The newest lie....

just how many people do you think you are going to convince to vote republican because they want to go back to having a insurance policy that kicks them off once they get sick?

only the palin idiots would say they wanted to keep it because they HATE Obama.

irrational HATE was not part of this deal.
should he have said if YOU IRRATIONALLY HATE ME you can keep your fucked insurance policy that everyone knows is a scam?
Now that is what you fucking idiots are calling a lie.

He forgot that you crazy stupid pablum lappers were just that fucking bigoted.

Should he have said If you are a racist piece of fuck who hates anyone but white people you can remain being fucked in the ass by insurance companies?
Are you dumbasses going to use opposition to this future love child law as a losing strategy for a third straight time.
You sound like democrat trolls.
You can't be that dumb!
the irrational haters in this country need to be put in their place.

LIES and HATE do not a great country make
Obama has told so many lies, he cannot remember them all. Guess all that crack smoking finally is catching up to him.

Obama continues to walk back his promise on the health care law that “if you like your health plan, you can keep it” with a bit of revisionist history.

In selling the Affordable Care Act to the American public, the president often repeated the same refrain: “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan,” he said in St. Charles, Mo., March 10, 2010.

“If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor,” he said five days later in Strongsville, Ohio.

Now, with hundreds of thousands of Americans receiving cancellation notices, the president has come under fire for misleading the American public.

The president first tweaked his original promise in a speech in Boston last week where he said that “for the vast majority of people who have health insurance that works, you can keep it.”
death panels

the end of freedom

do you fucks even remember the cascade of lies you fucking spewed while you claim Obama was deceiving people by actually giving you credit for not being so fucking insane that you would throw a fit for not being able to keep a healthcare plan that can drop you for getting sickjust becaue you cant stand having a black president?

Your fucking insane.

maybe you need to go to the Dr and get your head examined.

Oh yeah that health care plan your crying over doesn't cover mental health huh

fucking scum bag liars
Your idiot hot pants hero Plain is still talking death panels I think.

Hot pants hero

dumb dumb dumb
death panels

the end of freedom

do you fucks even remember the cascade of lies you fucking spewed while you claim Obama was deceiving people by actually giving you credit for not being so fucking insane that you would throw a fit for not being able to keep a healthcare plan that can drop you for getting sickjust becaue you cant stand having a black president?

Your fucking insane.

maybe you need to go to the Dr and get your head examined.

Oh yeah that health care plan your crying over doesn't cover mental health huh

fucking scum bag liars


The truth hurts knowing your beloved Obama is a fucking liar and the American people are starting to realize that fact.
when he said you can keep your plan did he KNOW the insurance companies would find a way to USE that to CHEAT more.

do you know they are sending letters to people and using this bullshit your spreading to trick people into paying for MORE when they don't need it?

The whole reason this mess was here to need correcting in the first place was insurers fucking people with the small print.

fuck you people jusy LIKE taking it in the ass from corporations
You people are a fucking dumb as a box of round rocks.

you have your lips surgically attached to carl roves ass