He's well beyond the ages that would be drafted. Sean Hannity wouldn't have to move a muscle.Sean Hannity, to Draft Board:
"But, I'm gay!!! You can't accept me into the army, and send me to Iraq!"
If there were a fair and evenly instituted draft that would include the children of the rich and powerfull Iraq would never have happened.
rangle. this is the stupidity that ther american people have selected for the next two years. i guess they needed a reminder of why the got rid of these morons in the first place.
Thankfully it will never pass. I think his logic is flawed. He's saying that we wouldn't be in Iraq if their kids were in the military, but in fact we went to war because our politicians failed us. Would they have used more caution if their kids were going to be in the line of fire, common sense would tell you yes. But if he wants to institute personal accountability (making them more apt to use caution in the future) you can go about that in a variety of ways that don't inlclude putting the general population's lives at risk.
It is a stupid thing to do. If this country is really in danger people will enlist. History has proven that. But the people have little tolerance for wars like Nam and Iraq.
Being so tired of all the Liberal Half truths and non truths about the Draft here are the facts...WWII the majority of all who served were draftees...!
Korean war...the majority of all who served during this(Charlies) war were voulunteers made up of Regular,Reserve,NG and Officer Corps...During the VN war 25% were draftess and the remaining 75% were made up of regulars,Reserves,NG and Officer Corps!
Yeah, but look at all the numbers Battle.
How many troops were needed in each of the wars you mentioned ?
The fact remains liberals keep ranting and comparing VN to Iraq...and are scarred to death that a draft will be initiated...even if it was... still the majority doing the fighting would be volunteers...serving their country out of free will!