To Superfreak: America’s Final Unwind

cancel2 2022

Superfreak, I know they are trying to sell you something but how much of this do you think is true?

And now we’re warning individuals about an even bigger crisis – one so big, it will thrust us into a cataclysmic new economic era!

While this transformation will devastate millions… for those who continue listening it could be a time of great prosperity.

But in order for you to understand the magnitude of the crisis ahead, let me first take you back to what may be remembered as:
"The Darkest Night in Financial History"

It was the strangest and most secretive expedition to ever occur in American history.

In 1910, a party of the nation’s biggest bankers and power brokers (who some say represented a sixth of the world’s wealth at the time) met at a station in Hoboken, New Jersey.

A senator directed each one of the guests to go to a rarely frequented platform, where a private railcar awaited them.

And under the cover of darkness, these financiers scurried out of New Jersey.

Attendees included Nelson Rockefeller's grandfather; the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury; the Presidents of two of the largest banks in the country; Paul Moritz Warburg, a German partner in a large New York bank; and an aid to J. P. Morgan.

After clanking along a railroad track for hundreds of miles, these six men hit the coast of Georgia. There, they embarked on a secret launch headed toward a mysterious island.

The island was deserted, except for a few servants.

There they stayed for a week in rigid secrecy. The guests were forbidden to call each other by their last names, lest the servants learn of their true identities, and lest the truth get out of the top-secret plan they would hatch.

Their master plan was to create and operate an institution that maximizes profits, eliminates competition and that would be able to freely utilize the power of the police state.

The plan worked flawlessly for 99 years.
The Secretive “Committee of 7” that Now Controls the World

The bankers and power-brokers created an institution that today is more powerful than Apple, Wal-Mart, IBM and every S&P 500 company combined.

As Senator Barry Goldwater went on record to say,

"The accounts of the Federal Reserve System have never been audited. It operates outside the control of Congress and manipulates the credit of the United States."

It pays no income taxes and it enables un-elected individuals to control America's currency system...

I’m talking about the Federal Reserve.

And while most Americans believe the deceptively named Federal Reserve is a government agency acting on behalf of its citizens, it’s not.

The Federal Reserve is the most powerful private corporation in the world. And frankly, it’s about as "federal" as Federal Express.

As far back as the 1930s, the Honorable Louis McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee, tried to warn Americans of its true power…

“When the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the people of these United States did not perceive that a world banking system was being set up here. A super-state controlled by international bankers and industrialists acting together to enslave the world. Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers but the truth is the Fed has usurped the government.”

And according to the popular book, The Creature from Jekyll Island, the Fed was founded - by a small group of the world’s richest bankers, including the Rothchilds of Paris and London; Lazard Brother of Paris; Israel Moses Seif of Italy; Kuhn, Loeb, and Warburg of Germany; Goldman, Sachs and the Rockefeller families of New York…

The Federal Reserve is More Like
“The Feudal Reserve.”

In order to keep resources, money supplies and the media in the hands of one power, they rarely married outside their circle… eventually coming to control everything from diamonds to dollars…

That’s how modern empires were built.

And the Federal Reserve is at the end of the day: “The Ultimate Empire”

But this Empire and its "fractional reserve banking" system - a system which let its members create money out of thin air - is now $16 trillion in debt… and it has no easy escape without destroying the money in your wallet.

It has successfully created the "Greatest Ponzi Scheme of All Time."

Unfortunately for our country, this Ponzi scheme is about to collapse…

By December 23rd, 2013, the Final Unwind
Will Have Begun

The role of the Fed, besides lining the pockets of rich bankers, is to protect the value of the dollar.

For the 100 years before the Fed was born, the dollar was resilient – even amid the turbulence of America’s social and economic growing pains. Between 1813 and 1913 – when the Fed was born – the value of a U.S. dollar actually increased by 95%.

But ever since the Jekyll Island cabal centralized America’s monetary policy on December 23, 1913, the day the Fed was officially established, we've witnessed the greatest financial panics in history…

The Great Depression in the 1930s… the draining of gold reserves in the 1960s… stagflation in the 1970s… the dotcom bubble in the early 2000s… the housing bust and the current recession all stem from Fed policies as well.

As for a once-mighty dollar – 99 years ago, when the Fed took control of our monetary system the dollar was still worth a dollar.

Today, it's worth about 4 cents.

That final four cents might not seem like there's much to lose. But what most people don't understand is that from a modern-day perspective, our remaining four cents is equivalent of that 1913 $1 bill.

We can still lose another 97% of our currency… and then another 97% from there. The potential is exponential.

Every crisis in America over the last century began with the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy. The Fed was sold to America as a way to smooth the economic ebbs and flows – to lessen the severity or even avoid the recessions that routinely struck the U.S. economy before 1913. On that front the Fed has succeeded – but at the cost of creating far-larger boom/bust cycles that rob our wealth…

The Fed's solution for fixing all these busts has almost always been a re-flation of the bubble.

But my research tells me this "Game of Thrones" is over. The Fed can’t print its way out this time…

The mainstream media, economists and Wall Street have all overlooked one critical detail – and it’s the ultimate game-changer…

It’s the one thing NO ONE is talking about…

The ONE THING they wished would never come about…

It's NOT the $16 trillion in national debt…

It's NOT the $1 trillion in outstanding student loans…

Nor is it the $97 trillion in entitlement debt…

It's something the FED and all of their men do NOT want you to know about.

By December 23rd, 2013, the Dollar's End
Will Be in Sight!

As you may know by now, major nations like China, Russia, Japan, Brazil, Iran and South Africa, to name a few, are already actively trading directly with one another in local currency.

They've begun to sidestep the dollar.

That's a monumental shift in global trade. Ever since a meeting in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, in the summer of 1944, the world has used the U.S. dollar as its medium of exchange. As that system breaks down, the demand for dollars declines.

That demand is what helps keep our interest rates low and the prices for various commodities from oil to corn less expensive for American families than for most other families in the world.

But consider what's happening:

  • Asia's Mightiest Are Ditching the Dollar! On June 1st, China and Japan began trading using their own currencies. When the yen-to-yuan trade began, it was a huge blow to the dollar that most people didn’t even know occurred.
  • The BRICS Just Kissed the Dollar Goodbye. A new agreement among Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa now promotes the use of their national currencies when trading, instead of the greenback.
  • Buying Oil Without a Single Petrodollar! China is ditching the dollar to buy oil directly from United Arab Emirates. The Chinese National Bank says this agreement is worth the equivalent of $5.5 billion annually. Plus, China and Iran are working on a barter system to exchange Iranian oil for Chinese imported products.
  • Trade is Heating Up Down in Africa. China is its largest trading partner, and is doing everything it can to replace the dollar with Chinese currency. Standard Bank, Africa's largest financial institution, predicts that the equivalent of $100 billion worth of trade between China and Africa will be settled in renminbi in 2015.
  • Oil for Rice – It's Happening! Iran has begun to buy shipments of rice, sugar and soybeans from India, to circumvent U.S. financial sanctions on its oil shipments. Even though India has been unable to pay in full for Iranian oil imports because U.S. sanctions have made it difficult to access U.S. dollars for transactions with Iran… it's now paying Iran in Indian rupee and gold.
If the U.S. dollar is no longer the world's reserve currency…then life as you know it in America will radically change.

The Ripple Effect Has Begun

But there’s something even more devastating to the dollar and the Fed's reign of financial terror than China, Russia, Japan and other major nations circumventing it…

I’m talking about the day when NOT just big nations start dropping the dollar, but the day when even small nations start dropping it also…

That day is already here…

Countries like Turkey, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Brunei, Argentina, Belarus, Malaysia and the Philippines are already abandoning the dollar.

  • Argentina now trades directly with China. Value: Over $23 billion.
  • Indonesia and China swap local currencies. Value: Over $15 billion.
  • South Korea, Malaysia, and Hong Kong trade for yuan. Value: $147 billion.
  • Belarus has traded outside the U.S. dollar. Value: $3.15 billion.

As fewer and fewer buyers need dollars … the Fed's Ponzi scheme will unwind faster, and more furiously, than any financial disaster we've ever seen

This is the ultimate warning sign that countries are rapidly losing confidence in the dollar… and they're getting out of it so they don't go down with the ship.

The Dollar's Day of Reckoning is coming fast.

The International Monetary Fund declared the dollar should cede its role as global reserve currency to an international currency.

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development denounced the dollar saying "the current system of currencies and capital rules that binds the world economy is not working properly… the dollar should be replaced with a global currency."

And in June, the former head of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Joseph Lam, father of Hong Kong's peg to the U.S. dollar, said "that it’s time to review the U.S. dollar peg."

Even U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has said Washington's "quite open" to ideas that the International Monetary Fund build a global reserve currency for the world to use.

Fact is, the Fed’s fiscal ploys over the past 100 years to rob our wealth – paired with political incompetence in America – has given the world no choice but to abandon the dollar.

The Fed’s 100-year experiment in a currency managed by a faux federal entity has failed miserably… and its $16 trillion Ponzi scheme will implode much sooner than people think.

Historians will recognize this as the End of the American Empire. After it, Wall Street will be a very different place. The world of investing will have changed forever. Old rules for retirement will be turned on their heads…
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1) Until there is another country's currency that can replace the dollar, the dollar will remain the reserve currency.
2) We have seen with the Euro that trying to create one currency that covers multiple economies does not work, so the 'world currency' is not likely.
3) China has two of the factors needed to replace us. A big enough economy and a single currency. But they are severely lacking in transparency, so they are not likely a candidate until that changes.
4) If we ever lose reserve currency status, it would most certainly be a game changer in terms of what we can do to stimulate our economy and how much debt we can accumulate. Even as the reserve currency, our debt levels are insane. We are now over 100% of GDP. Unfortunately the two parties have convinced our populace that deficit reduction is what they should focus on rather than elimination of deficit spending (in non-recessionary years) and the pay down of our debt.

That said, we need to burn out the a-holes on Wall St. Their constant manipulation of commodities, currencies, stocks, bonds etc... is going to be our downfall. Left as they are, they will create a bubble that we will not be able to recover from. We need to put Glass Steagall back in place and we need to put an end to the high speed computer trading systems. While the original intent was good, they have once again proven they will abuse whatever power they are given. Which is why they want the world to believe in the need for cap and trade.
It is still held together by German goodwill, it only needs a change of government for it all to unravel.

Maybe, but did the dollar not originally cover vastly different economies? It might be difficult to establish a currency that covers varying economies, but once its established such a currency is very powerful. There are many factors that are acting to keep the Euro in place and active, it will likely survive and become a powerful force. The world is getting smaller and smaller and there will soon (within 100 years) likely only be three main currencies. As soon as two of those decide to tie themselves together the result will be a single world currency.

For the most part the dollar has acted like a single currency for most of the world in the last 100 years. I know other currencies exist, but to one degree or another they are almost all connected to the dollar so while you have the appearance of many currencies, they are so interconnected that the argument could be made that it functions as a dominant world currency, at least until the advent of the Euro.
Maybe, but did the dollar not originally cover vastly different economies? It might be difficult to establish a currency that covers varying economies, but once its established such a currency is very powerful. There are many factors that are acting to keep the Euro in place and active, it will likely survive and become a powerful force. The world is getting smaller and smaller and there will soon (within 100 years) likely only be three main currencies. As soon as two of those decide to tie themselves together the result will be a single world currency.

For the most part the dollar has acted like a single currency for most of the world in the last 100 years. I know other currencies exist, but to one degree or another they are almost all connected to the dollar so while you have the appearance of many currencies, they are so interconnected that the argument could be made that it functions as a dominant world currency, at least until the advent of the Euro.

For a single currency to survive you need a federal government, common language and free movement of labour. That's why the Euro is doomed in its present form, the Mediterranean countries need to exit the Eurozone.
It is still held together by German goodwill, it only needs a change of government for it all to unravel.

One of the German government's closest economic advisers has warned the euro has a "limited chance of survival" and may only last for another five years.

In an interview with newspaper Welt am Sonntag, Dr Konrad, chairman of a scientific council that advises the finance ministry, said: "Europe is important to me. Not the euro. And I would only give the euro a limited chance of survival."
Asked whether the single currency could last five years, he said: "A concrete period is hard to identify as it depends on so many factors. But five years sounds realistic."
He warned no country can pile up debts without risking their investors will pull out, the Telegraph reports.
"It is in each [country's] interests to keep their own debts as small as possible.
"Where the limit lies has to be individually decided. That depends among other things on economic growth and the growth of population," he said.
Konrad added that countries should have the freedom to get into debt, but they must carry "sole responsibility".
His views appear to go against the official German government view the euro must be held together to provide unity in Europe, according to the Telegraph.
In a speech to the Bundestag two years ago, German chancellor Angela Merkel told German MPs: "Nobody should take for granted another 50 years of peace and prosperity in Europe ... that's why I say: If the euro fails, Europe fails."
Maybe, but did the dollar not originally cover vastly different economies? It might be difficult to establish a currency that covers varying economies, but once its established such a currency is very powerful. There are many factors that are acting to keep the Euro in place and active, it will likely survive and become a powerful force. The world is getting smaller and smaller and there will soon (within 100 years) likely only be three main currencies. As soon as two of those decide to tie themselves together the result will be a single world currency.

For the most part the dollar has acted like a single currency for most of the world in the last 100 years. I know other currencies exist, but to one degree or another they are almost all connected to the dollar so while you have the appearance of many currencies, they are so interconnected that the argument could be made that it functions as a dominant world currency, at least until the advent of the Euro.

yes, and the dollar still does cover vastly different economies... but it is also controlled by ONE government. That is where the Euro has problems. It is one currency that has 23 governments who use it.