The only thing that stops a bad child with a gun is a good child with a gun!


New member
This represents more debunking, if any was necessary at this point, of the all too common and irrational notion among some Democrats-In-Name-Only (DINOs) and most Republicans that more guns equal fewer gun deaths. This was a notion first promulgated by John Lott, an economics PhD who made his mark and his millions on the right wing political scene with his fabricated, and statistically challenged book from 1999 titled More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws now in its 3rd edition. This book is the source for most of the mistaken notions about gun ownership in America. But in what can only be seen as shades of Eugene McCarthy an earlier article and this book were based at least partly on a survey of 2,424 people that was lost in a 1997 hard drive crash and has never been substantiated beyond Lott's claims of its authenticity and other papers he claimed he abandoned when he moved from Yale to Chicago. I think his dog ate some of it too, but this hasn't been substantiated either. In short, Lott and those who quote him are using questionable statistics in nearly every case. This shyster, even posted a positive review of his own book using an alias at Amazon. But like far too many right wing myths, this one too is now part of the conservative DINO lexicon and its confused logic and questionable statistics have been absorbed as fact by too many intellectually challenged individuals on both the left and right. The evidence is exceedingly clear that more guns do not make us safer they result in more gun deaths. What this article from Sunday's New York Times shows is that the number of deaths of children from gun violence is underreported by about half. And that the very idea that the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun is a foolish and ignorant mockery of common sense. But if true and we take it to its logical conclusion the only thing that stops a bad child with a gun is a good child with a gun so we must begin arming all children at the age of three and making sure that everyone of them can shoot straight. If this idea sounds ridiculous to you, and it should, then you might want to rethink all the NRA propaganda you have heard for the past year since the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School and reassess what it means to arm so many people and have guns laying around. We need to begin getting serious about restricting access to guns. The fewer guns there are the fewer gun deaths there will be. The more guns there are the more children will be killed with them. And more children will kill other children when they find them. And find them they will, to believe otherwise is moronic in the extreme. Indeed, since the tragedy of Sandy Hook at least 120 children have died in accidental gun shootings.
The only thing that stops any bad person with a gun is the total banning of the NRA and the arrest of its leaders as accessories to every gun-murder.
The shysters at the New York Times once again are trying to write their own version of reality intended for gullible fools on the left who still have the moronic belief that criminals intent on breaking laws will suddenly start abiding by the law if we write even more laws restricting LEGAL gun ownership.

How dense does one have to be to fall for such incredibly stupid arguments. Gun laws did nothing to prevent Columbine, the Connecticut school shooting or the recent savagery on a Naval Base with restricted access. How dense does one need to be to think that more laws will make us safer?

By the way, you thread title is about as repugnant and stupid as your thread premise. It wasn't funny by any stretch of the imagination but certainly fits with the warped repugnant mentality of gullible painfully uninformed leftist retards.
The only thing that stops any bad person with a gun is the total banning of the NRA and the arrest of its leaders as accessories to every gun-murder.

Another painfully stupid claim from another of the forums repugnant gullible uninformed leftist retards.
remember when like 70% of the country wanted gun laws upped?

why did the right think that was OK to ignore them?
This represents more debunking, if any was necessary at this point, of the all too common and irrational notion among some Democrats-In-Name-Only (DINOs) and most Republicans that more guns equal fewer gun deaths. This was a notion first promulgated by John Lott, an economics PhD who made his mark and his millions on the right wing political scene with his fabricated, and statistically challenged book from 1999 titled More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws now in its 3rd edition. This book is the source for most of the mistaken notions about gun ownership in America. But in what can only be seen as shades of Eugene McCarthy an earlier article and this book were based at least partly on a survey of 2,424 people that was lost in a 1997 hard drive crash and has never been substantiated beyond Lott's claims of its authenticity and other papers he claimed he abandoned when he moved from Yale to Chicago. I think his dog ate some of it too, but this hasn't been substantiated either. In short, Lott and those who quote him are using questionable statistics in nearly every case. This shyster, even posted a positive review of his own book using an alias at Amazon. But like far too many right wing myths, this one too is now part of the conservative DINO lexicon and its confused logic and questionable statistics have been absorbed as fact by too many intellectually challenged individuals on both the left and right. The evidence is exceedingly clear that more guns do not make us safer they result in more gun deaths. What this article from Sunday's New York Times shows is that the number of deaths of children from gun violence is underreported by about half. And that the very idea that the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun is a foolish and ignorant mockery of common sense. But if true and we take it to its logical conclusion the only thing that stops a bad child with a gun is a good child with a gun so we must begin arming all children at the age of three and making sure that everyone of them can shoot straight. If this idea sounds ridiculous to you, and it should, then you might want to rethink all the NRA propaganda you have heard for the past year since the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School and reassess what it means to arm so many people and have guns laying around. We need to begin getting serious about restricting access to guns. The fewer guns there are the fewer gun deaths there will be. The more guns there are the more children will be killed with them. And more children will kill other children when they find them. And find them they will, to believe otherwise is moronic in the extreme. Indeed, since the tragedy of Sandy Hook at least 120 children have died in accidental gun shootings.

Nice try but you are unlikely to entice any into a reasonable debate with such a heavily biased and emotionally based viewpoint.

To be clear though, none of the arguments used by supporters of the 2nd amendment were framed after the year 1999.

Our refrain has been continuous and clear from far before that year, hence your entire premise is faulty and your argument useless.

Despite our differences, I still welcome you and hope you join our small community. You will find many here that do agree with your flawed thinking.
NRA speaks! Or was it just farting? Smells either way! :)

No dumbass, that stench is the incredible bile that erupts whenever asshats like you open their mouths. I suggest a good long rinse of reality and facts to remove that stench from your mouth.
The only thing that stops any bad person with a gun is the total banning of the NRA and the arrest of its leaders as accessories to every gun-murder.

I had to take both you and Truth Deflector off ignore to reply in this thread, since all of the posts save the OP were blocked.
It is pretty easy to see why I have ignored you all along and you will now be returned to oblivion.
Save your one world government Tyranny worship for those who would understand it, other non-Americans, and fuck off. ( sorry Dantes, I yam what I yam).
No dumbass, that stench is the incredible bile that erupts whenever asshats like you open their mouths. I suggest a good long rinse of reality and facts to remove that stench from your mouth.

Not bad, but a wee bit laboured! What on earth do American extremists know about facts, reality, or, indeed, the difference between their arse and their elbow? Weird nutters to a man (if that's what they actually are - we have nothing so peculiar!).
The only thing that stops any bad person with a gun is the total banning of the NRA and the arrest of its leaders as accessories to every gun-murder.
And people wonder why some on the right think that the left wants to remove a basic right granted in the constitution...
I had to take both you and Truth Deflector off ignore to reply in this thread, since all of the posts save the OP were blocked.
It is pretty easy to see why I have ignored you all along and you will now be returned to oblivion.
Save your one world government Tyranny worship for those who would understand it, other non-Americans, and fuck off. ( sorry Dantes, I yam what I yam).

Ouija Board speaks! What a nutter! :) What do you think it is talking about?
So far other than rants about the second amendment which has long ago worn out it's usefulness and should be amended, and statements from slave owning champions of universal freedom like George Washington not withstanding and a Constitution that guarantees the right to a gun but not the right to a ballot, I see nothing here so far from the right wingers and libertarians so-called that represents even a minimal attempt to debate the issue. The fact is that guns in the home are five times more likely to be used against someone in the home than they are against any intruder. And a gun in the home increases the chances that someone in the home will be shot by about 25 times. That is why, the number of homes with guns in them has been dropping: gun ownership dropped from 54% of households in 1977 to 32.3% of households in 2012. This is evidence enough that while there are nearly 300 million guns in private hands they are in fewer and fewer private hands, which is why the NRA and the gun manufacturers and their rabid supporters are increasingly boisterous in their fear mongering and why we are regaled by stories of gangs of roving rapists busting through walls and attacking women and babies who don't arm themselves with AR 15s or other large magazine automatic weaponry. Data is your friend; it helps to have some!

Gun Ownership is Down

Possessing a gun makes you less safe not more safe.

One Nation Under the Gun:
So far other than rants about the second amendment which has long ago worn out it's usefulness and should be amended, and statements from slave owning champions of universal freedom like George Washington not withstanding and a Constitution that guarantees the right to a gun but not the right to a ballot, I see nothing here so far from the right wingers and libertarians so-called that represents even a minimal attempt to debate the issue. The fact is that guns in the home are five times more likely to be used against someone in the home than they are against any intruder. And a gun in the home increases the chances that someone in the home will be shot by about 25 times. That is why, the number of homes with guns in them has been dropping: gun ownership dropped from 54% of households in 1977 to 32.3% of households in 2012. This is evidence enough that while there are nearly 300 million guns in private hands they are in fewer and fewer private hands, which is why the NRA and the gun manufacturers and their rabid supporters are increasingly boisterous in their fear mongering and why we are regaled by stories of gangs of roving rapists busting through walls and attacking women and babies who don't arm themselves with AR 15s or other large magazine automatic weaponry. Data is your friend; it helps to have some!

Gun Ownership is Down

Possessing a gun makes you less safe not more safe.

One Nation Under the Gun:

It is not criminals that gun owners are truly worried about, it is what people like you will allow the government to do when we have no defence against them, as you clearly wish.

The 2nd will never be amended. It is part of the Bill of Rights, the importance of which, you sadly have no idea.

There has never in our history been a more important time for private ownership of guns than now.
After living under Bush and the republicans insane party I think we will NEVER ban all guns and should not.

I have never wanted all guns banned