Threedee Quote "religion is necessary to the success of society"

I agree with that statement. Organised religion is another social control mechanism and has had great social benefits, particularly since the Enlightenment when organised religion was forced to lift its game.
Off point. That was an act of terrorism and not relevant to the question of whether or not religion is necessary for the success of society.
I agree with that statement. Organised religion is another social control mechanism and has had great social benefits, particularly since the Enlightenment when organised religion was forced to lift its game.

I agree too. I would hate to live in a society where no religion, therefore morals, were considered when laws were enacted, though that is what we are rapidly becomming.
No religion = no morals ????
I have no religion but have morals. heck everyone has morals even Satan err... Bush.
I agree too. I would hate to live in a society where no religion, therefore morals, were considered when laws were enacted, though that is what we are rapidly becomming.

Morals don't come from religion nor are religious people any more bound by morals as people who don't believe in religion.

Religion is for broken people and other people who want to profit off broken people.
We make em up or learn em Leaning.

Everyone pretty much has morals, even suicide bombers and terrorists and child molesters.

Many peoples morals just are pretty sucky.
We make em up or learn em Leaning.

Everyone pretty much has morals, even suicide bombers and terrorists and child molesters.

Many peoples morals just are pretty sucky.

Kinda thought so. That's why I push for biblical morals. Not so "sucky."
Depends on which Biblical morals of which you speak.
Some in the bible are pretty sucky too.

the morals of King David ? Of Abraham ?
Kinda thought so. That's why I push for biblical morals. Not so "sucky."
Moral behavior is probably genetically incoded. leaningright seems to think that if you are not a christian then you have no problem murdering people or stealing. Both of those things are harmful to building a sucessful society. Lets just for a second pretend that prior to the advent of religious belief mankind had no moral foundation. So that murdering and stealing and general behaving badly was not malum in se, or bad in and of itself. Well then people would have. They would have murdered and stolen to advance their own cause. That would have very quickly caused a break down in any society and society would have disappeared. You are still going to have the people that deviate from that norm but to pretend or insist that it is ONLY religous belief that hold us all in check is crap. I have no fear of a god or a devil, I do not believe in heaven or hell and my moral behavior is within the norms set out by society.

That being said, I think psychologically most people need a relgious belief and that it is a net benefit.
I agree too. I would hate to live in a society where no religion, therefore morals, were considered when laws were enacted, though that is what we are rapidly becomming.

Our morals are instilled by our genetics, not our religion. They often get distorted but that does not mean they don't exist without religion.
Moral behavior is probably genetically incoded. leaningright seems to think that if you are not a christian then you have no problem murdering people or stealing. Both of those things are harmful to building a sucessful society. Lets just for a second pretend that prior to the advent of religious belief mankind had no moral foundation. So that murdering and stealing and general behaving badly was not malum in se, or bad in and of itself. Well then people would have. They would have murdered and stolen to advance their own cause. That would have very quickly caused a break down in any society and society would have disappeared. You are still going to have the people that deviate from that norm but to pretend or insist that it is ONLY religous belief that hold us all in check is crap. I have no fear of a god or a devil, I do not believe in heaven or hell and my moral behavior is within the norms set out by society.

That being said, I think psychologically most people need a relgious belief and that it is a net benefit.

I'm not a Christian. I don't lie, steal, murder, or cheat, mainly because it makes me feel terrible to do so. I don't even really do drugs or drink, even though I don't really consider it wrong.

Most people are governed that same way. The 1% of people who aren't are sociopaths and antisocials. A good deal of them probably do believe in a God.
You just made the case...counselor...lmao

Moral behavior is probably genetically incoded. leaningright seems to think that if you are not a christian then you have no problem murdering people or stealing. Both of those things are harmful to building a sucessful society. Lets just for a second pretend that prior to the advent of religious belief mankind had no moral foundation. So that murdering and stealing and general behaving badly was not malum in se, or bad in and of itself. Well then people would have. They would have murdered and stolen to advance their own cause. That would have very quickly caused a break down in any society and society would have disappeared. You are still going to have the people that deviate from that norm but to pretend or insist that it is ONLY religous belief that hold us all in check is crap. I have no fear of a god or a devil, I do not believe in heaven or hell and my moral behavior is within the norms set out by society.

That being said, I think psychologically most people need a relgious belief and that it is a net benefit.

Your analogy ...Neanderthals and Cro-magnum society did in fact disappear...organized societies took to a religious belief...thus man floursihed and is still here!
Depends on which Biblical morals of which you speak.
Some in the bible are pretty sucky too.

the morals of King David ? Of Abraham ?

King James was a homosexual pedophile who thought Jesus was in love with John and who enjoyed sex with children while bathed in animal blood.
Morals are genetic in origion ????
KI believe moral behavior is a resultant outcome of the sucess of certain genetic markers. Honestly, we all behave in our best interest. And for the bulk of us, it is in our best interest to live in a ordered and civil society. I am not saying that there is a genetic marker making murder "wrong" or stealing wrong but I think there are markers that encode us for behavior that makes it easier to live in a sucessful society. Those that don't have them and can't get along... we isolate those genetic markers in prisons.
Your analogy ...Neanderthals and Cro-magnum society did in fact disappear...organized societies took to a religious belief...thus man floursihed and is still here!
Yeah it had nothing to do with the fact that neither group were farmers and herders and so technologically did not advance like other groups. It was all cause people believe in god. What a wonderful simple world you live in where if everyone just prayed to a god they would be nice and never kill or rape anyone.