This is how the GOP can win nationally

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
If he was in my district I would consider voting for Mike Lee.

The big problem that the GOP currently has is that they are a currently a coalition of radical southern conservatives steeped in 1950's racist ideology and Plutocrats.

This alliance has alienated mainstream voters in the center who reject both bigotry and plutocracy. Mitt Romney gave an incredibly honest opinion that the GOP has of the working class in that they believe that "47%" who do not earn enough to pay income taxes are free riders who do not take responsibilities for their lives. Not only is Romney's opinion highly representative of the plutocrats in the GOP it is also just plain factually incorrect, not to mention, delusional and highly offensive to working Americans.

Mr. Lee is right in that the GOP needs to focus on helping the working and middle class so that they can work and earn their way towards upward social mobility instead of running on a treadmill as they have done for the last 40 years. By emphasizing a progressive tax where the wealthy should pay most of the taxes and rejecting unfair flat taxes and by simplifying our tax code to get government out of the way of those working to succeed and to stop the reverse socialism and corporate welfare at the expense of the middle and working classes and by opposing crony capitalism in which ,as the author states,the few economic elites pull the ladders of opportunity up behind them and thus eliminating opportunities for those who work to succeed.

This is the path for GOP success. In fact it's the path for Democratic success!
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the only problem is their money people don't want to help those Americans.

they want a world run by the countries robmoneys.

that is why Grover needs to weaken and kill our democracy.

Its why cons are taught to HATE democracy and pretend we are not one.
It's not just the money people. Radical southern conservatives are opposed to modernizing any policies that help the working class or racial minorities. As for "the money people". Time and time again it has been shown in the American electoral system that money may go a long way to help you get elected.....but you can't buy an election.

Look at the business woman from Cali (can't remember her name off the top of my head) who ran for the US Senate. She spent over $100 million of her own money....and lost!
Romney later tried to recant the 47% comment, but I remember Dixie ran with it and loved it.
If he was in my district I would consider voting for Mike Lee.

The big problem that the GOP currently has is that they are a currently a coalition of radical southern conservatives steeped in 1950's racist ideology and Plutocrats.

This alliance has alienated mainstream voters in the center who reject both bigotry and plutocracy. Mitt Romney gave an incredibly honest opinion that the GOP has of the working class in that they believe that "47%" who do not earn enough to pay income taxes are free riders who do not take responsibilities for their lives. Not only is Romney's opinion highly representative of the plutocrats in the GOP it is also just plain factually incorrect, not to mention, delusional and highly offensive to working Americans.

Mr. Lee is right in that the GOP needs to focus on helping the working and middle class so that they can work and earn their way towards upward social mobility instead of running on a treadmill as they have done for the last 40 years. By emphasizing a progressive tax where the wealthy should pay most of the taxes and rejecting unfair flat taxes and by simplifying our tax code to get government out of the way of those working to succeed and to stop the reverse socialism and corporate welfare at the expense of the middle and working classes and by opposing crony capitalism in which ,as the author states,the few economic elites pull the ladders of opportunity up behind them and thus eliminating opportunities for those who work to succeed.

This is the path for GOP success. In fact it's the path for Democratic success!

which is why over half of the Reps in Congress are not from the south and half of the Rep Senators are not from the south. add to that I added KS and MO to 'the south' just to help you out.

By the way... 12 Reps from Ohio and one of your Senators are Republicans.
Romney later tried to recant the 47% comment, but I remember Dixie ran with it and loved it.
Yea that was like Kerry's idiotic "I was against the war before I was for it" comment. It was the gift that kept on giving. I think Romney would have lost had he not made that comment but I think that comment cemented Obama's victory over him.

I also got a kick out of the fact that it was Jimmy Carters grandson who did him in. Considering how the GOP loves to demonize former President Carter I found the irony delicious! LOL
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which is why over half of the Reps in Congress are not from the south and half of the Rep Senators are not from the south. add to that I added KS and MO to 'the south' just to help you out.

By the way... 12 Reps from Ohio and one of your Senators are Republicans.
That's very true. I should have included rural midwesterners and libertarian westerners as part of the GOP coalition. However, having been a rural midwesterner for half my life, I can assure you that the rhetoric of Rep. Lee, a libertarian minded westerner, would resinate with them.
That's very true. I should have included rural midwesterners and libertarian westerners as part of the GOP coalition. However, having been a rural midwesterner for half my life, I can assure you that the rhetoric of Rep. Lee, a libertarian minded westerner, would resinate with them.

yeah, actually they are from all over the country, NE, Midwest, Plains, South, Mountain states, even some on the left coast. You just want to use your standard bigoted line of crap because it makes you feelz superior.
Yea that was like Kerry's idiotic "I was against the war before I was for it" comment. It was the gift that kept on giving. I think Romney would have lost had he not made that comment but I think that comment cemented Obama's victory over him.

I also got a kick out of the fact that it was Jimmy Carters grandson who did him in. Considering how the GOP loves to demonize former President Carter I found the irony delicious! LOL

The Irony is very sweet for the Carters, I'm sure.

I remember posting on here the day after the 47% comment that the election was basically over, I was ridiculed for that statement.
The Irony is very sweet for the Carters, I'm sure.

I remember posting on here the day after the 47% comment that the election was basically over, I was ridiculed for that statement.

Many republicans in the internet has been saying it for a great deal of time, they were just surprised to find how noxious the core of their philosophy was to the average American.
It's not just the money people. Radical southern conservatives are opposed to modernizing any policies that help the working class or racial minorities. As for "the money people". Time and time again it has been shown in the American electoral system that money may go a long way to help you get elected.....but you can't buy an election.

Look at the business woman from Cali (can't remember her name off the top of my head) who ran for the US Senate. She spent over $100 million of her own money....and lost!

Meg Whitman
If he was in my district I would consider voting for Mike Lee.

The big problem that the GOP currently has is that they are a currently a coalition of radical southern conservatives steeped in 1950's racist ideology and Plutocrats.

This alliance has alienated mainstream voters in the center who reject both bigotry and plutocracy. Mitt Romney gave an incredibly honest opinion that the GOP has of the working class in that they believe that "47%" who do not earn enough to pay income taxes are free riders who do not take responsibilities for their lives. Not only is Romney's opinion highly representative of the plutocrats in the GOP it is also just plain factually incorrect, not to mention, delusional and highly offensive to working Americans.

Mr. Lee is right in that the GOP needs to focus on helping the working and middle class so that they can work and earn their way towards upward social mobility instead of running on a treadmill as they have done for the last 40 years. By emphasizing a progressive tax where the wealthy should pay most of the taxes and rejecting unfair flat taxes and by simplifying our tax code to get government out of the way of those working to succeed and to stop the reverse socialism and corporate welfare at the expense of the middle and working classes and by opposing crony capitalism in which ,as the author states,the few economic elites pull the ladders of opportunity up behind them and thus eliminating opportunities for those who work to succeed.

This is the path for GOP success. In fact it's the path for Democratic success!

His votes on social issues are 1950's thinking, he is going to have to work on those.
His votes on social issues are 1950's thinking, he is going to have to work on those.
Yea...if he's a social knuckle dragger I'd have a hard time voting for him. I figured as a westerner he probably had libertarian social views but it slipped my mind that coming from Utah he's probably a Mormon.