrest these criminals. Their arrest will not be a misfortune either.
How’s The Big Guy’s first week working out for ya lol?

I seem to recall he had some answers for the China Virus.

Am I allowed to say awesome?

He's been amazing so far. Just on COVID, we were averaging under 1 million vaccinations a week under Trump. Now, it's a million a day. One day was over 1.7 million.

Real leadership. It's been great.
61, I bet you were amongst the first Trump fan boys to be easily duped by his blatant lies about stolen elections.

The revelations by Gen. McInerny formed the basis of my belief. And everything from there built on his assertions..

Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney exposes ‘Scorecard,’ the Democrats’ voter fraud superweapon
Nov 6, 2020

The revelations by Gen. McInerny formed the basis of my belief. And everything from there built on his assertions..

Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney exposes ‘Scorecard,’ the Democrats’ voter fraud superweapon
Nov 6, 2020

^^ Chalk up another Deplorable who was easily duped by lies about stolen elections.
Am I allowed to say awesome?

He's been amazing so far. Just on COVID, we were averaging under 1 million vaccinations a week under Trump. Now, it's a million a day. One day was over 1.7 million.

Real leadership. It's been great.

The problem for those who voted for Biden to get a COVID savvy POTUS is that the Obama-Biden administration came l - l this close to a pandemic catastrophe when they were in charge and only luck prevented it.

Top Biden Advisor: Yeah, We Really Screwed Up Swine Flu and are Lucky More Americans Didn't Die
@KatiePavlich | Posted: Jul 16, 2020

Biden's coronavirus advisor Ron Klain admitted on tape that Obama-Biden's response to swine flu was catastrophic:

"We did every possible thing wrong... It is purely a fortuity that this isn’t one of the great mass casualty events in American history."

— Andrew Clark (@AndrewHClark) July 16, 2020

And Biden has been flip flopping to agree with the President's statements and then the next day disagree with them and then fopping back to agree with him.

Biden said that Trump's travel ban stopping passengers coming here from the pandemic GROUND ZERO was Xenophobic!

Covid - 19 Response*

And the President was getting his pandemic info from the over-rated Dr. Fauci, who was saying all kinds of weird stuff.

Here is a video showing Traitor Joe and the ** criticizing Fauci's advice.

(See below Post #20)

And so what the **** does Biden do when he is given the keys to the White House?

He hires Fauci as HIS pandemic guy.

Folks, get used to **** up after **** up with this administration.

Obama 'said Biden has "ability to f**k things up"' amid 'bitter tensions'

We were duped into hating Trump so that a Zombie-friendly administration could take control of America and tighten their fist around US until we are subjects of an all-powerful Marxist government.

But you guys should not believe me.

Just believe your eyes when you see it happening over the next four years.

Just watch.
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Proof That Dr. Fauci Is Responsible For Every Single Mistake*Blamed on Trump​
Joe Biden And Kamala Harris Attack Dr. Fauci

And at the end of the day, Covid will eventually be gone.

And what it will leave in it's wake is an oppressive Socialist, Harris - Biden government that intends to stay forever.

All because we were duped into hating Trump.

Real smaht, Fredos.