Trump fears he will be hit with criminal charges


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Former President Donald Trump was not convicted following his second Senate impeachment trial, but reportedly fears criminal accountability for his role in the insurrection, CNN's Kaitlan Collins reported Saturday.

Kaitlan, I understand you are hearing that despite the acquittal, the former president is still very much worried about his legal future," CNN's Wolf Blitzer said.

"He is, Wolf," Collins replied. "And privately he has expressed concern that he could be charged related to the January 6th rally -- or riot I should say. That's what he told multiple people."

"That's in part why he has been so quiet every since he left the White House," she explained. "We hardly heard from the president, only in written statements, he does not have access to his twitter account and one adviser to the president told me that is directly related to that, is that he is concerned that charges could happen and could be awaiting him.

When you saw Mitch McConnell come out to try to explain his acquittal vote and he very strongly implied that the legal system should take care of Donald Trump, saying he was practically and morally responsible for that riot, that really does get at the heart of a big concern for the former president," Collins continued. "It's something that Liz Cheney said as well, implying there could be a prosecution in Donald Trump's future related to what happened on January 6th and the role that he played in it."
We can only hope!

In the meantime, the 43 have to live with what they have done TO the Republic FOR the abominable Trump.
NY will file real soon, followed by Georgia later in the year and who knows else, not to even mention the civil suits that are surely coming. Trump and his lawyers are going to be very busy this and next year, hopefully they will make him a whole lot poorer and add a few felonies to his title.
Former President Donald Trump was not convicted following his second Senate impeachment trial, but reportedly fears criminal accountability for his role in the insurrection, CNN's Kaitlan Collins reported Saturday.

Kaitlan, I understand you are hearing that despite the acquittal, the former president is still very much worried about his legal future," CNN's Wolf Blitzer said.

"He is, Wolf," Collins replied. "And privately he has expressed concern that he could be charged related to the January 6th rally -- or riot I should say. That's what he told multiple people."

"That's in part why he has been so quiet every since he left the White House," she explained. "We hardly heard from the president, only in written statements, he does not have access to his twitter account and one adviser to the president told me that is directly related to that, is that he is concerned that charges could happen and could be awaiting him.

When you saw Mitch McConnell come out to try to explain his acquittal vote and he very strongly implied that the legal system should take care of Donald Trump, saying he was practically and morally responsible for that riot, that really does get at the heart of a big concern for the former president," Collins continued. "It's something that Liz Cheney said as well, implying there could be a prosecution in Donald Trump's future related to what happened on January 6th and the role that he played in it."

Why is the fact that he should be tried for negligent homicide surrounding his Covid lies and debacle being swept under the rug?