This in a nutshell.....

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
Is why Hilliary will win in 2016 if she runs. The only Republican that polls even close to her in the national polls is Chris Christie and Christie is not well liked by the conservative Republican base. His strength is with moderates and independants and in many States only Registered Republicans can vote in a Republican primary meaning Christie cannot win the GOP primaries or will have to go so far to the right that he'll alienate his independent supporters.

It's looking good for Hilliary if she decides to run. What really surprised me is the strength of Elizabeth Warren who is more popular nationally, even with only around 50% of those polled knowing enough about her than all the Republican field except Christie.

It does look good for the GOP presidential aspirations as it may be tanked by the Solid South once again. That would make it 6 out of 7 Presidential elections that the GOP has lost the national vote due mainly to the reactionary conservatives of the Solid South.
Last edited: Warren could actually become President.
It's certainly possible. She's an academic who has a lot to learn about politics though. It is odd, don't you think, that the Republican who is the most popular in the nation only ranks about 8 with Republicans.

If you discount Christie as being unexceptable to the mouthbreathing Republican base, that's two women who lead the national polls. Interesting indeed.
The question I have on Warren is if nominated she would be the first true liberal Democratic Presidential candidate since Dukakis. Could she compete against an experienced operator and center right Republican like Christie? The rest of the Republican field I think she could trounce.

So the question here is.....will Hilliary run and if not, would Warren then be the Democratic front runner?
The question I have on Warren is if nominated she would be the first true liberal Democratic Presidential candidate since Dukakis. Could she compete against an experienced operator and center right Republican like Christie? The rest of the Republican field I think she could trounce.

So the question here is.....will Hilliary run and if not, would Warren then be the Democratic front runner?

I don't know. I think she'd need a lot of work for the debates, because they would portray her as a school marm, but Brown tried that and it didn't work. Of course, that was in Massachusetts. She would need a barracuda on her staff. Several of them. Warren could actually become President.

He didn't say that. He just said how surprising her standing is.
This country cannot possibly afford another inexperienced idealist for president.
The only possible chance we have is to get Hillary back into the White House, and 8 years too late at that.
He didn't say that. He just said how surprising her standing is.
This country cannot possibly afford another inexperienced idealist for president.
The only possible chance we have is to get Hillary back into the White House, and 8 years too late at that.

Do you care to debate this?
But yeah, she'd be a liberal President. I mean, I can't even imagine a liberal president. It makes my heart beat faster.

Be careful where you let your heart go Darla.
The reason we have such a monumental national debt is in case an actual liberal ever becomes president.
Be careful where you let your heart go Darla.
The reason we have such a monumental national debt is in case an actual liberal ever becomes president.

Well, I think that we do have that debt in order to break the bank so we are "forced" to cut social programs, whether a liberal ever becomes president or not.

I'd love to have a liberal President. I love Warren!
Well, I think that we do have that debt in order to break the bank so we are "forced" to cut social programs, whether a liberal ever becomes president or not.

I'd love to have a liberal President. I love Warren!

Exactly my point. Therefore it doesn't matter whether we have a liberal president or not, since either way, their hands are tied.
I don't know. I think she'd need a lot of work for the debates, because they would portray her as a school marm, but Brown tried that and it didn't work. Of course, that was in Massachusetts. She would need a barracuda on her staff. Several of them.
Those are available. I think Warren is particularly viable as a candidate, if Hilliary doesn't run, cause I sense this prevailling mood in much of the nation for a backlash against the intransigence of reactionary southern politicians and their antiquated views, particularly about education, race/gender equity and economic development in which southern politicians are a lead anchor around this nations neck. I think there are a vast majority of like minded people in this nation who abhor the thought of a Southern conservative as President but also a desire to rub it in their faces because of their intransigence, obstinancy and obstructionism.

In other words, I think the timing is just right for our first woman president. As most people know that nominating a Woman for president would make Southern politicians howl as loudly as when Obama was nominated. Particularly one with Warren's liberal street cred. She's no centrist Democrat like Obama or Clinton. She's a true liberal Democrat.
But yeah, she'd be a liberal President. I mean, I can't even imagine a liberal president. It makes my heart beat faster.
I don't have a problem with a liberal long as they are not a social welfare state liberal. I have as much use for them as southern conservatives.
He didn't say that. He just said how surprising her standing is.
This country cannot possibly afford another inexperienced idealist for president.
The only possible chance we have is to get Hillary back into the White House, and 8 years too late at that.
That would be a problem for Warren. The public does have that perception of her. That can change though. The primaries sort that stuff out. You're making a big assumption with Hilliary. If she did run and was ambitious for two terms she's be 77 at the end of her second term. I saw how Reagan floundered badly in his second term. He just didn't have the energy or the focus to lead properly. Besides, she may lost her shot when she was beat by Obama in 2008 and may no longer have the ambition. I would not be surprized at all if she did not run.

However, here's a thought. What if she runs for one term with Elizabeth Warren as her running mate? She might persue one term with the idea of handing off to Warren is she wasn't up to a second run.
That would be a problem for Warren. The public does have that perception of her. That can change though. The primaries sort that stuff out. You're making a big assumption with Hilliary. If she did run and was ambitious for two terms she's be 77 at the end of her second term. I saw how Reagan floundered badly in his second term. He just didn't have the energy or the focus to lead properly. Besides, she may lost her shot when she was beat by Obama in 2008 and may no longer have the ambition. I would not be surprized at all if she did not run.

However, here's a thought. What if she runs for one term with Elizabeth Warren as her running mate? She might persue one term with the idea of handing off to Warren is she wasn't up to a second run.

Could two women run on the same ticket?

Hillary is definitely running btw.
Be careful where you let your heart go Darla.
The reason we have such a monumental national debt is in case an actual liberal ever becomes president.
What? How the hell can you say that when the vast majority of our national debt was accrued by Republican administrations spending money like drunken sailors on military adventurism or, as in Obama's case, having to dig us out the shithole that previous Republican administrations left us in.
What do you mean by "social welfare state liberal"?

He means the kind of liberal you want, but it doesn't matter, since whoever gets elected faces the same problem as Clinton and Obama faced; massive debt racked up by the GOP to curtail progress.