there was a time when Americans were proud to help each other



One reader called me in tears. Dozens sent e-mails. The overwhelming message: What can we do to help low-income people in East Carroll Parish, Louisiana, which has the highest income inequality of any county or parish in the country?

CNN featured East Carroll Parish and Lake Providence, the parish's largest town, as part of the Change the List project. It's a place where about 40% live in poverty and 16% are unemployed. There's wealth there, too, but it's far from evenly distributed.

Much of the response was incredibly heartwarming and generous. It reminded me that this country does have the empathy and caring it needs to mend our economic divisions.

"I just read portions of your story on Delores Gilmore," a prison guard who lives on the poorer side of Lake Providence, "and I am moved to tears," one reader said in an e-mail. "Although I know that structural change is the only way to truly help people like her, is there a way for me to make a donation to her and her family?"

Another wrote, "Thank you for the enlightening story. I hope I can help some way."

And here's an excerpt of what I think was the most powerful response, which I received by e-mail: "I watched this video and read the article this morning sitting in my 1,400-square-foot house, on my iPad. By the end I was bawling. My family is middle-class and we want for nothing. My husband and I are both college graduates, have great benefits, and our two young children have everything they need or want. ... I have been one of those that bemoaned government assistance and had that 'bootstrap' mentality. However, as your article suggests, how can that happen when there are places where there are no opportunities to be had?"
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anyone who screams the bootstrap crap has NO idea what real poverty is like

Do you know personally what real poverty is?

If you want to know what to do to help people, dig in your own pocket and give them your own cash voluntarily. Why don't you do that?

Why do you turn to gobblement? What is compassionate about sitting on your computer with your wrinkled old fingers tap tap tapping away that the government should take the property of others to satisfy your conscience? Spare me
Do you know personally what real poverty is?

If you want to know what to do to help people, dig in your own pocket and give them your own cash voluntarily. Why don't you do that?

Why do you turn to gobblement? What is compassionate about sitting on your computer with your wrinkled old fingers tap tap tapping away that the government should take the property of others to satisfy your conscience? Spare me
Take it easy on Deshy. She's just a dumb little Communist cunt.
Oh really is that why they are shrinking?
yep. People want a truly Conservative party, not a GOP that talks out of both sides of its mouth just like the Democrats do. There are no Conservatives in the Democrat party. They are all extremist Leftwing nutjobs.
From the article....

Because so many of you asked how to help, I've compiled a list of a few nonprofit organizations that are helping people find jobs, paying people's electric bills and strengthening neighborhoods in the area.

NOVA Workforce Institute of Northeast Louisiana
NOVA, based in nearby Monroe, Louisiana, provides jobs training programs in Lake Providence and surrounding communities.

Together for Hope
A project of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, Together for Hope tries to reduce poverty in some of the poorest communities in the United States. The group employs a missionary, Jenny Hodge, in Lake Providence.

Catholic Charities
A satellite office of Catholic Charities is open in Lake Providence a couple days a week. The group primarily pays utility bills and rent for low-income residents in emergency situations, said Sister Bernadette Barrett, who works with the group locally.


Who is missing? I seen no NAACP, no Jesse Jackson and his Rainbow Push Coalition, no Al Sharpton and his National Action Network assisting these people.

According to liberals, churches are evil and should be destroyed, so why are they helping poor people.
Go worship King George. This is why we AMERICANS KICKED YOUR ASSES in the first place.

You perverted buggers and your donkeys! Get someone to tell you about girls, for godsake! Why do Americans want independence anyway - they hardly seem fit for it, do they, poor shambling clowns? :)
You perverted buggers and your donkeys! Get someone to tell you about girls, for godsake! Why do Americans want independence anyway - they hardly seem fit for it, do they, poor shambling clowns? :)

How completely unfair of you.

They only have power because they have cheated our elections.

Quit blaming the people who are being cheated by sociopaths
You perverted buggers and your donkeys! Get someone to tell you about girls, for godsake! Why do Americans want independence anyway - they hardly seem fit for it, do they, poor shambling clowns? :)
And just who the fuck are you to tell us whether we are fit for independence. The GOP was right in opposing bailing you fuckers out during WWII.