The Obamacare Scorecard: Around 100,000 Enrollees And Five Million Cancellations


In the market for individually-purchased health insurance, more than 4.8 million Americans have received notices that their preexisting plans are soon to be illegal, and will be cancelled. Many more cancellation notices are imminent. But yesterday, the Wall Street Journal obtained information regarding the number of people who have signed up for new private health coverage under Obamacare: “40,000 to 50,000” for the federal exchange, and 49,000 for 12 of the 14 state-based exchanges.

White House falls short of target by around 80%
Last month, the Associated Press published details of an internal Obama administration memo, dated September 5, detailing the White House’s monthly targets as to how many people would sign up for private insurance under Obamacare’s exchanges. “We expect enrollment in the initial months to be low,” said the September 5 memo. Through October, the administration estimated that 494,620 would sign up. They only got about a fifth of the way toward that lowball estimate.

“So far, private health plans have received enrollment data for 40,000 to 50,000 users of the federal marketplace,” write Christopher Weaver, Timothy Martin, and Louise Radnofsky in the Journal. “Separately, 12 of the 14 states that are running their own exchanges have tallied roughly 49,000 enrollees.”

Believe it or not, the enrollment data from the federal government may actually exaggerate the number of people who have signed up. “The number represents enrollment date sent to insurers from the marketplace,” but counts “data sent to insurers from the marketplace.”

One official told Amy Goldstein and Sarah Kliff of the Washington Post that “the official figure will include people who have paid for a plan and those who simply picked a plan and put it in their shopping cart.” Most private companies aren’t allowed to count as “sales” people who put items in their electronic shopping carts, but haven’t yet paid. But politics triumphs economics. Goldstein and Kliff write that, “according to one person with knowledge of the figures, slightly fewer than 40,000 people had selected a [federal exchange-based] health plan as of last week.”

Website unlikely to be ready by Nov. 30
Last Friday, in a briefing conducted by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services, officials walked back a previous commitment to get the website fixed by the end of November. “It’s a critical date, without question,” said one. “But don’t think of it as an unveiling date. The goal is to make significant improvements that day.”

These officials picked November 30 as their self-imposed deadline because, without it, many of the Americans seeing their preexisting plans cancelled before January 1 won’t be able to find Obamacare-compliant plans to replace them.

Juliet Eilperin and Amy Goldstein of the Washington Post report that insurers may be looking for extra subsidies in order to help the government out. “One idea circulated within the insurance industry would be for HHS to approave a method to estimate subsidies and give preliminary tax credits based on those estimates—with the accurate amount determined later, once the system works better.” But “insurance industry leaders have said that they would insist on a guarantee that they would be compensated for any underpayments—and that they have asked to keep any overpayments.”

Fixing the website may take six months
Based on what we’ve seen to date from the administration, it appears likely that the website will take four to six months to function properly. The Obama administration should take the advice of the Democratic chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Max Baucus (D., Mont.) and shut the thing down until they can fix it.

But the administration appears hell-bent on keeping the exchange open, because they want to enroll as many people into Obamacare before the President’s term is up. That way, the law will become harder to repeal, even if Republicans win in 2016.

I get the political logic. But Americans are facing significant disruptions in the quality and consistency of their health coverage. It’s this very mentality that caused the Obama administration to force-launch a website that wasn’t ready for prime time. It’s important for them to get it right.

In the market for individually-purchased health insurance, more than 4.8 million Americans have received notices that their preexisting plans are soon to be illegal, and will be cancelled. Many more cancellation notices are imminent. But yesterday, the Wall Street Journal obtained information regarding the number of people who have signed up for new private health coverage under Obamacare: “40,000 to 50,000” for the federal exchange, and 49,000 for 12 of the 14 state-based exchanges.

White House falls short of target by around 80%
Last month, the Associated Press published details of an internal Obama administration memo, dated September 5, detailing the White House’s monthly targets as to how many people would sign up for private insurance under Obamacare’s exchanges. “We expect enrollment in the initial months to be low,” said the September 5 memo. Through October, the administration estimated that 494,620 would sign up. They only got about a fifth of the way toward that lowball estimate.

“So far, private health plans have received enrollment data for 40,000 to 50,000 users of the federal marketplace,” write Christopher Weaver, Timothy Martin, and Louise Radnofsky in the Journal. “Separately, 12 of the 14 states that are running their own exchanges have tallied roughly 49,000 enrollees.”

Believe it or not, the enrollment data from the federal government may actually exaggerate the number of people who have signed up. “The number represents enrollment date sent to insurers from the marketplace,” but counts “data sent to insurers from the marketplace.”

One official told Amy Goldstein and Sarah Kliff of the Washington Post that “the official figure will include people who have paid for a plan and those who simply picked a plan and put it in their shopping cart.” Most private companies aren’t allowed to count as “sales” people who put items in their electronic shopping carts, but haven’t yet paid. But politics triumphs economics. Goldstein and Kliff write that, “according to one person with knowledge of the figures, slightly fewer than 40,000 people had selected a [federal exchange-based] health plan as of last week.”

Website unlikely to be ready by Nov. 30
Last Friday, in a briefing conducted by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services, officials walked back a previous commitment to get the website fixed by the end of November. “It’s a critical date, without question,” said one. “But don’t think of it as an unveiling date. The goal is to make significant improvements that day.”

These officials picked November 30 as their self-imposed deadline because, without it, many of the Americans seeing their preexisting plans cancelled before January 1 won’t be able to find Obamacare-compliant plans to replace them.

Juliet Eilperin and Amy Goldstein of the Washington Post report that insurers may be looking for extra subsidies in order to help the government out. “One idea circulated within the insurance industry would be for HHS to approave a method to estimate subsidies and give preliminary tax credits based on those estimates—with the accurate amount determined later, once the system works better.” But “insurance industry leaders have said that they would insist on a guarantee that they would be compensated for any underpayments—and that they have asked to keep any overpayments.”

Fixing the website may take six months
Based on what we’ve seen to date from the administration, it appears likely that the website will take four to six months to function properly. The Obama administration should take the advice of the Democratic chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Max Baucus (D., Mont.) and shut the thing down until they can fix it.

But the administration appears hell-bent on keeping the exchange open, because they want to enroll as many people into Obamacare before the President’s term is up. That way, the law will become harder to repeal, even if Republicans win in 2016.

I get the political logic. But Americans are facing significant disruptions in the quality and consistency of their health coverage. It’s this very mentality that caused the Obama administration to force-launch a website that wasn’t ready for prime time. It’s important for them to get it right.

See, you jerks?!? We have over 100,000 enrollees! What is your fucking problem?!?

-- The Left
In fairness, there may be an explanation for the gap between the 100,000 and 5 million figures.

A lot of people may be staying with the same company that canceled their original policy, therefore having no need to go through the registry. Those would be the people we hear griping about the huge increases in their monthly premiums.

I can see why they delayed the employer mandate though. Imagine the chaos if employers sent their employees to these exchanges during this start-up mayhem?

I think the next shoe to drop is going to be the people who find they can't keep their doctors, or newly insured people who can't find a doctor taking new patients.

Meanwhile, the 30 million uninsured we wrung our collective hands about will remain apparently uninsured.... the unemployed have no reason to enroll, because if there is not tax refund coming there is no penalty... illegal aliens will still seek medical attention in emergency rooms...the "poor" will remain on Medicaid.... and the old folks who paid their whole lives into Medicare will see their services cut.

This is all bascially a big "screw you!" to the middle class. Again.
I think the next shoe to drop is going to be the people who find they can't keep their doctors

Speak of the devil.

Let the blame game begin over ObamaCare’s oversights.

The nation’s largest health insurer, UnitedHealthcare, claims the Affordable Care Act is responsible for forcing it to boot doctors from its Medicare Advantage program that serves thousands of elderly patients in the New York metro region.

CEO Jack Larsen, under fire for separating seniors from their MDs, took out full-page ads to explain that cuts in Medicare spending forced the *insurer’s hand.

“We are working to collaborate with a more focused network of physicians to help us provide higher quality and more affordable health care coverage to meet the needs of our members, and help them get more from their health plan benefits,” Larsen said.

“This work has become even more urgent in light of the severe funding reductions for Medicare Advantage plans that have come from Washington.”

Even fervent supporters of ObamaCare are investigating complaints that elderly patients are being unnecessarily separated from their doctors.

“We’ve met with New York doctors and we’re looking for the best way to ensure seniors maintain access to the doctors they want,” said Max Young, a spokesman for Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY).

“We’re looking at why United has kicked doctors off their plan, and if their explanations are truthful.”

The politicians will soon be hearing from enraged seniors.

The state medical society has drafted a form letter that is being handed out to patients in doctors’ offices throughout the city.

“The timing of this action seems curious. Insurance companies are taking full advantage of the chaos surrounding the rollout of the Affordable Healthcare Act. Did they think seniors would not be paying attention to this issue while the spotlight was focused on the glitches related to the national health care program?” reads the protest letter to Congress .

Meanwhile state insurance officials are warning that medical premiums could skyrocket in year two of ObamaCare, if not enough of the so-called “young invincibles” sign up for coverage in year one, which is 2014.

“If you don’t have that young healthy population enrolling, it’s going to have an impact on premiums,” said Leslie Moran of the New York Health Plan Association, the trade group for commercial insurers.

State, federal and insurance officials have yet to release the age and demographic data of those who have signed up, leading critics to suspect the worst.

“We are not providing any enrollment information at this time,” said Maria Gordon-Shydlo, aa UnitedHealthcare spokesman said.

The state Health Department said an age breakdown will be released shortly.
or newly insured people who can't find a doctor taking new patients.

Speak of the devil.

The Massachusetts Medical Society issued a report in July that found half of the primary-care doctors refused to accept new patients because they’re fully booked. And the average waiting times to see a family doctor and internist after requesting an appointment is 39 and 50 days, respectively.