Here is one for you. Have you ever had to sign a piece of paper for a employeer who wnat you to take a drug test to start working for him, to help his chances of wealth--not yours? Have you ever been asked to do a random drug test for a employeer--just brecause you showed up to work to do your job, to support your family?
Yea--we all now think that is OK. We have been conditioned well. I even heard a employeer say that they suspect everybody working on their manufacturing floor to be intoxicated at work--so they have the right to search them all with a random drug test. Boy, I am glad our police department does not think we are all guilty or suspect with no probably cause, or we would have a more corrupt police force than Mexico.
Now, a hot employeer topic is stoping their employees for getting on line at home and saying anything about the comapny. I can see the need to curb the defamers, beut we are talking about freedom of speach here.
employeers alone, make you sign a piece of paper, that voids you of your right to privacy (searching your body, with no probable cause--next is your home sir), and now of your right to free speach. it is legal, becuae you sign it. But if you did not sign it, you could be unemployed. Do you get the ultimatum here? You must give up yopur constitutional rights to work for us, so we have a chance of getting rich, while your scrapping by to pay the bills. How about treating our employees like free people--that work for you so you can have a chance at wealth?
I don't believe a employeer should have the right to ask a private citizan to give up their constitutional rights---just to work for them. The only way any citizen should lose their constitutional rights is if they are under arrest--of which they become a ward of the state. But having a job with many of these employeers, is like being under arrest--isn't it?
Your an ostriadge with your head in the sand and your butt in the air if you believe we have lost no liberity and constitutional rights---that are suppose to be protected by law.
But a good thread you thought of. Thanks.