The TEA PARTY organization!


New member
A godsend for true conservatives.
We are;
Now libs, explain how citizens supporting limited taxation is racist?
Limit taxation.
Limit spending.
Try wasteful spending.
You know, hundred million dollar vacations for a pres who does nothing.
He has been on vacation since 2009.
How about welfare?
End it!
Section 8?
End it!
Farm subsidies?
End it!
Bail outs?
End it!!
Corporate welfare?
End it!!
Public schools and violent indoctrination of children?
End it!

Just for starters.
Sensible cuts in spending creating sensible cuts in taxation to a maximum of 5% total for all.
Thus putting more money in everyone's pockets.
Increasing customer confidence, growing the economy.

I know, logic is the enemy of fanatical liberal totalitarianism!!
the tea party is a godsend for the democratic party. At the VERY beginning, they had some themes that resonated with the voters, but they got too wacky too fast and now they may have a large following on the far right, but elections are never won there. Elections are ALWAYS won by the candidate who captures the center of the bell curve. The more the teabaggers drag the GOP further and further to the right and force their primary contenders to pass tea party muster, the easier it will be for the democrats to nominate a safe, comfortable middle of the road candidate like a Hillary Clinton or a Martin O'Malley and even the right side of the center of the bell curve will see them as less scary than the guy with teabags hanging from his hat. I LOVE the tea party and wish them lots of success and lots of media exposure.
Thread derailed by a far left fanatic!!
Ah well.
Nothing wacky about sensible spending and protecting the middle class, you know the backbone of the nation.
The one radical liberal fanatics like Hilary Clinton wish to shatter in order to cripple the country!!
All the left have to do is allow this continued destruction of the USA.
Clinton will get her Nobel and the UN will own the USA.
And the libs will still blame bush......
derailed? I guess, to you, any reply that isn't insulting to family members is derailing? I addressed your question about tea party popularity. I fully support the teabagers. I think you should all show up in great numbers, each of you wearing teabags dangling from your hats and holding signs with at least one misspelled word. I hope you get TONS of media coverage. Teabaggers are viewed as clowns by the center of the bell curve. THEY are who elect presidents.
but you are certainly correct in one point. the damage done by Dubya to our standing in the world community will take decades to repair.
derailed? I guess, to you, any reply that isn't insulting to family members is derailing? I addressed your question about tea party popularity. I fully support the teabagers. I think you should all show up in great numbers, each of you wearing teabags dangling from your hats and holding signs with at least one misspelled word. I hope you get TONS of media coverage. Teabaggers are viewed as clowns by the center of the bell curve. THEY are who elect presidents.
One demonstration against bush and his excess taxation and that's all you remember?
That was in 2006!!
The tea party has not involved on any publicity of that nature since.
Far left fanatics just accuse the Tea party of everything.
One demonstration, one.
Now the tea party raises funds at grass roots( dollar by dollar, not the billions from fanatical leftist out of touch millionaires and billionaires)from the base of the party.
The crippled middle class, the middle class that is under vicious attack daily by the far left Obamacult fanatics.
you must not watch a lot of news. teabaggers have certainly held more than one rally since 2006. and I love those hats... AND the sines [sic].

Like I said... the more exposure the teabaggers get, the better democrats like it. PARTIE[sic] ON GRATH[sic]!!!!
but you are certainly correct in one point. the damage done by Dubya to our standing in the world community will take decades to repair.
Never mentioned that.
Obama has ensured that the USA is hated more now than ever before.
Hated by our allies.
Our enemies love Obama.
The Taliban thank him daily for serving out troops up on a platter for them to murder.
His idiotic ROAC have effectively disarmed our troops.
But liberals hate our troops, they spit on them......
you must not watch a lot of news. teabaggers have certainly held more than one rally since 2006. and I love those hats... AND the sines [sic].

Like I said... the more exposure the teabaggers get, the better democrats like it. PARTIE[sic] ON GRATH[sic]!!!!
Wrong, that's just the lie the liberal media tell you.
They label any protest by any group not handing funds to the DNC as a tea party event.
All part of the dishonesty.
Skinhead march?
They label it tea party.
Minute men?
They call it tea party.
KKK, tea party.
Not since 2006 has the tea party involved in a public display.
But you listen to your propaganda.
The tea party own the Republican Party.
2020 will show you.
5% tax for all Americans.
Watch the rebirth of America!!
bullshit. most of the links about teabagger rallies are posted by tea party organizations themselves. Like this one, for example:

and I hope you are right about the teabaggers taking over the GOP. It will guarantee democratic dominance well into the middle of this century.

You refuse to acknowledge the basic fact that American presidential elections are won or lost in the middle. The party that captures the middle wins. The further the teabaggers drag the GOP to the right, the harder and harder it will be for them to capture that bell curve.
and if you guys really have the right idea about stuff and have such a catchy schtick, why is it going to take until 2020 to get it together?


bullshit. most of the links about teabagger rallies are posted by tea party organizations themselves. Like this one, for example:

and I hope you are right about the teabaggers taking over the GOP. It will guarantee democratic dominance well into the middle of this century.

You refuse to acknowledge the basic fact that American presidential elections are won or lost in the middle. The party that captures the middle wins. The further the teabaggers drag the GOP to the right, the harder and harder it will be for them to capture that bell curve.
Anyone can give themselves a name, means nothing.
There is one Tea party.
It does not descend to the streets.
Stick your far left fanatical propaganda.
I know the tea party.
You know what your indoctrinators tell you.
bullshit. most of the links about teabagger rallies are posted by tea party organizations themselves. Like this one, for example:

and I hope you are right about the teabaggers taking over the GOP. It will guarantee democratic dominance well into the middle of this century.

You refuse to acknowledge the basic fact that American presidential elections are won or lost in the middle. The party that captures the middle wins. The further the teabaggers drag the GOP to the right, the harder and harder it will be for them to capture that bell curve.
Who are these " teabaggers" you are talking about.
I sure hope you knew more about British politics than you do about ours. You are really clueless.
I live in the USA, what has the uks communist regime got to do with the usa( apart from OBAMAS desire to fuck America till its as shit as the UK).