Time magazine's cover of NJ governor raises outcry?!!


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what's the old saying about bad publicity? Just spell my name correctly.
Christie is going to get fat jokes - he's planning on laughing al the way to the White House.

( 3rd party yet again for me...)
He is a fat ass. He's a fat fvck. Of course if Time did this to a woman I'm sure there'd be all kinds of calls of sexism.
Christie wouldn't be the worst candidate, but I wouldn't vote for him. Not without some convincing.
He is a fat ass. He's a fat fvck. Of course if Time did this to a woman I'm sure there'd be all kinds of calls of sexism.

I don't know about Time magazine but I've seen plenty of insults about Michelle's body type.

"Never in my lifetime have I seen a First Lady’s butt held under a microscope quite like Michelle Obama’s. The FLOTUS was famously criticized for her “large posterior” by Wisconsin Republican, Rep. F James Sensenbrenner, who later apologized. In the same vein, conservative radio jockey Rush Limbaugh refers to her as Michelle “My Butt” Obama. The latest man to take issue with Michelle Obama’s backside is high school football coach Bob Grisham, who is recorded by one of his students saying “Fat butt Michelle Obama. Look at her. She looks like she weighs 185 or 190. She’s overweight.”

what's the old saying about bad publicity? Just spell my name correctly.
Christie is going to get fat jokes - he's planning on laughing al the way to the White House.

( 3rd party yet again for me...)

I probably wouldn't vote for Christie anyway but the health implications of his weight would give me pause. He admits to being a yo-yo dieter.
I probably wouldn't vote for Christie anyway but the health implications of his weight would give me pause. He admits to being a yo-yo dieter.
well..there is too much discrimination agiant overweight (or in his case obese) people.
I admit to carrying too much weight, but i mitigate it in other ways - activity, healthy diet.

It deoends if I thought he's stroke out or not as POTUS-my objection is he's a freaking war-hawk (but they all are)
well..there is too much discrimination agiant overweight (or in his case obese) people.
I admit to carrying too much weight, but i mitigate it in other ways - activity, healthy diet.

It deoends if I thought he's stroke out or not as POTUS-my objection is he's a freaking war-hawk (but they all are)

I agree with your comment about discrimination for overweight. But there are circumstances that have to be taken into consideration, too. How heavy can you grow and still work as a fireman, for example, when the job involves climbing ladders, lifting people, running in and out of burning buildings. Not talking about being just a little overweight but actually obese.

A lot of our Presidents were overweight but I don't think there was a morbidly obese one since Taft.
It will be a joke on the right if he does run. He's so middle of the road I wont even care (of course at this point, I have no idea who the Dems have to run either).
I agree with your comment about discrimination for overweight. But there are circumstances that have to be taken into consideration, too. How heavy can you grow and still work as a fireman, for example, when the job involves climbing ladders, lifting people, running in and out of burning buildings. Not talking about being just a little overweight but actually obese.

A lot of our Presidents were overweight but I don't think there was a morbidly obese one since Taft.
i would agree, todays politicians have to be media stars.
Taft couldn't be POTUS, we like good looking men.
Hillary might be the exception since she has been around so long, she's not judged on her appearence.
That's a small step for sisterhood. no??

I gotta go to bed -early weekend work.. take care.
i would agree, todays politicians have to be media stars.
Taft couldn't be POTUS, we like good looking men.
Hillary might be the exception since she has been around so long, she's not judged on her appearence.
That's a small step for sisterhood. no??

I gotta go to bed -early weekend work.. take care.

Great talkin' atcha annata! Say hi to Slippers!
It will be a joke on the right if he does run. He's so middle of the road I wont even care (of course at this point, I have no idea who the Dems have to run either).

I think he might be able to win because he's middle of the road and will mostly tick off the fringes on each side.
I think he might be able to win because he's middle of the road and will mostly tick off the fringes on each side.

He might. I wouldnt really care, altho I'm not familiar with him on alot of issues. But I hate to see Republicans get an extra edge in Congress....they keep attempting to take us back to the Dark Ages, socially. It's embarrassing.

He'll have an uphill battle, being anti-gun too.
He might. I wouldnt really care, altho I'm not familiar with him on alot of issues. But I hate to see Republicans get an extra edge in Congress....they keep attempting to take us back to the Dark Ages, socially. It's embarrassing.

He'll have an uphill battle, being anti-gun too.

The social thing is my main issue with republicans. I don't know that much about Christie either but he has managed to annoy his own party so that's probably a plus.
what's the old saying about bad publicity? Just spell my name correctly.
Christie is going to get fat jokes - he's planning on laughing al the way to the White House.

( 3rd party yet again for me...)

Over Hilary's dead body...and the bitch can't lift his leg that high.