Trayvon's perspective. What would you do?


Tea Is The New Kool-Aid
Say you wanted some quiet and you left your house...It's raining and dark so you know you won't have to deal with anyone. While you are walking along, you notice someone is staring at you. You notice it's not just a glance, but they are sitting still watching you. It creeps you out so you make gestures trying to run off the person sitting and staring. Your gestures don't run the person off and they still sit and watch you. You get creeped out and walk away. You notice the person starts following you. You pick up your pace, but so does the person following you. At this point you are not just paranoid, but full of fear and wonder what crazy person is after you. You keep on running but the person keeps following. You finally get so scared, you decide to defend yourself. You decide that you need to attack the stalker before the stalker attacks you. You hide behind a corner and wait. When the stalker gets close you attack them. Adrenaline pumping, you hope to knock the person out so you can get away without them hurting you. The person pulls a gun and shoots you dead......

What would you do in this situation? I guarantee that if someone was staring at me for a long period of time I would give them a finger or give them "bring it on" body language. I guarantee if that stranger was chasing me I would eventually get scared enough to turn around and fight him.

What would you do? Florida law states that you simply have to feel like bodily harm is a threat. Could Trayvon have shot Zimmerman just for stalking him? And how would that have looked?
Say you wanted some quiet and you left your house...It's raining and dark so you know you won't have to deal with anyone. While you are walking along, you notice someone is staring at you. You notice it's not just a glance, but they are sitting still watching you. It creeps you out so you make gestures trying to run off the person sitting and staring. Your gestures don't run the person off and they still sit and watch you. You get creeped out and walk away. You notice the person starts following you. You pick up your pace, but so does the person following you. At this point you are not just paranoid, but full of fear and wonder what crazy person is after you. You keep on running but the person keeps following. You finally get so scared, you decide to defend yourself. You decide that you need to attack the stalker before the stalker attacks you. You hide behind a corner and wait. When the stalker gets close you attack them. Adrenaline pumping, you hope to knock the person out so you can get away without them hurting you. The person pulls a gun and shoots you dead......

What would you do in this situation? I guarantee that if someone was staring at me for a long period of time I would give them a finger or give them "bring it on" body language. I guarantee if that stranger was chasing me I would eventually get scared enough to turn around and fight him.

What would you do? Florida law states that you simply have to feel like bodily harm is a threat. Could Trayvon have shot Zimmerman just for stalking him? And how would that have looked?

My version is Zimmerman catches up to him, and like Soc, I believe he has his gun drawn, tries to detain , without identifying himself! and it goes downhill from there.
you're 17, walking in the rain and dark, and UNARMED in a violent society. you run the fuck away and get back to the safety of your own home. you don't do anything else like be a moron.
the witness who was talking on the pohone to Trayvon as Zimmerman approached trayvon says trayvon said to her. I have to hang up hes about to fight me.

she then heard a man who sounded out of breath say "what are you doing here"

then she heard a thud on the phone ( the sound of the phone being hit).
Trayvon had the phone in his front pocket and an ear bud in.

then she heard trayvon say GET OFF ME GET OFF ME.

trayvon was rushed and attacked by Zimmerman.

the only bruise trayvon would have had from Zimmerman khitting him in the chest would have been right where the bullet hole was later placed.

the bullet wound was in the same place as the phone
How sad is it that we actually can determine what really happened because we have an ear witness but no one wants to believe her
Say you wanted some quiet and you left your house...It's raining and dark so you know you won't have to deal with anyone. While you are walking along, you notice someone is staring at you. You notice it's not just a glance, but they are sitting still watching you. It creeps you out so you make gestures trying to run off the person sitting and staring. Your gestures don't run the person off and they still sit and watch you. You get creeped out and walk away. You notice the person starts following you. You pick up your pace, but so does the person following you. At this point you are not just paranoid, but full of fear and wonder what crazy person is after you. You keep on running but the person keeps following. You finally get so scared, you decide to defend yourself. You decide that you need to attack the stalker before the stalker attacks you. You hide behind a corner and wait. When the stalker gets close you attack them. Adrenaline pumping, you hope to knock the person out so you can get away without them hurting you. The person pulls a gun and shoots you dead......

What would you do in this situation? I guarantee that if someone was staring at me for a long period of time I would give them a finger or give them "bring it on" body language. I guarantee if that stranger was chasing me I would eventually get scared enough to turn around and fight him.

What would you do? Florida law states that you simply have to feel like bodily harm is a threat. Could Trayvon have shot Zimmerman just for stalking him? And how would that have looked?
I'd take my ass home as fast as my feet would carry me and lock the doors like any 'skeered kid' would do.
How sad is it that we actually can determine what really happened because we have an ear witness but no one wants to believe her

I do, I just add the gun to the equation. I don't think George pulled it when he was on his back on the ground.
the witness who was talking on the pohone to Trayvon as Zimmerman approached trayvon says trayvon said to her. I have to hang up hes about to fight me.

she then heard a man who sounded out of breath say "what are you doing here"

then she heard a thud on the phone ( the sound of the phone being hit).
Trayvon had the phone in his front pocket and an ear bud in.

then she heard trayvon say GET OFF ME GET OFF ME.

trayvon was rushed and attacked by Zimmerman.

the only bruise trayvon would have had from Zimmerman khitting him in the chest would have been right where the bullet hole was later placed.

the bullet wound was in the same place as the phone
are you trying to say that zimmy knocked trayvon down, then stood over him and shot him in the chest where he suckerpunched him?
and Zimmerman would NEVER lie to stay out of prison?

Its NOT his girlfriend by the way .

They are JUST friends by all accounts

Yes of course people would lie to get out of prison but that is what the trial is supposed to determine. As for being a friend or girlfriend, it doesn't matter.

Nee to have the theme song from the Twilight Zone show playing in the background while reading these posts.
