the next new right wing hero



Spooner suspected Simmons of breaking into his Milwaukee home and stealing guns, prosecutors said. Spooner confronted the teen on the sidewalk two days after the weapons came up missing and demanded that he return them. When Simmons denied stealing anything, Spooner shot him in the chest from five feet away as the teen's mother watched, according to the criminal complaint.

Spooner then fired a second shot as Simmons tried to run away, the complaint said. Police recovered a weapon and two spent bullet casings
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Based on what I read from your article it would sound like the old guy is guilty of murder. There doesn't appear to be self defense.

Actually if there was a case for the race industry to get justifiably upset about this sounds like it to me. This is shameful.

But for whatever reason they did not.

Not sure what other facts if any aren't being presented, but this looks like a slam dunk conviction.

Sad when your memes blow up in your face huh?
Desh what happened? You were desperate for a response. You got one? Did your meme blow up in your face?

See what happens when you fill your head with preconceived notions? See unlike you, I let facts not emotions guide my ultimate decisions. That isn't to say that emotion doesn't ever sneak in, but I try hard not to.

In the case of Trayvon it seemed like self defense to me.

In this case it seems like cold blooded murder.

Now in your distorted brain you think I revel in the death of black youths. Forget your sick twisted mind that believes that for a second. Nothing could be further from the truth.

My heart breaks for inner city youth that will never get a chance. I spend countless hours tutoring inner city teens trying to further their education.

But, since I don't play into the victomology story nothing else matters.
I was doing something else.

now what exactly makes this one different from the Trayvon case in your minds
I was doing something else.

now what exactly makes this one different from the Trayvon case in your minds

The facts. Had Zimmerman just walked up to Trayvon and shot him. Case closed. Murder. That didn't happen.

The real question is what makes THIS one different in YOUR EYES. For a year it has been all Trayvon ALL the time. Where was this story? Could it be this didn't fit your race narrative because you knew EVERYONE would be outraged over it and it would be hard to keep your race business going with only one side.

Fishy. Very fishy. This case sickens me. The old man should fry
I see in another thread ILA is spewing outrage that this case hasn't gotten more publicity. Nice to know he finally gets it that gunning down black kids for no reason is a bad thing to do. I wasn't able to read very much - just the flyover first couple of sentences - since I have him on ignore, so not sure who he is blaming for the lack of publicity.

I agree, this case is terrible. But remember - the reason we were so upset at the Martin case is that the police let Zimmerman go free that night and there didn't seem to be any movement toward charging him. In this case, the guy was arrested and he's up for trial; it was not necessary for anyone to protest to get the cops to do their jobs.

Also, as evince's article says:
The shooting of Simmons drew swift response from the Rev. Jesse Jackson's Rainbow PUSH Coalition, which called for federal hate-crimes charges against Spooner. The group also was upset about the way police treated Simmons' family during the shooting investigation.

So put away your faux outrage over this "getting ignored", ILA. The cops didn't. Rev. Jackson didn't. Now let's see what happens with the trial.
The facts. Had Zimmerman just walked up to Trayvon and shot him. Case closed. Murder. That didn't happen.

The real question is what makes THIS one different in YOUR EYES. For a year it has been all Trayvon ALL the time. Where was this story? Could it be this didn't fit your race narrative because you knew EVERYONE would be outraged over it and it would be hard to keep your race business going with only one side.

Fishy. Very fishy. This case sickens me. The old man should fry

how do you know trayvon was not trying to protect himself from a creepy assed cracker who followed him and then rushed him in the dark?

the difference is an eye witness as apposed to and ear witness.

You just accept whatever zimmy says as fact even though he was a proven liar
Now if this guy had done this unseen you would have believed anything this old nutter told you about the kid
how do you know trayvon was not trying to protect himself from a creepy assed cracker who followed him and then rushed him in the dark?

the difference is an eye witness as apposed to and ear witness.

You just accept whatever zimmy says as fact even though he was a proven liar

That very well may have happened. But in this country we need evidence to convict. Do you wish to change that and convict based on conjecture?

Spooner suspected Simmons of breaking into his Milwaukee home and stealing guns, prosecutors said. Spooner confronted the teen on the sidewalk two days after the weapons came up missing and demanded that he return them. When Simmons denied stealing anything, Spooner shot him in the chest from five feet away as the teen's mother watched, according to the criminal complaint.

Spooner then fired a second shot as Simmons tried to run away, the complaint said. Police recovered a weapon and two spent bullet casings

Well, Spooner obviously feared for his least that's what he'll tell the judge who will then let him off scott free.