
Verified User
LEFTIE: "Joe Biden, the president is doing wonderful things".
ME: "Is he, tell me what he is doing I would like to discuss it"?

ME: "Mr Trump lead a peace initiative in the Middle East".....
LEFTIE: "Shut the fuck up you Nazi if you say his name again I will leave the room"!!

I have witnessed this first hand. It is very common. It is weird. My own family do it as well as friends (now former friends) they(the anti Mr Trump) just can not open their minds and have a two-way interaction.
This is fact.... a friend of mine told me her friend of 40 years slammed the phone down and refuses to be friends just because she said that she liked Mr Trump - this "friend" loves biden and george floyd and killary and the BLM.
Her dumping her friend is not the issue the issue is that the Mr Trump supporter was very happy for her friend to support whomever she chooses, she respected free speech and freedom of choice. She was happy for her friend to have a chat about world affairs etc but this biden person totally shut down and had tons of angst. WTF is going on? LOL LOL
LEFTIE: "Joe Biden, the president is doing wonderful things".
ME: "Is he, tell me what he is doing I would like to discuss it"?

ME: "Mr Trump lead a peace initiative in the Middle East".....
LEFTIE: "Shut the fuck up you Nazi if you say his name again I will leave the room"!!

I have witnessed this first hand. It is very common. It is weird. My own family do it as well as friends (now former friends) they(the anti Mr Trump) just can not open their minds and have a two-way interaction.
This is fact.... a friend of mine told me her friend of 40 years slammed the phone down and refuses to be friends just because she said that she liked Mr Trump - this "friend" loves biden and george floyd and killary and the BLM.
Her dumping her friend is not the issue the issue is that the Mr Trump supporter was very happy for her friend to support whomever she chooses, she respected free speech and freedom of choice. She was happy for her friend to have a chat about world affairs etc but this biden person totally shut down and had tons of angst. WTF is going on? LOL LOL

You ever notice though the lying morons never actually leave? How many "entertainers" have promised us they would move elsewhere if so and so was elected? The lying pieces of shit never follow through. No morals no need for integrity.
Cordeela, you have to learn not to directly confront a Leftist with facts or rational debate. Instead formulate what you want to say in the form of a question--sort of like you're playing Jeopardy.

Leftie: Joe Biden is doing wonderful things!
You: Really?! How great! Can you list some of these for me?

Leftie: Trump is a criminal and...
You: Really?! A criminal you say? What crimes has he committed?

You: Can you tell me what President Biden's immigration policies are right now?

Try to let them start the conversation too. That makes it easier to ask questions.

Just remember this will always end up going like this:

Type 1 response: They'll change the subject or ignore what you asked

When pressed and forced back on topic your get:

Type 2 response: Ad hominem. They insult you.

When you ignore that and press for an answer,

Type 3 response: They shout vulgarities at you and storm off mad. Be aware they may get stupid and try to assault you like an angry little girl...

There is a rare Type 4 response where they just babble incoherently at you at this stage but you shouldn't expect that one too often.
Rightie: Trump has done great things.
Leftie: Such as?
Rightie: Triggering people and making them cry.
Leftie: ...

Here we have the lefties replying in the EXACT same way as I am describing in my thread. This is childish to the level of first stage learning.
Here we have the lefties replying in the EXACT same way as I am describing in my thread. This is childish to the level of first stage learning.

Their intent is to manipulate lie bully and abuse until they get their way.

Really Shit People
I have always had debates, heated discussions with family and friends. None of us fell out or tried to shut the other down. Not ever. UNTIL... PC - HATE SPEECH LAW - Sheeplike people evolved. The MSM fed them and they believed it. They have no ability to challenge and question the MSM newsfeed.
Now you only have to say or honestly proclaim your true beliefs (with no malice or hate).The thing is I support and want the "other side" to speak, argue rationally. I like it. I respect that. But all you have to do is say: ... "I want border control: << thats enough to send the lefties into a frenzy of hate and vitriol. They totally dismiss you. They literally physically cringe up. Their body changes as if they need a protective shell, akin to a Hermit Crab.
I (and my associates of the political right) dont mind that the lefties support Biden. That they support fully open borders allowing illegals and criminals to walk into a country. AS THEIR HELD BELIEF. I dont agree with them but I (we) never, ever want to leave the room or shut them down or get angry. NEVER.
Your response ref a generic attitude throughout history has nothing to do with the point I am making.
You know this. You deliberately skirt around the truthful points I have made. Why is that? Why do you avoid the salient points I make and answer your own question?
I have always had debates, heated discussions with family and friends. None of us fell out or tried to shut the other down. Not ever. UNTIL... PC - HATE SPEECH LAW - Sheeplike people evolved. The MSM fed them and they believed it. They have no ability to challenge and question the MSM newsfeed.
Now you only have to say or honestly proclaim your true beliefs (with no malice or hate).The thing is I support and want the "other side" to speak, argue rationally. I like it. I respect that. But all you have to do is say: ... "I want border control: << thats enough to send the lefties into a frenzy of hate and vitriol. They totally dismiss you. They literally physically cringe up. Their body changes as if they need a protective shell, akin to a Hermit Crab.
I (and my associates of the political right) dont mind that the lefties support Biden. That they support fully open borders allowing illegals and criminals to walk into a country. AS THEIR HELD BELIEF. I dont agree with them but I (we) never, ever want to leave the room or shut them down or get angry. NEVER.
Your response ref a generic attitude throughout history has nothing to do with the point I am making.
You know this. You deliberately skirt around the truthful points I have made. Why is that? Why do you avoid the salient points I make and answer your own question?

We see people who claim to be very smart also routinely claiming that they dont have fifth grade reading comprehension skills. Sure they are lying the entire point is to destroy conversation, because the Regressive Left is not interested in conversation. In their abusive world there are only two options for the rest of us.....Obey or be flattened.
Bret and Heather talk about this....You dont spray paint ACAB all over the major cities if you are interested in conversation....that is designed prevent and to shut down conversation
I sat at a meal with 8 friends. One invited their friend from abroad. "You must meet our GAY friend he is lovely, a wealthy business man - he really is nice, he is GAY" (I say this literally as it happened and exactly the way it was said)
We all sat down and the subject of Donald Trump was mentioned. In the context of: "I hope Trump wins he really is for the Constitution of the USA"! Thats all, no attitude, no ill intent... just a pleasant quite input.
The so-called "GAY, nice, aware, friendly BUSINESS MAN" (aged 46) said in a loud voice: >> "IF THAT MANS NAME IS MENTIONED AGAIN I AM LEAVING THIS TABLE. THAT MAN IS A RACIST" <<< This is exactly as it happened. We were all friendly and happy and no ill intent or attitude. Yet this pillock, a welcomed guest to our table decided to show his leftie intolerance.
I said: "Thats fine why the hell dont you leave the table your a grown adult, leave or stay"????

You can multiply this incident by hundreds of thousands. I see this on a weekly basis. NEVE, EVER not ONCE have I or those of us of a similar political allegiance wanted to or attempted to shut down or cancel or be rude or disrespect a person who supports Biden or the Democrat policies.
LEFTIE: "Joe Biden, the president is doing wonderful things".
ME: "Is he, tell me what he is doing I would like to discuss it"?

ME: "Mr Trump lead a peace initiative in the Middle East".....
LEFTIE: "Shut the fuck up you Nazi if you say his name again I will leave the room"!!

I have witnessed this first hand. It is very common. It is weird. My own family do it as well as friends (now former friends) they(the anti Mr Trump) just can not open their minds and have a two-way interaction.
This is fact.... a friend of mine told me her friend of 40 years slammed the phone down and refuses to be friends just because she said that she liked Mr Trump - this "friend" loves biden and george floyd and killary and the BLM.
Her dumping her friend is not the issue the issue is that the Mr Trump supporter was very happy for her friend to support whomever she chooses, she respected free speech and freedom of choice. She was happy for her friend to have a chat about world affairs etc but this biden person totally shut down and had tons of angst. WTF is going on? LOL LOL

Well, you just proved every single lefty on the planet does not want to hear when you define as good things Trump did will stop the conversation. You must be proud of that accomplishment. If there were only a place where rightys and leftys could debate such things.
Well, you just proved every single lefty on the planet does not want to hear when you define as good things Trump did will stop the conversation. You must be proud of that accomplishment. If there were only a place where rightys and leftys could debate such things.

The Left no more wants to hear someone they hate has done something positive, than they want to hear someone they love has done something incredibly stupid. Their world is that of a petulant six-year-old who wants what they want and will tolerate nothing else, throwing a tantrum if you don't give it to them.