SR, you miss my point. You are suggesting that some sort of legistalive body making its decisions through popular opinion is better at deciding who people should or should not have the right to ignore. You are defacto relegating the individual to a political process. You know me SR. You know that I respect the rights of the individual above the subjugation of rights by a beauracracy.
no, through representation the people decide what is acceptable behavior. You dont need me to allow you an option to ignore. You need me to enforce the desires of acceptable behavior. In terms of a message forum, I can offer you the same protections against such censorship as I offer anyone else as long as the terms for deciding what behavior make you deserving of such censorship are applied to everyone else. OTHERWISE no one is ever censored by anyone else.
You know me SR. You know that I respect the rights of the individual above the subjugation of rights by a beauracracy.
And free speech rights shouldnt be facilitated by the government, meaning I shouldnt be able to refuse to offer you the same right to be heard as anyone else in the same medium and chosen environment because youre black. The subjugation of rights facilitated by the government is just as bad.
All speech is protected here as well. What you are failing to realize is that nobody is being precluded from saying anything whatsoever, in any capacity here. People in fact are afforded the freedom to preclude what they read, but nobody is precluded from writing anything. We both know the same can't be said for your board.
sure it can, the only difference Is i dont facilitate it on an individual basis. no one depends on me, they do it themselves and accountable for their own decisons, if they dont want to read something it is up to them to not read it, one thing is for sure though, ALL speech is equally visible to ALL members no matter their taste as they choose to go to the forum, and they choose to click on a thread.
The difference is that you make it collectivist, and Damo makes it individual. With the Security Council, people will be able to only act upon what a beauracracy says, and in doing so, they will be able to ignore all, or ignore none. You're completely relegating the individual to a group that determines what is and what is not a troll. The individual becomes secondary to the popular election. Again, a collectivist approach.
I would hope that any type of censoring is done on a collectivist level if we are to operate equally in the same medium. I dont want a police officer in Denver to make up his own mind that I should not sing "Silent Nite" to myself as i walk down a public street just because he hates the song, or he hates me for being white, or for whatever reason. I like the protection of knowing what i can do to prevent me from being silenced. Left up to the individual there is no longer that protection, no method of appeal, if i dont like you i can silence you even though we both should be equal in this medium, we should have the same rights, the same protections.
But we are not in a room in the classic sense. I'll humor you anyway though. Say this room is full of beautiful blonde sirens, and one fat obnoxious broad suffering from halitosis and athelete's foot. I would love to be in this room of sirens only, and be avoiding the beast, but the Security council says that in order to avoid the beast, I must also give up the sirens. The SC has essentially said that I must give my power to ignore and accept to a couple of people who I find the least untrustworthy. Do you get that?
Actually its the exact opposite, you dont have to avoid the sirens, you do however need to convince a majority of the people in building that the fat obnoxious beast is not acceptable. If you cannot do that, then you will suffer her but you wont be missing any of the blondes. If you can, then you will have an option, to ignore her. At the very least she knows that hey, "im fat, im diseased, if i lose some weight and get healthy I can avoid this". In either case you dont lose the blondes, but you do have to make a decison and hold yourself to account, "are the blondes worth suffering the beast?" if so, make a choice to go in the room, if not make a choice not too, but in either case I DID NOT FACILITATE YOUR PERSONAL DESIRES, they were and are still out of my hands, where they should be.
And we are in a room. We access the building the same way, we walk through the building in the same halls, all the rooms are available to each of us in the same manner, our voice is the same volume, everything is the same at a forum. You may not like taking account for your actions, but thats how equality is protected, I work hard to succeed, I like to play poker and If i lose I pay for it, i want to read this thread and toby is in it so ill suffer him, UNLESS people make a distinction of unacceptable behavior in this environment, and then and only then can they look to the executive to enforce rules or laws against it.