The Ron Paul that Ron Paul does not want you to know

I agree with you, except Paul is indicative of why Americans get so little from our politics. We chose politicians like they're contestants on American Idol. Sing a few lines of something that sounds good and you get my vote.

My aim is to illiuminate the man behind the mirror and demonstrate to people of conscience that they've fallen for the same illusion they accuse right-wingers of.

You're a fucking moron.

You're black, eh? Couldn't come up with a less obvious name than "blackascoal?" Maybe I should call myself "Redheadedfreckleddorkywhite".
Yes, it is. Only racist bigots like you oppose affirmative action. Some are in denial, telling themselves that the solution to racial discrimination is to pretend that race doesn't matter. They're still hateful bigots at heart though: they only say that sort of thing in order to avoid changing their selfish lifestyles. They're perfectly content to allow the status to remain quo and keep the inferior races in their places.

Kicked any pickaninny brats lately, Dolf? You know you want to . . . .

No. Im not racist, or a bigot. I simply believe we should quit using racial discrimination as a public policy. It only keeps humanity divided along racial lines. It's illegal. All people have a legal right to NOT be discrimnated against due to their skin color.

Some of you may need to recalibrate your hatred detector and recognize that raced based preferences are illegal and wrong, even when they're used against white people.

Ron Paul just may be the candidate for you.
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I mean, honestly, even if Ron Paul wrote this, and wrote it in the context your twisting it into, Ron Paul isn't a racist. If he did write it, he was probably emotional at the time (he apparently had gotten robbed by a black teenager, just from the tense of the quotes) and he honestly regrets them now. We all get emotional and say stupid things whenever we're angry - hell we may even get racist for a while. But Ron Paul IS NOT a racist now.

And besides, he DIDN'T write this, it was 10 years ago. Many reps don't even read their newsletters. He probably fired the little bastard who wrote it by now.

Those remarks and these don't have the same author.

Government and Racism

by Ron Paul

The controversy surrounding remarks by talk show host Don Imus shows that the nation remains incredibly sensitive about matters of race, despite the outward progress of the last 40 years. A nation that once prided itself on a sense of rugged individualism has become uncomfortably obsessed with racial group identities.

The young women on the basketball team Mr. Imus insulted are over 18 and can speak for themselves. It’s disconcerting to see third parties become involved and presume to speak collectively for minority groups. It is precisely this collectivist mindset that is at the heart of racism.

It’s also disconcerting to hear the subtle or not-so-subtle threats against free speech. Since the FCC regulates airwaves and grants broadcast licenses, we’re told it’s proper for government to forbid certain kinds of insulting or offensive speech in the name of racial and social tolerance. Never mind the 1st Amendment, which states unequivocally that, “Congress shall make NO law.”

Let’s be perfectly clear: the federal government has no business regulating speech in any way. Furthermore, government as an institution is particularly ill-suited to combating bigotry in our society. Bigotry at its essence is a sin of the heart, and we can’t change people’s hearts by passing more laws and regulations.

In fact it is the federal government more than anything else that divides us along race, class, religion, and gender lines. Government, through its taxes, restrictive regulations, corporate subsidies, racial set-asides, and welfare programs, plays far too large a role in determining who succeeds and who fails in our society. This government "benevolence" crowds out genuine goodwill between men by institutionalizing group thinking, thus making each group suspicious that others are receiving more of the government loot. This leads to resentment and hostility between us.

The political left argues that stringent federal laws are needed to combat racism, even as they advocate incredibly divisive collectivist policies.

Racism is simply an ugly form of collectivism, the mindset that views humans strictly as members of groups rather than individuals. Racists believe that all individuals who share superficial physical characteristics are alike: as collectivists, racists think only in terms of groups. By encouraging Americans to adopt a group mentality, the advocates of so-called "diversity" actually perpetuate racism. Their obsession with racial group identity is inherently racist.

The true antidote to racism is liberty. Liberty means having a limited, constitutional government devoted to the protection of individual rights rather than group claims. Liberty means free-market capitalism, which rewards individual achievement and competence, not skin color, gender, or ethnicity.

More importantly, in a free society every citizen gains a sense of himself as an individual, rather than developing a group or victim mentality. This leads to a sense of individual responsibility and personal pride, making skin color irrelevant. Rather than looking to government to correct our sins, we should understand that racism will endure until we stop thinking in terms of groups and begin thinking in terms of individual liberty.
WM has actually made some good points. And I do know that some people grow in government as they can in any walk of life. I still find that I am disturbed by this, but will continue looking into it.
WM has actually made some good points. And I do know that some people grow in government as they can in any walk of life. I still find that I am disturbed by this, but will continue looking into it.

If Ron Paul has evolved and changed since he wrote those inflammatory words in 1992, I'll cut him slack. People can and do change.

But, I don't know Ron Paul at all. I don't know what's in his heart. I'll just have to plead ignorance.
Ah, I may be doing to much in defense of him. But I've just never seen anyone in government as principled as this guy - even if he may be a bit more extreme than me. I have a lot of respect for him. I know that he doesn't hate black people.
Well, I have no problem writing off racists, anti-semetics, and sexists with what they say publicly. I wrote off Biden with one line and I sure as hell have no problem stepping over this political dead body as I search for a viable candidate in the primary to support.
Well, I have no problem writing off racists, anti-semetics, and sexists with what they say publicly. I wrote off Biden with one line and I sure as hell have no problem stepping over this political dead body as I search for a viable candidate in the primary to support.

Was it his 'Obama is articulate' comment?
Yes. I found it patronizing and down right insulting.

I can understand why you feel that way but I think he is articulate. Bill Clinton is articulate. George Bush is not articulate. Nor is Hillary Clinton imo.

Some people have the gift (or work really hard to develop it) of communicating well. Obama, Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan are three recent politicians I believe fit that category.

I understand the conotation of 'he's a black man who doesn't speak street slang so he is therefore articulate' and how that could be patronizing. IMHO, regardless of his race Obama is an articulate dude who is an excellent speaker and communicator.
Well, I have no problem writing off racists, anti-semetics, and sexists with what they say publicly. I wrote off Biden with one line and I sure as hell have no problem stepping over this political dead body as I search for a viable candidate in the primary to support.

Good thing no one cares what you think, or else there'd be a problem with our republic. We'd get generic fascists all the time instead of thinkers.