The Type Of Gun A Norway Shooter Used


The remora of JPP

An excellent gun. Very popular with the hunters around here, especially a few years back. I like them a lot but never enough to buy one.
Welp I looked and it seems that the mini-14 guns are not illegal. But something about the magazine capacity limit.
Welp I looked and it seems that the mini-14 guns are not illegal. But something about the magazine capacity limit.

Neither are AR-15s. :)

Ruger makes good equipment. The Mini-14 is a good rifle. I shot my first hog with one but prefer the heavier round of an AK or SKS than the .223.

The Mini-14s chambered in 7.62x39 tend to jam up because of the lacquer shell casings used by Russian made rounds. If just one or two rounds are fired, no problem, but if a lot are fired, the heat melts the lacquer and clogs the rifle. AKs and SKSs have looser tolerances and can eat that ammo all day long.

I had 5, 20 and 30 round magazines for my Mini-14.
What do you consider the best (excluding custom built firearms)?

I'd have to really research that. I think it depends a lot on the exact firearm discussed too. Personally, I enjoy black powder more than modern firearms. I know my Sharp's always get attention when I go to the range. I have a custom 40-60 Maynard high wall that's great.

On another note, I really, really, dislike the M-16 / AR-15. It is an uncomfortable design and unless it has a full stock is just annoying to use. Of course, I've had to qualify and such repeatedly over the years with it. I really despise the Ruger SR9 series (9mm) pistols. Had one fall apart during an annual qualification... As you can imagine that was not a good thing.

When I go to things like the black powder nationals-- stuff like this:

I find the people are an entirely different cut above the wackos that show up at gun shows and such. It is so much more relaxed and friendly.
Welp I looked and it seems that the mini-14 guns are not illegal. But something about the magazine capacity limit.

and ar 15s are not illegal both guns shoot more or less the same round and are both semi auto . The ar 15 is more user frenziedly easier to work on , more adaptable
Neither are AR-15s. :)

Ruger makes good equipment. The Mini-14 is a good rifle. I shot my first hog with one but prefer the heavier round of an AK or SKS than the .223.

The Mini-14s chambered in 7.62x39 tend to jam up because of the lacquer shell casings used by Russian made rounds. If just one or two rounds are fired, no problem, but if a lot are fired, the heat melts the lacquer and clogs the rifle. AKs and SKSs have looser tolerances and can eat that ammo all day long.

I had 5, 20 and 30 round magazines for my Mini-14.

dutch you can buy brass cased rounds in 7.62 x 39 . and you should know for wild game there are far better calibers for hogs then the .223 I guess you didn't know better did you
I'd have to really research that. I think it depends a lot on the exact firearm discussed too. Personally, I enjoy black powder more than modern firearms. I know my Sharp's always get attention when I go to the range. I have a custom 40-60 Maynard high wall that's great.

On another note, I really, really, dislike the M-16 / AR-15. It is an uncomfortable design and unless it has a full stock is just annoying to use. Of course, I've had to qualify and such repeatedly over the years with it. I really despise the Ruger SR9 series (9mm) pistols. Had one fall apart during an annual qualification... As you can imagine that was not a good thing.

When I go to things like the black powder nationals-- stuff like this:

I find the people are an entirely different cut above the wackos that show up at gun shows and such. It is so much more relaxed and friendly.

You into black powder too? What do you think of Don Getz barrels?

I don't really care for the AR's either. I have 2 M-1s an an M1-A. I used a Springfield Armory NM M-1 during the years I shot competitively. One session I qualified a Distinguished Expert.

Besides my Model 70 (that I hunt groundhogs with), I usually take my Uberti and my Blackhawk when I go to the range.
An excellent gun. Very popular with the hunters around here, especially a few years back. I like them a lot but never enough to buy one.

I have two, one in 5.56mm the Mini14, and one in 7.62 x 39mm the Mini30, both are very reliable and shoot every bit at well and reliably as their counter parts the AR15 and AK47. The only downside I found with them is they are trickier to assemble/disassemble but with practice they are not bad, and changing mags also has a learning curve, one major up side is they do not get as dirty from firing as an AR platform due to the different operating systems. I have been very happy with both versions, which are the newer version which corrected the accuracy issues the initial carbines had. Yes, I would recommend them.
dutch you can buy brass cased rounds in 7.62 x 39 . and you should know for wild game there are far better calibers for hogs then the .223 I guess you didn't know better did you

Well, bob, I do know. The problem isn't my choice of rounds, it's your choice of alcoholic beverages. :clink:
Well, bob, I do know. The problem isn't my choice of rounds, it's your choice of alcoholic beverages. :clink:

no its your choice of gun caliber .
there are far better calibers then .223 for hunting , traditionally its been considered a varmint round as any one with any knowledge would know.

You see dutch I have hunted from a very young age about 7 years old .
While you can kill a deer or small to med pig with a .223 with the right bullet at a reasonable range with a well placed shot its generally not the best caliber for hunting .
And totally unsuitable for larger game .

One reason is because if you shot is off you my wound the creature and it die a slow painful death with is not what hunting is about . I prefer a clean fast kill , so the animal is not suffering .

Did you know the 5.56x45 was adopted by the military over the .308 for several reasons b ut one was due to the fact with fmj bullets required its much more likely to wound a man , thus requiring 1 to 2 men to carry him.

Also the ammo is lighter allowing the standard battle load to carry more ammo lighter recoil thus ease of use easier to fire in full auto or burst mode and a lighter rifle and cheaper to make then say the standard battle rile of the time .

you claimed you were in the military and you should know all of this .
no its your choice of gun caliber .
there are far better calibers then .223 for hunting
Dude, quote my post and you'll see you are wrong again. I prefer the 7.62X39 over a .223. Obviously there are other calibers, but my 30-06 bolt action Springfield is too unwieldy in the house or the brush....especially with bayonet attached. Same for my 8mm Mauser.

An AK-47 is great for both home defense and hunting hogs in the brush.

Care to make a wager on your false accusations, bob?