trump admits to sexual assault, how can anyone support that?


Back To Reality
I think Cuomo is guilty, but he denies it so there is still a doubt. Maybe not a reasonable doubt, but definitely a doubt. It is possible he is innocent.

If it were just over 50 women, and underage girls making allegations against trump, then trump would also have a doubt. If it were just hundreds of foreign underage girls trafficked by trump's agents, then he would have plausible deniability... Though once again, who (other than a criminal) needs plausible deniability? If it were just trump delivering two children to Epstein on his private plane, again there would be doubt whether trump knew Epstein would rape the children.... But again, why would you deliver children to an unmarried man?

But trump both admitted to grabbing women "by the pussy", and demanding to go into the Miss Teen Universe changing room to see underage girls naked.

What sort of person votes for a man who admits to sexual assault? What sort of person votes for a man who admits to using his ownership to spy on naked girls?

We are going to have to deal with the trump voters for decades to come, and they see nothing wrong with sexually assaulting a child.
Rightys believe the red politician over the women, no matter how many. They believe the woman over a Dem politician every time. Dems believe the women and the Dem pol suffers the consequences. Cuomo is going to go down. Trump will never get hurt by what he did to women. He even has a rape case coming up.
Congratulations. This might be the dumbest thread ever.

And on a forum that features Desh, that's quite an accomplishment.
The republicans use morality as a tool

They don’t embrace morality

They are the sociopathic party

They don’t care about truth or decency

They only care about power

“Own the libs”

Meaning keep them from having any ability to self govern

They want to govern the majority of voters

Which means they hate democracy

That is why they keep claiming we are not a democracy