The Republican Party is in epic disarray


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Republicans now face a vexing problem: How can they possibly recreate 2020 turnout levels when Trump—the guy who lured a new slice of blue-collar voters into the party—is increasingly disengaged, and the corporatists running the party have no idea how to connect with his voters? That disconnect seems to have rendered congressional Republicans politically impotent in the past couple months—unsure about exactly what they stand for, who their constituency is, and how to reach that constituency. That disorientation, for instance, resulted in a dazzling failure by party leaders to mount any response whatsoever to Joe Biden's first major victory as president—passage of the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan. Sure, every GOP lawmaker voted “no” on the bill, but they were neither able to settle on one line of attack against the package nor translate that uniformed opposition into any meaningful gains with voters. In fact, if anything, Biden's massive rescue plan only grew in popularity the longer it was litigated in Congress—an almost unheard of phenomenon by legislative standards."

This further proves that the GQP has destroyed its relationship with Democracy to the point it has waged its own war when it comes to inciting insurrection, doing the bidding of foreign enemies against Democracy, brainwashing its cult followers, attacking Constitutional and federal voting rights and basically relegating itself as a imminent threat against Democracy and the soul of a civilized part of humanity. tRump and his GOPer sewer conspiring fellow creatures were able to do there gutter best to con 74 million treasonous votes but President Biden got the historical majority of over 81 million votes that saved Democracy at basically putting the GQP in the scrap heap of U.S. history in terms of its deplorable relationship.
So, a far Left op ed in the Daily Kos using a far Left polling site called Civiqs

Published a story about how the Republicans are doomed. How usual...

I find it even more hilarious that Kerry Eleveld, the staff writer had the audacity--or more likely stupidity--to cite the Daily Kos for many of his sources in the story, including these:
He cites himself here...


What a retard! It's like the guy is still writing for a high school paper or something...
It is regeneration.

The shit is being purged.

It really is not. Normally, when a party loses an election, they sit down and figure out what went wrong. The Republicans refuse to admit they lost. Any thinking about what they did wrong seems like a betrayal to them. The "shit" is staying, but purging the "non-shit."