There is no ammo shortage


Verified User
The ammo company's are making ammo as fast as they can .
There is a ammo glut . more people are buying ammo . more new gun owners this year. Millions of democrats were first time gun buyers .
The riots soured a lot of people to buy guns in fear of the blm riots in their areas. Then the pandemic came along. And finally the nut job anti gun blow hole biter and back door Harris were elected spreading panic.
Ammo company's cant keep up with the demand .
The ammo company's are making ammo as fast as they can .
There is a ammo glut . more people are buying ammo . more new gun owners this year. Millions of democrats were first time gun buyers .
The riots soured a lot of people to buy guns in fear of the blm riots in their areas. Then the pandemic came along. And finally the nut job anti gun blow hole biter and back door Harris were elected spreading panic.
Ammo company's cant keep up with the demand .

I feel like you dont understand the meaning of the words shortage and glut.
The ammo company's are making ammo as fast as they can .
There is a ammo glut . more people are buying ammo . more new gun owners this year. Millions of democrats were first time gun buyers .
The riots soured a lot of people to buy guns in fear of the blm riots in their areas. Then the pandemic came along. And finally the nut job anti gun blow hole biter and back door Harris were elected spreading panic.
Ammo company's cant keep up with the demand .

Ummm, your last comment says that there Is a shortage, try buying some.

Feeling better today Bob?
There is never an ammo shortage, food shortage, toilet paper shortage, etc if you plan properly! ;)

People making runs on guns n ammo reminds me of snowstorms and bread and milk runs.
There is never an ammo shortage, food shortage, toilet paper shortage, etc if you plan properly! ;)

People making runs on guns n ammo reminds me of snowstorms and bread and milk runs.

True, I personally had no shortage on anything. Now there were some strange things that flew off the shelves such as pasta and cake mixes that were surprising, not to mention those that started hording basics, I saw one guy, waaay over weight by the way, with a cart full of sugar, hence why stores had to start putting limits on how much one could buy.
True, I personally had no shortage on anything. Now there were some strange things that flew off the shelves such as pasta and cake mixes that were surprising, not to mention those that started hording basics, I saw one guy, waaay over weight by the way, with a cart full of sugar, hence why stores had to start putting limits on how much one could buy.

not surprising at all. dry pasta and cake mixes are long term shelf stable. The sugar thing, sure thats good to have a stock of as well, but not that much. lol.

And it was funny watching all these people who made fun of so called "preppers" scrambling to stockpile then spend all of the lockdown overstuffing themselves on the rations they bought.
True, I personally had no shortage on anything. Now there were some strange things that flew off the shelves such as pasta and cake mixes that were surprising, not to mention those that started hording basics, I saw one guy, waaay over weight by the way, with a cart full of sugar, hence why stores had to start putting limits on how much one could buy.

not surprising at all. dry pasta and cake mixes are long term shelf stable. The sugar thing, sure thats good to have a stock of as well, but not that much. lol.

And it was funny watching all these people who made fun of so called "preppers" scrambling to stockpile then spend all of the lockdown overstuffing themselves on the rations they bought.
not surprising at all. dry pasta and cake mixes are long term shelf stable. The sugar thing, sure thats good to have a stock of as well, but not that much. lol.

And it was funny watching all these people who made fun of so called "preppers" scrambling to stockpile then spend all of the lockdown overstuffing themselves on the rations they bought.

Let's just say that those of us that are Preppers just laughed, there are now more people that have realized that maybe having some long term stock may just be a good idea.
I found an old receipt yesterday..2 purchases of under $10 for ammo at teh Wally World.
I kinda stopped buying after a couple years. They're not gonna catch me slippin' again.
I has enough! :D
I had enough before the BLM riots and all that.
Let's just say that those of us that are Preppers just laughed, there are now more people that have realized that maybe having some long term stock may just be a good idea.

You would think, but they of course in reality will go right back to if they haven't already back to sleep. We keep 6 months for 4 people.
True, I personally had no shortage on anything. Now there were some strange things that flew off the shelves such as pasta and cake mixes that were surprising, not to mention those that started hording basics, I saw one guy, waaay over weight by the way, with a cart full of sugar, hence why stores had to start putting limits on how much one could buy.

The shortages of odd things was really surprising. Dry beans, canned goods, pasta, rice, soups, chili -- that stuff made sense. Yeast? Seriously? After all these years everyone is going to suddenly start making their own bread? The spice aisle is *still* short on a lot of things. Good luck trying to find a large freezer too. You're right about flour and sugar -- those things were hard to find. Stuff has settled down some by now, but there are still things that are in short supply at times. No idea why, probably supply chain issues.
You would think, but they of course in reality will go right back to if they haven't already back to sleep. We keep 6 months for 4 people.

Most will, the smarter ones will change their habits and make some sort of plan, hoping nothing will ever happen is planning to fail.
The shortages of odd things was really surprising. Dry beans, canned goods, pasta, rice, soups, chili -- that stuff made sense. Yeast? Seriously? After all these years everyone is going to suddenly start making their own bread? The spice aisle is *still* short on a lot of things. Good luck trying to find a large freezer too. You're right about flour and sugar -- those things were hard to find. Stuff has settled down some by now, but there are still things that are in short supply at times. No idea why, probably supply chain issues.

you can get a chest freezer delivered tomorrow.

Spice aisle has been back for months.