Trump Acquitted 43-57..The Plan is working!

An alternate theory on why the Republicans resisted the Impeachment so hard, despite the fact well over 17 of them had their lives at risk on January 6th:

The Republicans don't want Trump around much less running for office or influencing any elections under the Republican banner. An impeachment stops Trump from running for office, but not from influencing Republican elections. Think Greene times a dozen.

Trump is a modern Caligula: A madman with power and the chants of "Destroy the GOP" still ring loudly behind closed doors at Republican meetings.

Militias have been around since the American Revolution. Their function has evolved several times and their motives vary. Some are simply like drug-running motorcycle gangs. Some are more like book clubs with guns and a periodic meetings at a rifle range. :thup:

Some, like the Proud Boys and Boogaloo Bois, are well trained, well motivated and include many vets with military training and discipline. This, of course, makes them very dangerous if they choose to attack government facilities and elected officials, their primary focus of angst. Think Timothy McVeigh with 20 clones in each city or state all grouped together. Normally they trained and complained but did little to harm others or break the law...until Trump came along.

How Trump knew about these assholes and tapped into them remains a bit of mystery, but there's no doubt he was involved, along with Miller and probably Junior. Trump praised them, focused them, motivated them and, after a few practice rallies, pointed them at the Capitol to kick off a civil war by taking over the US Capitol, killing most it contained and assassinating his own VP. A classic move in a Hollywood movie or a wargame. Obviously it failed miserably. Not just a near-miss failure, but the utter dejected failure of decent people who wake up from a blackout drunk and find they've committed a serious crime.

That failure is why many of these groups are falling apart, especially as thousands are arrested, even non-militia, and strive for plea deals in their sentencing. However, the hardcore center of the Proud Boys and Boogaloo Boise remain very proud, very dangerous and, now thanks to Trump, betrayed soldiers facing serious prison time because of Trump.

Trump misled them in the attack and he betrayed them by saving his own ass rather than pardon them. That's the equivalent of an officer of a military unit running like a coward in the middle of the attack. It's a very serious betrayal of honor.

Now, during the impeachment, Trump is throwing salt in the wound by betraying them again. His crack T-Team of lawyers labeled those who followed Trump to be "criminal insurrectionists" and "lawless actors". That's code for "no mercy".

What are they to do? Go to prison for 20-30 years? Probably die there? Commit seppuku? Or go out man-style as a kamikaze? In that situation, I'd take Door #3. I've been around military people all of my life and, given I was stupid enough to get involved in this fucking mess in the first place, it's a no brainer decision.

After all, these guys were prepared to line up most of Congress and the VP against a Congressional wall. They were prepared to kill and many, thanks to our own nation's Forever War, were experienced killers. So who will be their final target? Another government building somewhere? Assassinate a couple of Democrats? Maybe, but that's a lame way to go.

Adding up all the elements, the best way to go out is to take out the person who organized all of this shit. End their own lives with honor by putting a very large, very loud coda at the end of "the Trump Years".

My theory is that the Republicans know this and are simply letting it happen by doing nothing...of which they are very good at doing. If they upheld their oaths and convicted Trump, that's punishment. Some of the kamikaze boys might lose heart because Trump was punished for his actions. No matter how light, justice would be done. We have to respect the law, right?

A better solution for the Republicans is to do nothing, let Trump get away scott-free and let the kamikaze boys solve both the militia problem and the Trump problem in a single event.

Just a theory. I could be wrong.
I don't like to often say "always" or "never", but with this vote, I will most certainly not vote for a single Republican locally, regionally, at the state level, or federally in 2022 and 2024. I actually like a lot of my local Republicans and have supported them with votes and donations in the past. Now they can sink with their McDonald's blimp.
I was impressed that 7 Republicans stood up for decency and the American way.

They will help start a new party along with the Lincoln project

The actual reTrumpagain party that owns the Republican name doesnt know how to run a real party

A Lincoln party could form and smoke them in most places in America

We are witnessing the death of the Republican Party as a viable party
I was impressed that 7 Republicans stood up for decency and the American way.

They stood up for justice and Democracy as well!

And we will be glad to welcome them to the Democrat Party!

We may have very well gained 7 Democrat seats in the Senate, as they most-likely will be changing party colors very soon now.

Your habitual speechlessness is common with the Asshat Legion.

You interest me in two ways; if you truly are who you claim to be and working with a militia as a demolitions expert or if you are just one of Legion's many incarnations.

While the latter is possible, I think it's unlikely. I think both you and the Asshat Legionnaires are simply stupid, immature and cannot articulate an adult response. You're fucking morons just like the asshole who betrayed you. No worries, you're actually normal to an extent, just on the backside of the 95th percentile curve.
Your habitual speechlessness is common with the Asshat Legion.

You interest me in two ways; if you truly are who you claim to be and working with a militia as a demolitions expert or if you are just one of Legion's many incarnations.

While the latter is possible, I think it's unlikely. I think both you and the Asshat Legionnaires are simply stupid, immature and cannot articulate an adult response. You're fucking morons just like the asshole who betrayed you. No worries, you're actually normal to an extent, just on the backside of the 95th percentile curve.

I claimed to be working with the Militia as a 12 B Demolitions expert? ROTFLMAO! You are going to have to show me the posts that exist only in your head! :laugh:
They walked right into it.

The Plan is working. I'm starting a betting pool, donations to the forum. Damo keeps the money. Any date for $1 starting from tomorrow to the anniversary of Trump's Great Betrayal.

Still working out all of the details, so please be patient. :)
They will help start a new party along with the Lincoln project

The actual reTrumpagain party that owns the Republican name doesnt know how to run a real party

A Lincoln party could form and smoke them in most places in America

We are witnessing the death of the Republican Party as a viable party

Doubtful. It's already a two-way civil war between the MAGA mob and traditional Republicans. Putting a moderate third group in there would be like being one of Clinton's "peacekeepers" AKA meat shields between two warring sides bent on massacring each other. Better to sit back and pick up the pieces in that case.
The top old school republicans of the past have already been meeting to discuss the fate of the name

The majority of republicans who now control that name just voted to praise the racists instead of actual conservatives

All the past people who they ran out of the party (and likely the Rs who voted to impeach) know how to run a party

The tea tard trumpies have no fucking idea how to run a successful party

The new party can walk right into CEOs offices and get financial backing and a promise of no money to the fetid corpse that is now the Republican Party

Qers and racists won’t get the corporate money

Sometimes partys die

This one bit it’s own dick off and bled out

All the capable and sane past republicans can quickly out maneuver this ass sack full of brain dead zombies
If none one does that

The conservative movement will have no power

this GQP will be horrible for corporations because they cause chaos

The corporations don’t make money by associating with a racist insane lie obsessed party

Have fun trying to win with only Q and racists donations

An alternate theory on why the Republicans resisted the Impeachment so hard, despite the fact well over 17 of them had their lives at risk on January 6th:

The Republicans don't want Trump around much less running for office or influencing any elections under the Republican banner. An impeachment stops Trump from running for office, but not from influencing Republican elections. Think Greene times a dozen.

Trump is a modern Caligula: A madman with power and the chants of "Destroy the GOP" still ring loudly behind closed doors at Republican meetings.

Militias have been around since the American Revolution. Their function has evolved several times and their motives vary. Some are simply like drug-running motorcycle gangs. Some are more like book clubs with guns and a periodic meetings at a rifle range. :thup:

Some, like the Proud Boys and Boogaloo Bois, are well trained, well motivated and include many vets with military training and discipline. This, of course, makes them very dangerous if they choose to attack government facilities and elected officials, their primary focus of angst. Think Timothy McVeigh with 20 clones in each city or state all grouped together. Normally they trained and complained but did little to harm others or break the law...until Trump came along.

How Trump knew about these assholes and tapped into them remains a bit of mystery, but there's no doubt he was involved, along with Miller and probably Junior. Trump praised them, focused them, motivated them and, after a few practice rallies, pointed them at the Capitol to kick off a civil war by taking over the US Capitol, killing most it contained and assassinating his own VP. A classic move in a Hollywood movie or a wargame. Obviously it failed miserably. Not just a near-miss failure, but the utter dejected failure of decent people who wake up from a blackout drunk and find they've committed a serious crime.

That failure is why many of these groups are falling apart, especially as thousands are arrested, even non-militia, and strive for plea deals in their sentencing. However, the hardcore center of the Proud Boys and Boogaloo Boise remain very proud, very dangerous and, now thanks to Trump, betrayed soldiers facing serious prison time because of Trump.

Trump misled them in the attack and he betrayed them by saving his own ass rather than pardon them. That's the equivalent of an officer of a military unit running like a coward in the middle of the attack. It's a very serious betrayal of honor.

Now, during the impeachment, Trump is throwing salt in the wound by betraying them again. His crack T-Team of lawyers labeled those who followed Trump to be "criminal insurrectionists" and "lawless actors". That's code for "no mercy".

What are they to do? Go to prison for 20-30 years? Probably die there? Commit seppuku? Or go out man-style as a kamikaze? In that situation, I'd take Door #3. I've been around military people all of my life and, given I was stupid enough to get involved in this fucking mess in the first place, it's a no brainer decision.

After all, these guys were prepared to line up most of Congress and the VP against a Congressional wall. They were prepared to kill and many, thanks to our own nation's Forever War, were experienced killers. So who will be their final target? Another government building somewhere? Assassinate a couple of Democrats? Maybe, but that's a lame way to go.

Adding up all the elements, the best way to go out is to take out the person who organized all of this shit. End their own lives with honor by putting a very large, very loud coda at the end of "the Trump Years".

My theory is that the Republicans know this and are simply letting it happen by doing nothing...of which they are very good at doing. If they upheld their oaths and convicted Trump, that's punishment. Some of the kamikaze boys might lose heart because Trump was punished for his actions. No matter how light, justice would be done. We have to respect the law, right?

A better solution for the Republicans is to do nothing, let Trump get away scott-free and let the kamikaze boys solve both the militia problem and the Trump problem in a single event.

Just a theory. I could be wrong.

Interesting theory lol.

But there’s a big hole in all of these speculations about Trump inciting the rioters. Here it is: Trump *had the most to lose* from the riot and break in to the building.

It blew up the objective outlined in his speech. The Trump supporters were supposed to march to the Capitol *peacefully and patriotically* and let their voices be heard. NONE OF THAT HAPPENED because of the idiots who rioted.

Oddly, it got Democrats off the hook because none of it was heard.

So Carp, why would Trump blow up his own mission that day by inciting a riot? Be the first to provide a coherent answer.

Be first.