The Republican Party and Electorial Cheating / Buying Votes


Tea Is The New Kool-Aid

For DECADES now Republicans have been the "Conservative Party". Before the internet they could simply tax less than they spend and look like they spent less. The uninformed voters would see more money on their paycheck and vote for more money. They were told that as long as Corporations made more money, the profits would trickle down to the grunt workers that made it happen.

Today we are starting to notice the impact on our national debt only due to the internet.
It turns out it takes 2 parties to vote for the spending and taxing below the spending IS NOT Conservative, it's directly, with money, buying votes.

Of course all of this started with the Grover Norquist Pledge. This pledge was signed by 95% of the Republicans in Congress and started during the first fake Conservative, Reagan. But the hard working people wanted to provide for their families so they loved a party that let them hold more of their hard earned money.

Growth spending keeps happening, more so under Republican power, but taxation is still only low under Republicans, MUCH lower than spending as the same as States in the USA today. Republicans still driving up debt and saying "no" to taxation.

The people that learned their lesson noticed that Republicans were not representing the people, they were representing the Corporations that got all time high profits while workers wages were hitting all time low This was all due to Citizens United in which Corporations took over the people and the sheeple helped.

Even with all of this information strongly out there, last year the Republican Party tried to run a candidate that was a Corporate Leader......"the Left must have cheated, they must have won because of illegals, they must have won because of welfare.......etc etc"...........The Majority of Americans ARE NOT STUPID. It's your party.

For DECADES now Republicans have been the "Conservative Party". Before the internet they could simply tax less than they spend and look like they spent less. The uninformed voters would see more money on their paycheck and vote for more money. They were told that as long as Corporations made more money, the profits would trickle down to the grunt workers that made it happen.

Today we are starting to notice the impact on our national debt only due to the internet.
It turns out it takes 2 parties to vote for the spending and taxing below the spending IS NOT Conservative, it's directly, with money, buying votes.

Of course all of this started with the Grover Norquist Pledge. This pledge was signed by 95% of the Republicans in Congress and started during the first fake Conservative, Reagan. But the hard working people wanted to provide for their families so they loved a party that let them hold more of their hard earned money.

Growth spending keeps happening, more so under Republican power, but taxation is still only low under Republicans, MUCH lower than spending as the same as States in the USA today. Republicans still driving up debt and saying "no" to taxation.

The people that learned their lesson noticed that Republicans were not representing the people, they were representing the Corporations that got all time high profits while workers wages were hitting all time low This was all due to Citizens United in which Corporations took over the people and the sheeple helped.

Even with all of this information strongly out there, last year the Republican Party tried to run a candidate that was a Corporate Leader......"the Left must have cheated, they must have won because of illegals, they must have won because of welfare.......etc etc"...........The Majority of Americans ARE NOT STUPID. It's your party.

What a great story. I didn't know the Republicans have run all branches of the federal gobblement for the last 100 years. WOW.

Post something smart and the reaction is always....."That's stupid!" Post something stupid and there is room for debate. :fu: