Did you think we meant that the Democrat Party would never win another election, and would cease to exist by the 2006 elections? Do you think that winning a mid-term election, in the sixth year of an opposition presidency, is some indicator that your party is eternally invincible?
Here is the deal, the Democrats have been hijacked by the left-wing nuts, and if they don't begin to 'moderate' and appeal to the 60% conservative electorate of America, they will ultimately spell the demise of the party. You can do your little cute "look at us, we're conservatives!" dance, just so many times, before people become wise to it. Right now, you are managing to fool enough people into voting for your socialist asses, by pretending to be something you're not.
I know, you are all like little retarded kids on a field trip, we have to round you up from beneath the willow trees, and bring you back to reality with the rest of us, you just got too excited from the win. This election was significant, but it wasn't historic, and it wasn't a mandate. Had it not been for your 11th-hour dirty tricks, you may have well lost it. It's not like America went to the polls in droves to adopt socialism, but that's what one would think, in listening to the pinheads these days.