these charts will blow cac party away

The problem I have with those demographis are they are purely statistical numbers. Those are projected growth rates based on current conditions and that's that problem with those statistics. It's very doubtful that population numbers that large, particularly in Asia and Africa are sustainable.
yes that is what a prediction is.

an estimate on what things could be like and what actions to take to avert anything that may not be preferable
I like this quote from the link:

The one really hopeful case is the United States, which, as you can see, expects pretty healthy, sustained growth. Immigration to the U.S. is the big factor here, the thing that helps inure the U.S. to the demographic decline haunting the rest of the developed world. Usually, countries see their populations decline as soon as they get rich, making their success almost self-defeating. Immigration helps the U.S. to do what very few other countries, including China, has yet figured out: how to be a rich country with a growing population.


If you take the U.S. out of the above chart, that makes it a little easier to see the distinction between developed countries that have robust immigration and those that don’t. Germany, Japan and South Korea – which, like most of the developed world, tightly restrict immigration – all see declines. But the United Kingdom and France, which allow some immigration from their former colonies, are projected to enjoy modest but healthy population growth. It’s not quite as pronounced as in the United States, but it will likely help them avoid some of the demographic-led economic decline projected in the rest of Europe. It’s an irony that more than 150 years after the end of colonialism, its two widest practitioners will continue to benefit.

We really need to update our immigration policy! Immigrants are important to our country; we need to figure a safe and efficient way to let them in legally (and of course to legalize those here already)

Great set of charts; thanks!

this country was built by immigrants.

the right has pushed themselves in a corner to win elections ( along with cheating) and now they have no way out of the mess they made.

they handed the keys to the brainless
I like this quote from the link:


We really need to update our immigration policy! Immigrants are important to our country; we need to figure a safe and efficient way to let them in legally (and of course to legalize those here already)

Great set of charts; thanks!

I agree with you completely on the bolded part.
good for you cawacko

It's the same position I've always had. First off I want the best and the brightest in the world to come to America. A large number of the new businesses in America are started by (recent) immigrants. I want these people using their creativity and smarts to benefit our country.

I cannot fault someone from another country who wants to come to America to work hard and try and make a better life for their family. We need to have a better system to allow those people to obtain work visas so they can come here legally.

The U.S. cannot hide behind protectionist trade policies and we can't close off our countries borders to immigration.
I agree with you completely on the bolded part.

But not the part about legalizing those who are already here? (smile)

Our immigration system is horrible. I worked with people here on H2B visas; if they went to another company, that company had to responsor the visa, which took months. If they got fired, they had to leave the country in 2 weeks if they didn't find another job. And the green card process - if they started it at Company A, if they went to Company B they had to start all over - and it took 3 to 5 years.

Don't know if it's still that way, but there has to be lots of room for streamlining and efficiency in there.

In terms of those already here - we can't kick 12 million people out. Our economy can't handle it, and it would be cruel to their families. So we need a way to legalize them - I'm not saying citizenship, but a legal worker program that works.
But not the part about legalizing those who are already here? (smile)

Our immigration system is horrible. I worked with people here on H2B visas; if they went to another company, that company had to responsor the visa, which took months. If they got fired, they had to leave the country in 2 weeks if they didn't find another job. And the green card process - if they started it at Company A, if they went to Company B they had to start all over - and it took 3 to 5 years.

Don't know if it's still that way, but there has to be lots of room for streamlining and efficiency in there.

In terms of those already here - we can't kick 12 million people out. Our economy can't handle it, and it would be cruel to their families. So we need a way to legalize them - I'm not saying citizenship, but a legal worker program that works.

It's something about giving citizenship to those who came here illegally I struggle with (not that my opinion really matters) but I would be all for giving them work visas that allow them to stay in the country. For those who came here legally and overstayed their visa's I'm ok with offering a path to citizenship. Maybe that's completely hypocritical on my part but the fact that they came here legally originally is the difference to me.

And something must be done about the experiences you described above with the H2B visas. That's just crazy.
They did not do it out of anything but a need to make some kind of lives for their families.

not a thing I believe deserves punishment.

Its alright to use compassion.

It will not make us lesser beings
They did not do it out of anything but a need to make some kind of lives for their families.

not a thing I believe deserves punishment.

Its alright to use compassion.

It will not make us lesser beings

Fair enough. I don't see how that is racism though.