The Ugly Truth About the Lincoln Project and its Media Protectors


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Watch the rapid eye-blinking, constant looking down and to the left and head shaking as George Conway tries to answer a simple question from Minka Brzenzski on Morning Joe this morning:

Now, here’s the truth about the “Lincoln Project” and its pedo founder, John Weaver: Everyone involved in the Lincoln Project almost certainly knew. John Weaver’s proclivities related to preying on young boys has been well-known in Washington DC since he managed John McCain’s presidential campaign in 2000. It was most likely known well before then, as Weaver nevertheless steadily rose through the ranks of establishment Republican campaign professionals in the DC Swamp.

George Conway knew, and all the other Swamp skunks and snakes involved in the Lincoln Project knew. And guess what else? Everyone in the corrupt national news media has likely known all about John Weaver for years and refused to report on it. Just as they knew for decades about Harvey Weinstein and refused to report on the powerful Democrat donor. Just as they knew about Jeffrey Epstein for decades and refused to report on the powerful friend of Bill Clinton and other prominent political figures.

Only now, after Joe Biden has successfully been installed as the Swamp’s designated presidential sock puppet, does anyone in the corrupt media decide to finally “break” a story that has been common knowledge for two decades.

Pedos working to elect pedos. Not shocking at all.