This is the Islam

We should absolve ourselves of the notion that there is any such thing as a moderate muslim. There isn't.

Think about what we consider a moderate muslim? One who doesn't want to cut your head off. That is what passes for a moderate in Islum? Fuck the camel fucking hummous eating bastards.

We could crush them if we had the political will and weren't crippled by multiculturalism. Stupid libtards think they can feed the crocodile and hope they get eaten last
There are no moderate Christians.
They are all pagan babies

Ask yourself this question AIDS fucker. If someone depicts Jesus Christ in a manner offensive to Christians do you worry that Christians will riot? Get mad? Storm embassies? If some douche nozzle like yourself creates some half baked YouTube video of Jesus Christ, will a bunch of crazed Christians storm a US embassy in Italy and kill a US Ambassador?

The answer is FUCK NO.

But, hey we can't offend the camel fucking muslimes. Oh no, they might get their delicate sensibilities hurt. I don't associate with them unless I have no choice. In social circles, I always them one question. "Do you think the US should be governed by Sharia"? If they don't answer NO in less than one second, they are dead to me.
Ask yourself this question AIDS fucker. If someone depicts Jesus Christ in a manner offensive to Christians do you worry that Christians will riot? Get mad? Storm embassies? If some douche nozzle like yourself creates some half baked YouTube video of Jesus Christ, will a bunch of crazed Christians storm a US embassy in Italy and kill a US Ambassador?

The answer is FUCK NO.

But, hey we can't offend the camel fucking muslimes. Oh no, they might get their delicate sensibilities hurt. I don't associate with them unless I have no choice. In social circles, I always them one question. "Do you think the US should be governed by Sharia"? If they don't answer NO in less than one second, they are dead to me.

The naked, seething rage bubbling up through ILA'S hate filled rant is just a joy to behold.

ILA literally admits he's a hateful ass.
Islam is a rapidly spreading ideology. Its overturning governments. Its numbers surge. Look at Europe, Turkey. Its a thing, and a very real thing.
Ask yourself this question AIDS fucker. If someone depicts Jesus Christ in a manner offensive to Christians do you worry that Christians will riot? Get mad? Storm embassies? If some douche nozzle like yourself creates some half baked YouTube video of Jesus Christ, will a bunch of crazed Christians storm a US embassy in Italy and kill a US Ambassador?

The answer is FUCK NO.

But, hey we can't offend the camel fucking muslimes. Oh no, they might get their delicate sensibilities hurt. I don't associate with them unless I have no choice. In social circles, I always them one question. "Do you think the US should be governed by Sharia"? If they don't answer NO in less than one second, they are dead to me.
You fundamentalist Christians kill way more than Muslims.
Herpes mouth
Iowa Youth Pastor Rapes Boys To ‘Cure’ Them Of Homosexuality, Won’t Spend One Day In Prison

There are no moderate Christians.
They are all pagan babies

The naked, seething rage bubbling up through ILA'S hate filled rant is just a joy to behold.

ILA literally admits he's a hateful ass.

You fundamentalist Christians kill way more than Muslims.
Herpes mouth

Christians are dirty uneducated white trash hillbillies.

I said in the op that pinheads defend this shit because its Muslims, not really thinking they would be stupid enough to actually come out and
show it so openly......but all ya gotta do is read the posts, look at the thanks and groans and I'm proven absolutely right again....
Damn, I'm glad I didn't ban the moron Dude from the thread ..... hes is priceless....takes the bait every time....sticks his foot in his mouth and then packs the
entire thing up his ass again where it was to begin ya Dude....

and thanks seem to understand the terror and torture this child suffered...and I hope your not falling for the denial bullshit...
imagine....8 fuckin' years old and raped to death by a barbarian....cause the prophet did it too...
I said in the op that pinheads defend this shit because its Muslims, not really thinking they would be stupid enough to actually come out and
show it so openly......but all ya gotta do is read the posts, look at the thanks and groans and I'm proven absolutely right again....
Damn, I'm glad I didn't ban the moron Dude from the thread ..... hes is priceless....takes the bait every time....sticks his foot in his mouth and then packs the
entire thing up his ass again where it was to begin ya Dude....

and thanks seem to understand the terror and torture this child suffered...and I hope your not falling for the denial bullshit...
imagine....8 fuckin' years old and raped to death by a barbarian....cause the prophet did it too...

We all understand (I hope) the unbearable terror this child suffered. We just don't get why it's worse when a Muslim does it than when a Christian does it. And before you tell me you didn't say that, I know... and I also know that no one here posts on American rapes and tortures and attributes them to Christianity.
I said in the op that pinheads defend this shit because its Muslims, not really thinking they would be stupid enough to actually come out and
show it so openly......but all ya gotta do is read the posts, look at the thanks and groans and I'm proven absolutely right again....
Damn, I'm glad I didn't ban the moron Dude from the thread ..... hes is priceless....takes the bait every time....sticks his foot in his mouth and then packs the
entire thing up his ass again where it was to begin ya Dude....

and thanks seem to understand the terror and torture this child suffered...and I hope your not falling for the denial bullshit...y

imagine....8 fuckin' years old and raped to death by a barbarian....cause the prophet did it too...

Interesting facts