Too bad for America!


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MILWAUKEE - U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold has decided against seeking the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination, saying he wanted to focus on his work in the Senate.

In a letter posted on his political action committee’s Web site, Feingold said he was excited that Tuesday’s elections gave Democrats control of both chambers of Congress, giving them the chance to “undo much of the damage that one-party rule has done to America.”
Darn, I was considering him as a candidate for our next presidency....he's my kind of guy! :) Likeable, honest, has integrity, and he thinks things through before voting...
I love Russ but the political machine would rip him to shreds if he tried for pres

I agree with you Desh. I don't think he is electable as President. And while I don't go along with Cypress' feeling that we would be best served with a conservative southern governer or former governer, I am at least a little pragmatic. We need someone electable. I'm partial to a guy who I know is electable, because he has already been elected as President. And while not as liberal as Feingold, he's no DLCer either.

I can live with Gore.
What's wrong with the DLCers?
Nothing, except that there's nothing right about them. They barely even qualify as liberals, for the most part.

Playing to the proverbial least common denominator runs the risk of becoming so bland that one stands for nothing at all. Like the DLC, for example.
Nothing, except that there's nothing right about them. They barely even qualify as liberals, for the most part.

Playing to the proverbial least common denominator runs the risk of becoming so bland that one stands for nothing at all. Like the DLC, for example.

Ornot and I are on the same page here Damo.
some of them love lobbyists and corporate money, more than the do average middle class americans.
All of them work toward freedom for the individual... I can work with that! It's all good, we can just ignore the people in the party that want to stick to Constitutional change and ignore that annoying piece of paper... Let's all start to act like Bush, we know how successful that is over the long term!
Damo, do you want people who've been wrong from day one on Iraq, or people who've been right from day one on iraq, passing judgement on what we should do?

If you have any republicans who've been right all along, and have shown excellent judgment on iraq, I'd be willing to put them on a commission.

I named two. And I'd add Brent Scowcroft to that mix. Other than that, I'd say 95% of republicans cheered bush on for three years into mistake, after mistake, after mistake.
Damo, do you want people who've been wrong from day one on Iraq, or people who've been right from day one on iraq, passing judgement on what we should do?

If you have any republicans who've been right all along, and have shown excellent judgment on iraq, I'd be willing to put them on a commission.

I named two. And I'd add Brent Scowcroft to that mix. Other than that, I'd say 95% of republicans cheered bush on for three years into mistake, after mistake, after mistake.

Yep, I'm letting Brent Scowcroft, Poppy's former NSA, sit on a commission with people like Wes Clark who've been right all along on iraq, and have shown good judgement about Iraq:

General BRENT SCOWCROFT, Poppy Bush’s National Security Advisor: “Saddam is a familiar dictatorial aggressor, with traditional goals for his aggression. There is little evidence to indicate that the United States itself is an object of his aggression…An attack on Iraq at this time would seriously jeopardize, if not destroy, the global counter terrorist campaign we have undertaken.”
Damo, do you want people who've been wrong from day one on Iraq, or people who've been right from day one on iraq, passing judgement on what we should do?

If you have any republicans who've been right all along, and have shown excellent judgment on iraq, I'd be willing to put them on a commission.

I named two. And I'd add Brent Scowcroft to that mix. Other than that, I'd say 95% of republicans cheered bush on for three years into mistake, after mistake, after mistake.
So long as they are intelligent enough to learn from the past I want each group represented in such a committee. Otherwise all you have is a tilt in the other direction and just another group attempting to dictate on the basis that only they can be right on any issue.

If your guys attempt to govern without such representation, well you have already seen what it will do... I believe I am giving sage advice. Do what you will with it. Like I said, I'm willing to watch as you segment us further and lend a victory to the other side by making the same mistakes as did the, oh what do you call it, "Chimp"... Yeah, I think that's what you call a current branch of our government....