The Question Right Wingers Won't Answer And Were Never Asked~Standards


Tea Is The New Kool-Aid
I think this thread will die because I don't think ANY Right Winger will stand up and answer this.

The one thing that Fox News teaches the Right is that we need to compete with other Countries to be successful. So let's have that debate now. Or maybe you only repeat what you are told to by your Cult media source and can't........If you are good at debating politics then answer these questions. Debate IS about answering questions.....

1) What should the lowest age limit be for employment?
2) What should the minimum wage be and/or should there be one?
3) Doctors (or anything that presents risk to life in America)can't just become doctors without proof of education on the subject because people can die if the doctor is a fake. Proof of education on the topic is needed. What educational limits should be placed on owning an AR-15 and/or a 100 round drum mag?
4) If in theory ALL AMERICANS wanted something, yet the Congress didn't pass it..........who more resembles a Dictatorship in this theory? The Americans or Congress?
5) The Bible teaches Free Will Religion. It teaches that using law to enforce Christianity is casting stones. Yet laws against gays punish them for not being Christian. But this topic in the Bible was about people who think that their sins are ok, but someone elses aren't. And people have created a "sin level meter" which makes certain sins worse than others. The only sin rating system I know of is the 10 commandments. And then we have the Constitution that promotes "Freedom of Religion." And the Bible states, "Do not judge or be judged"........... So here is the question........Should gays be allowed to get married? I think if you think they don't have the freedom to you are a non-American and a judgemental Christian. But I also think that if you are a Christian, you shouldn't be forced to marry a gay couple. But guess what, laws even prevent them from getting married at a court house. Louis C.K.~ "If they aren't touching dongs in my front yard...I really don't care."
6) What air pollution PPM standard would you put on a Corporation?
7) Oil Fracking. Should this be allowed?
8) Does "Obamacare" challenge the Intersate Commerce Clause if the majority of Ameircans want it?
9) Should we be FREE to sell unpasteurized milk and if so, what should be the punishment if it kills a child? My current candidate stands behind this even when my local hospitals show that less educated people use this method and sometimes kill their children. Is the "sometimes" ok when profit is at stake?
10) Should boys play with baby dolls?
There are 10 questions there..............surely you can answer one. They are based on your own formula of politics.
Answer: Anti-Party never scores

I'm married with kids. are (R)ight, I rarely score.

Try to debate me kid.

Awesome reply by the way. Had EVERYTHING to do with the topic on the fact that the Right Wing cant answer these questions. Your attempt to derail the debate you can't win, didn't happen.

10 questions and you couldn't answer a single one.
It's almost Midnight O'Clock. I'm not answering one political question let alone ten. Chillin at the bar homeboy
It's almost Midnight O'Clock. I'm not answering one political question let alone ten. Chillin at the bar homeboy

So why exactly are you on a Political forum website? Do you know what debating politics is about? It's about debating perspectives kid.
What formula is that?

The "formula" is the one that Fox News spreads. I follow all information. My entire question line is based on Fox News talking points for over a year now. I'm pretty sure one of you can answer one of my questions. Unless of course you are the Fox News Sheep I've been labeling you as.

Why try to derail the topic? Cant answer? Answer the questions or maybe even 1 Right Wingers.
I guess Ill take a stab at it....

1) What should the lowest age limit be for employment?
14 for relatively unskilled or family run business's.

2) What should the minimum wage be and/or should there be one?
The minimum wage should be $7.25 per hour.

3) Doctors (or anything that presents risk to life in America)can't just become doctors without proof of education on the subject because people can die if the doctor is a fake. Proof of education on the topic is needed. What educational limits should be placed on owning an AR-15 and/or a 100 round drum mag?
Doctors are licensed to practice because when YOU seek a Doctor YOU demand someone who has been schooled in medicine in order to diagnose you and prescribe medication. There really is no necessity for anyone to have a license to use a thermometer, which is a tool that a doctor uses, as anyone can go purchase a thermometer. I guess in a situation where you need protection or you need enemies terminated you might seek a professional that utilizes an AR-15 for that specific service, and Im sure you would want someone trained in your specific need... however, anyone can own and use an AR-15, as it is just a tool. I do think if you have demonstrated that you are criminal or a felon or have used an AR-15 in the process of committing a crime, then you shouldnt have the ability to own any firearm, and 18 is a pretty good age to be able to begin purchasing firearms.

4) If in theory ALL AMERICANS wanted something, yet the Congress didn't pass it..........who more resembles a Dictatorship in this theory? The Americans or Congress?
Theres no need for a theory... The United States of America is a republic, so.. ALL Americans may want something, but they choose to select representatives to speak for them. When those Representatives speak it IS the people speaking... if those representatives do not continue to fulfill what the people want those people select new Representatives.... so neither one resembles a dictatorship.

5) The Bible teaches Free Will Religion. It teaches that using law to enforce Christianity is casting stones. Yet laws against gays punish them for not being Christian. But this topic in the Bible was about people who think that their sins are ok, but someone elses aren't. And people have created a "sin level meter" which makes certain sins worse than others. The only sin rating system I know of is the 10 commandments. And then we have the Constitution that promotes "Freedom of Religion." And the Bible states, "Do not judge or be judged"........... So here is the question........Should gays be allowed to get married? I think if you think they don't have the freedom to you are a non-American and a judgemental Christian. But I also think that if you are a Christian, you shouldn't be forced to marry a gay couple. But guess what, laws even prevent them from getting married at a court house. Louis C.K.~ "If they aren't touching dongs in my front yard...I really don't care."
Pretty much everything you described about the Bible is incorrect, but somewhere in there you asked if gays should be allowed to get married. Gays should be allowed the same rights as married couples, however, I do not personally believe that marriage and homosexuality can exist together in a traditional judeo-christian society.

6) What air pollution PPM standard would you put on a Corporation?
There is no specific number for "pollution", there are certain types of particles that do more harm than others. I do believe pollution should be limited.

7) Oil Fracking. Should this be allowed?

8) Does "Obamacare" challenge the Intersate Commerce Clause if the majority of Ameircans want it?
What exactly does Americans wanting something have to do with whether or not a law is unconstitutional or not?

9) Should we be FREE to sell unpasteurized milk and if so, what should be the punishment if it kills a child? My current candidate stands behind this even when my local hospitals show that less educated people use this method and sometimes kill their children. Is the "sometimes" ok when profit is at stake?
Um.. sure?

10) Should boys play with baby dolls?
The "formula" is the one that Fox News spreads. I follow all information. My entire question line is based on Fox News talking points for over a year now. I'm pretty sure one of you can answer one of my questions. Unless of course you are the Fox News Sheep I've been labeling you as.

Why try to derail the topic? Cant answer? Answer the questions or maybe even 1 Right Wingers.

If the post I responded to is irrelevant or off topic, why did you write it?
I think this thread will die because I don't think ANY Right Winger will stand up and answer this.

The one thing that Fox News teaches the Right is that we need to compete with other Countries to be successful. So let's have that debate now. Or maybe you only repeat what you are told to by your Cult media source and can't........If you are good at debating politics then answer these questions. Debate IS about answering questions.....

1) What should the lowest age limit be for employment? Define 'employment.'
2) What should the minimum wage be and/or should there be one? No
3) Doctors (or anything that presents risk to life in America)can't just become doctors without proof of education on the subject because people can die if the doctor is a fake. Proof of education on the topic is needed. What educational limits should be placed on owning an AR-15 and/or a 100 round drum mag? Not worth responding to.
4) If in theory ALL AMERICANS wanted something, yet the Congress didn't pass it..........who more resembles a Dictatorship in this theory? The Americans or Congress? See #3
5) The Bible teaches Free Will Religion. It teaches that using law to enforce Christianity is casting stones. Yet laws against gays punish them for not being Christian. But this topic in the Bible was about people who think that their sins are ok, but someone elses aren't. And people have created a "sin level meter" which makes certain sins worse than others. The only sin rating system I know of is the 10 commandments. And then we have the Constitution that promotes "Freedom of Religion." And the Bible states, "Do not judge or be judged"........... So here is the question........Should gays be allowed to get married? I think if you think they don't have the freedom to you are a non-American and a judgemental Christian. But I also think that if you are a Christian, you shouldn't be forced to marry a gay couple. But guess what, laws even prevent them from getting married at a court house. Louis C.K.~ "If they aren't touching dongs in my front yard...I really don't care."Might be something here if thought out reasonably, as stated see #3.
6) What air pollution PPM standard would you put on a Corporation? See #3
7) Oil Fracking. Should this be allowed? See #3
8) Does "Obamacare" challenge the Intersate Commerce Clause if the majority of Ameircans want it? See #3. Comment, commerce clause and Majority of Americans? For pity's sake!
9) Should we be FREE to sell unpasteurized milk and if so, what should be the punishment if it kills a child? My current candidate stands behind this even when my local hospitals show that less educated people use this method and sometimes kill their children. Is the "sometimes" ok when profit is at stake? some poster has something about a schizophrenic, are you trying to fit the bill?
10) Should boys play with baby dolls? If they wish to.

I'd say you were correct in 'this thread will die,' but that really is on you, not responses.
I guess Ill take a stab at it....

1) What should the lowest age limit be for employment?
14 for relatively unskilled or family run business's.

2) What should the minimum wage be and/or should there be one?
The minimum wage should be $7.25 per hour.

3) Doctors (or anything that presents risk to life in America)can't just become doctors without proof of education on the subject because people can die if the doctor is a fake. Proof of education on the topic is needed. What educational limits should be placed on owning an AR-15 and/or a 100 round drum mag?
Doctors are licensed to practice because when YOU seek a Doctor YOU demand someone who has been schooled in medicine in order to diagnose you and prescribe medication. There really is no necessity for anyone to have a license to use a thermometer, which is a tool that a doctor uses, as anyone can go purchase a thermometer. I guess in a situation where you need protection or you need enemies terminated you might seek a professional that utilizes an AR-15 for that specific service, and Im sure you would want someone trained in your specific need... however, anyone can own and use an AR-15, as it is just a tool. I do think if you have demonstrated that you are criminal or a felon or have used an AR-15 in the process of committing a crime, then you shouldnt have the ability to own any firearm, and 18 is a pretty good age to be able to begin purchasing firearms.

4) If in theory ALL AMERICANS wanted something, yet the Congress didn't pass it..........who more resembles a Dictatorship in this theory? The Americans or Congress?
Theres no need for a theory... The United States of America is a republic, so.. ALL Americans may want something, but they choose to select representatives to speak for them. When those Representatives speak it IS the people speaking... if those representatives do not continue to fulfill what the people want those people select new Representatives.... so neither one resembles a dictatorship.

5) The Bible teaches Free Will Religion. It teaches that using law to enforce Christianity is casting stones. Yet laws against gays punish them for not being Christian. But this topic in the Bible was about people who think that their sins are ok, but someone elses aren't. And people have created a "sin level meter" which makes certain sins worse than others. The only sin rating system I know of is the 10 commandments. And then we have the Constitution that promotes "Freedom of Religion." And the Bible states, "Do not judge or be judged"........... So here is the question........Should gays be allowed to get married? I think if you think they don't have the freedom to you are a non-American and a judgemental Christian. But I also think that if you are a Christian, you shouldn't be forced to marry a gay couple. But guess what, laws even prevent them from getting married at a court house. Louis C.K.~ "If they aren't touching dongs in my front yard...I really don't care."
Pretty much everything you described about the Bible is incorrect, but somewhere in there you asked if gays should be allowed to get married. Gays should be allowed the same rights as married couples, however, I do not personally believe that marriage and homosexuality can exist together in a traditional judeo-christian society.

6) What air pollution PPM standard would you put on a Corporation?
There is no specific number for "pollution", there are certain types of particles that do more harm than others. I do believe pollution should be limited.

7) Oil Fracking. Should this be allowed?

8) Does "Obamacare" challenge the Intersate Commerce Clause if the majority of Ameircans want it?
What exactly does Americans wanting something have to do with whether or not a law is unconstitutional or not?

9) Should we be FREE to sell unpasteurized milk and if so, what should be the punishment if it kills a child? My current candidate stands behind this even when my local hospitals show that less educated people use this method and sometimes kill their children. Is the "sometimes" ok when profit is at stake?
Um.. sure?

10) Should boys play with baby dolls?

1) So if you grow up on a farm you aren't allowed to work on it until you are 14?
2) No brainy response.
3)So "you seek" is not a term when you seek a gun?
4) The US is a Republic. You aren't as dumb as you sounded before. But what happens when EVERY STATE wants the same thing? It becomes a Democracy.
5)I've been a life long Christian. Everything I said about the bible is correct. What is taught is not Christianity and this has been documented for ages. "I like your Christ but dislike your Chrisitans"~Ghandi
6)So you believe that Americans have no say in law? You think that Americans have no voices or what?
7)At least you were honest on this one.
8)You didn't even take time to google this and you had no debate on it because Fox News told you they were correct and you didn't need to.
9) I live in a heavy Amish part of the USA. Tons of Amish CHILDREN are diagnosed and die from unpasteurized milk a year. Should the parents hold the Liberty or do the children hold any Liberty kid?
10) So boys shouldn't play with baby dolls because they shouldn't be raised to raise babies? Is this a woman only job?
I respect SR_ more than any other Right Winger here. SR_ exposed his/her beliefs.

The rest of you had simple questions to answer, and you COULDN'T... You all are COWARDS.