The protesters’ narrative on Israel is false. Here’s the truth

Same thing. Now tattoo it on your head- PALESTINIAN STATEHOOD WAS RECOGNIZED IN 2012.

Now they want the illegal Jews removed according to law.

Palestinians have rejected every offer to have a State, something they have NEVER had in history. I wish you weren't an insufferably retarded, low IQ, uneducated, lying terrorist loving asshat. Really I do.
Not the same. Palestine is NOT a member of the UN.

So what are the borders the Palestinians recognize?
Remove the Jews from the River to the Sea?

The Jews removed themselves from Gaza in 2006 :dunno:

Notice how MoonBat ignores and refuses to answer that question. You can never argue with a moron. It's best to just point at terrorist hugging morons and laughing.
The legal borders of Palestine are defined by UNGAR 181. Borders can never be changed by force- only by agreement of the contracting parties.
Your jib has collapsed.
The thread argument is barely relevant. The relative histories of Israel and Palestine are just that, backdrop. The trouble is in the foreground.
It has its own reality and won't be whitewashed.
Word salad.
Your mind is a salad. Try it this way. What is real in Israel and Palestine today is separate and apart from what was real in the same areas hundreds of years ago and therefore can't be evaluated based on what happened in the same areas hundreds of years ago. So don't waste your time attempting it.
Lie, lame and stupid as usual. They want the Jews annihilated. Sio what law is this you speak of that says the Jews can't stay in Israel?
Palestine, dumbass. The occupation is illegal. Your willful ignorance is astounding.

UN Charter. Territory cannot be gained by force.

Now, ass-wit , you show me the law which says that they can.