Trader Joe's To Drop Health Coverage For Part-Time Workers Under Obamacare


After extending health care coverage to many of its part-time employees for years, Trader Joe's has told workers who log fewer than 30 hours a week that they will need to find insurance on the Obamacare exchanges next year, according to a confidential memo from the grocer's chief executive.

In the memo to staff dated Aug. 30, Trader Joe's CEO Dan Bane said the company will cut part-timers a check for $500 in January and help guide them toward finding a new plan under the Affordable Care Act. The company will continue to offer health coverage to workers who carry 30 hours or more on average.
The law mandates that companies with 50 employees or more offer coverage to such full-time employees, though the Obama administration has chosen to delay that rule for a year.

Trader Joe's has won kudos for offering its health care, dental and vision plans to part-time workers at a reasonable price -- a rarity in an industry known for low pay and scant benefits. But with low-wage workers eligible for tax subsidies to buy health insurance next year, the company has apparently calculated that offering medical coverage to part-timers who work 18 hours or more is no longer worth the cost.

"Depending on income you may earn outside of Trader Joe's" -- i.e., another job -- "we believe that with the $500 from Trader Joe's and the tax credits available under the ACA, many of you should be able to obtain health care coverage at very little if any net cost to you," Bane wrote in the memo.

Of course, the administration never seemed to figure that businesses would be ending coverage for employees and letting the government take over. Liberals always seem to have trouble figuring out unintended consequences.
Good thing OBOMBA is looking out for the worker. Things are going according to plan. I don't know who could have predicted this? Oh yeah, anyone who actually read the bill.

Next up will legalizing 11 million low skilled mexicans so they can further put more white folk out of work. Of course it will be the GOPs fault because they supported amnesty against the will of OBOMBA and the democrat party
Health insurance for little to no cost to the employees? Sounds to me like the management actually read the law, like it and are doing the correct thing by their own bottom line and the satisfaction of their workers. What a plan!!!!!!!!

Health insurance for little to no cost to the employees? Sounds to me like the management actually read the law, like it and are doing the correct thing by their own bottom line and the satisfaction of their workers. What a plan!!!!!!!!


Remember this?

If you like your plan, you can keep it
This decision by Trader Joe's is to the great benefit of their employees. Why not exploit the factors of the ACA to the overall benefit of one's self and associates? Are you an idiot,,,,,,,or what? The ACA is law and it is GOOD. Accept it. The pukes are on the very wrong side of this issue. See you next November.

This decision by Trader Joe's is to the great benefit of their employees. Why not exploit the factors of the ACA to the overall benefit of one's self and associates? Are you an idiot,,,,,,,or what? The ACA is law and it is GOOD. Accept it. The pukes are on the very wrong side of this issue. See you next November.


Are you saying that the unions opposing it are idiots and pukes on the wrong side of the issue? Really? You are calling unions pukes?

Hey are you a tea party gal?
Health insurance for little to no cost to the employees? Sounds to me like the management actually read the law, like it and are doing the correct thing by their own bottom line and the satisfaction of their workers. What a plan!!!!!!!!


That's exactly what it sounds like.
Are you saying that the unions opposing it are idiots and pukes on the wrong side of the issue? Really? You are calling unions pukes?

Hey are you a tea party gal?

Is trader Joe's unionized? I saw nothing about unions until you brought it up.

Unions and their employers negotiate contracts that include payscale and benefits. If they can negotiate a deal on medical benefits that are better than the AHCA, why shouldn't they?

This is why you guys were suckers for not accepting single payer, or at least a public option.

Imagine you have a small business, employing 50 people. You could have put your employees on the public option and it wouldn't have cost you a penny.
The unions are not against the ACA. Hell, they were very instrumental in the demands for it, ideas and formulations for it, and assisted with credible and well thought out documentations for it's implementation. Some unions, NOT ALL, have better plans than the ACA requires as a minimum and they are waivered as are all companies/entities that can show the same in coverage. Unions being against ACA? Just another rightwingnut lie. How many does that make now?

After extending health care coverage to many of its part-time employees for years, Trader Joe's has told workers who log fewer than 30 hours a week that they will need to find insurance on the Obamacare exchanges next year, according to a confidential memo from the grocer's chief executive.

In the memo to staff dated Aug. 30, Trader Joe's CEO Dan Bane said the company will cut part-timers a check for $500 in January and help guide them toward finding a new plan under the Affordable Care Act. The company will continue to offer health coverage to workers who carry 30 hours or more on average.
The law mandates that companies with 50 employees or more offer coverage to such full-time employees, though the Obama administration has chosen to delay that rule for a year.

Trader Joe's has won kudos for offering its health care, dental and vision plans to part-time workers at a reasonable price -- a rarity in an industry known for low pay and scant benefits. But with low-wage workers eligible for tax subsidies to buy health insurance next year, the company has apparently calculated that offering medical coverage to part-timers who work 18 hours or more is no longer worth the cost.

"Depending on income you may earn outside of Trader Joe's" -- i.e., another job -- "we believe that with the $500 from Trader Joe's and the tax credits available under the ACA, many of you should be able to obtain health care coverage at very little if any net cost to you," Bane wrote in the memo.

Of course, the administration never seemed to figure that businesses would be ending coverage for employees and letting the government take over. Liberals always seem to have trouble figuring out unintended consequences.

Oops. :D

Fact Check: Part-time workers at Home Depot and Trader Joe's harmed by Obamacare

The Assertion

Part time workers at companies such as Home Depot and Trader Joe's are being harmed because Obamacare is forcing their employers to drop health insurance coverage and force employees to purchase insurance on the exchanges.

It is true that these two companies have said they are dropping insurance coverage for part time workers and encouraging them to get their insurance on the state and federally-run exchanges. The move affects about 5% of Home Depot's worker or about 20,000 to 30,000 workers. These employees had low cost/low benefit "mini med" insurance plans that are prohibited under the Affordable Care Act. About 23% of Trader Joe's work force will be similarly affected. However, Obamacare may not be the only reason behind the benefits adjustments.

In Trader Joe's case, company officials,, using the calculator provided through, estimate that 70% of those working on average 17.3 hours and 29.9 hours per week will pay less for comparable insurance when they switch to a healthcare exchange plan.

For example a Trader Joe's press release cited an example an employee who is a single mom with one child, making $18 an hour and working an average of 25 hours per week. She currently pays $166.50 per month for company-provided health coverage. By moving to a healthcare exchange the worker can buy a comparable policy for $69.59 per month when one factors in the tax credits she will receive. As a result, the company says, the worker will be able to take home an additional $1,675 a year not counting the $500 one-time subsidy Trader Joe's will give her to help defray the cost of buying a policy on the exchange. "This $1,675 of additional income would not be possible if we offered her insurance under our plan, because she would not be able to receive the tax credit available under the ACA," the company said.
Oops. :D

Fact Check: Part-time workers at Home Depot and Trader Joe's harmed by Obamacare

The Assertion

Part time workers at companies such as Home Depot and Trader Joe's are being harmed because Obamacare is forcing their employers to drop health insurance coverage and force employees to purchase insurance on the exchanges.

It is true that these two companies have said they are dropping insurance coverage for part time workers and encouraging them to get their insurance on the state and federally-run exchanges. The move affects about 5% of Home Depot's worker or about 20,000 to 30,000 workers. These employees had low cost/low benefit "mini med" insurance plans that are prohibited under the Affordable Care Act. About 23% of Trader Joe's work force will be similarly affected. However, Obamacare may not be the only reason behind the benefits adjustments.

In Trader Joe's case, company officials,, using the calculator provided through, estimate that 70% of those working on average 17.3 hours and 29.9 hours per week will pay less for comparable insurance when they switch to a healthcare exchange plan.

For example a Trader Joe's press release cited an example an employee who is a single mom with one child, making $18 an hour and working an average of 25 hours per week. She currently pays $166.50 per month for company-provided health coverage. By moving to a healthcare exchange the worker can buy a comparable policy for $69.59 per month when one factors in the tax credits she will receive. As a result, the company says, the worker will be able to take home an additional $1,675 a year not counting the $500 one-time subsidy Trader Joe's will give her to help defray the cost of buying a policy on the exchange. "This $1,675 of additional income would not be possible if we offered her insurance under our plan, because she would not be able to receive the tax credit available under the ACA," the company said.

So what you are saying is that Obamacare is corporate welfare?

Who knew you libs loved corporate welfare. Hypocrite much?
Good thing OBOMBA is looking out for the worker. Things are going according to plan. I don't know who could have predicted this? Oh yeah, anyone who actually read the bill.

Next up will legalizing 11 million low skilled mexicans so they can further put more white folk out of work. Of course it will be the GOPs fault because they supported amnesty against the will of OBOMBA and the democrat party

Im so glad I stopped ignoring you lol. That's so freakin funny dude. You are so dumb that you actually believe this crap. You are like Colbert on steroids!

I don't understand how people can get so dumb! lol This blows my mind.
Trader Joes will not get good employee's anymore and Trader Joes will soon understand that it's their long term good employee's that kept the business functioning with lots of newbie employees. I love what they are doing because it will only teach...............oh way..........I brought out the term that doesn't exist on the Right Wing panel today. When TJ's fails they won't make news of it. They won't care to know why. It will be onto the new hate topic because simple minds need rage and hate for motivation! lol.