The Republicans Were Always the Biggest Roadblock to Peace.

This would never have been an issue for Congress to vote on if Obama hadn't cared about it strongly.


#Axe to grind

This Congress hating everything Obama does has actually been a good thing. Less spending, possibly less war. It was bad for US jobs, but hey, we aren't talking about that.

The Right is exposing CIA operations through Fox News all the time in hopes to paint the President as a "Cover-Up"...........because he covers up CIA operations. Some of these operations were done openly during the Right's power, but who cares, (R)ight?

Now that Michelle Obama has stated "drinking water is good for you and most people should do it" and the backlash that the President and/or his wife shouldn't tell people what is best for them pretty much shows that leading by example instead of force would and will not work anymore sadly. It use to be that the party in power could rule over suggestion. Today, claiming "water is good for you" means millions of Americans will attempt to burn water out of hatred only to realize later, water doesn't burn.

America wants war in one way, shape or form. These Party Puppets just aren't informed enough yet to know it. It's sad that global media follows America's movements much better than America's media. ABC, NBC, and CBS are all donors to Obama while Fox News is the profit media for Corporations. Nothing matters except for profit on Fox News.