They asked for it


Democrats have always been a little slow to get to meat and potatoes....they waste away their time pushing the peas around the plate until everything is cold.

Some old dutchman said that to me one day, I forget the topic ....its quaint and kooky enough to remember

I see what he was getting at now with the unions epiphany on this Obamacare debacle

Now they got it. Now they don't like it. I say tough shit. Of course they don't really care about whether the rest of America gets fucked by OBOMBAcare. Oh no, they just want their fucking waivers.

I hope they don't get em, but they will. OBOMBA will make them wait until closer to the mid term election so he can make sure they ramp up their thugs to "get out the vote"

You won't ever admit that you're wrong but you will eventually fall silent when Obamacare starts to benefit peasants of your ilk.

And you're right, they're not like you and your side who care about other people so much.
You won't ever admit that you're wrong but you will eventually fall silent when Obamacare starts to benefit peasants of your ilk.

And you're right, they're not like you and your side who care about other people so much.

So you are saying te union thugs just don't get it?