this day is weird


on indefiniate mod break
is there anything going onto today?

everything seems so slow

maybe it's because I am functioning on two hours of sleep and half a coffee and a redbull only gets me so far.

I am so tired.

I want soup.

But today seems really slow and uneventful. I feel like the day is on pause.
Wow! I don't think I've had a 30 hour period with more twists and turns regarding news in my lifetime. OK, Cuban Missile Crisis, but I was like 5.

I thought that weekend with Kerry 'go to war' on Friday; Obama 'go to Congress' on Sat; Kerry arguing 'Obama right' on Sunday was something, the past two days? :whoa:
BM is starting a bunch of threads no one responds to.

Most of the rest are about Syria.

So yeah, slow day.

Watch videos, veg out.
I am drinking a very nice Samuel Adams, Ruby Mild, and indeed it is. Trivia on the label states, " Mild ales rose in popularity in the 1800's as the refreshing brew of choice for English railway laboreres."

It is light, slightly malty, refreshing. I think I shall have another.
is there anything going onto today?

everything seems so slow

maybe it's because I am functioning on two hours of sleep and half a coffee and a redbull only gets me so far.

I am so tired.

I want soup.

But today seems really slow and uneventful. I feel like the day is on pause.

Must have been the calm before the storm Grind.