'Trojan horse': Republicans say moderate Biden has ceded all control to radical left

cancel2 2022

Indeed, how the US has allowed this to happen is truly beyond me.

The Democrats’ Trojan horse is inside the White House gates and wasting no time.

President Biden, who campaigned as a no-drama moderate Democrat, has embarked on a sweeping far-left agenda of massive tax increases, climate-change mandates and more red tape.

In less than three months, Mr. Biden has rammed through Congress a nearly $2 trillion economic relief bill with no Republican support. Now he’s teeing up an infrastructure and jobs plan that would cost upwards of $3 trillion and implement another wish list of unfulfilled longtime Democratic priorities.
Indeed, how the US has allowed this to happen is truly beyond me.


Repukes who conspired with tRump in the sewer to wage war on the fair and lawful 2020 electoral process and continue to engage in warfare against Democracy when it comes to voting rights as it relates to the 14th Amendment of U.S. Constitutional law and federal voting rights laws who deserve to be met with a bold and brazen counter motion for the right reasons. All of the treasonous knuckle heads deserve to hang for high treason.
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Indeed, how the US has allowed this to happen is truly beyond me.
chalk it up to self delusional willful thinking. I was warning everyone Biden is NOT a moderate
( the clue should have been had when he said he wanted to be the "most progressive POTUS ever")
Deranged rapist Biden isn't a moderate, he's a deranged conservative corporatist & totalitarian being used to usher in the new United State of China.

He's not remotely leftist.

If he were, he'd keep his promise to implement M4A (for instance).

He's deranged conservative scum.
Deranged rapist Biden isn't a moderate, he's a deranged conservative corporatist & totalitarian being used to usher in the new United State of China.

He's not remotely leftist.

If he were, he'd keep his promise to implement M4A (for instance).

He's deranged conservative scum.

Biden is no conservative. He's a puppet for the far left.
What dumbass thread! Actual Progressives are fighting for Med4All, $15 minimum wage, Campaign Finance Reform, etc...none of which Biden and the establishment Dems are willing to deliver.
What dumbass thread! Actual Progressives are fighting for Med4All, $15 minimum wage, Campaign Finance Reform, etc...none of which Biden and the establishment Dems are willing to deliver.


If deranged rapist Biden weren't a puppet for the totalitarian/warmongering deranged conservative PermaState, he wouldn't have been the Nazicrat nominee, let alone the winner.

If deranged rapist Biden weren't a puppet for the totalitarian/warmongering deranged conservative PermaState, he wouldn't have been the Nazicrat nominee, let alone the winner.

Without the China virus, NO dem nominee would have won.
Without the China virus, NO dem nominee would have won.

Well, without the Nazicrat CovidScam; they're truly the greatest danger the country & world have ever faced.

As soon as Horror Show Harris tags in, World War Three.
On this I've agreed with you, he knows that his time in the WH is short, he'll either be totally gaga or dead. H. Harris will carry the can.

Both are nothing but shills for a Revolution that is run by committees in secret. They barely matter so far as policy goes.