The Anonymous
Bag On My Head

With thousands of National Guard troops still deployed, Washington D.C. looks like an occupied city during wartime.
The only war currently going on is ideological.
DEMOCRATS will keep the National Guard troops who were deployed to make the usurper's coronation appear to have been threatened for a much longer but undetermined duration, according to Politico.
Members of the National Guard tell Politico that there is no specific mission, and they have not received any intelligence about credible threats.
The rank-and-file have so far been given no official justifications, threat reports or any explanation for the extended mission, said two Guard members — nor have they seen any violence thus far.
There is no defined situation, or mission statement. "This is very unusual for any military mission,” said one member, who has deployed twice to Afghanistan. “We are usually given a situation, with defined mission perimeters, and at least a tentative plan on how to execute those objectives.”
The lack of direction is compounded by a lack of accommodations, food, and other resources.
At one point over the weekend, troops were told to leave the Capitol building and move to a parking garage.
Some have reported to Politico that they have been buying their own meals due to a lack of supplies for the deployment, and many are foregoing better pay from their civilian jobs while they remain in the city.
Tulsi Gabbard finds the situation untenable. In an interview on Watters World, she expressed surprise at the treatment of the troops. Host Jesse Watters asked her if the size of the deployment was appropriate. Gabbard responded: "No. The militarization of our nation’s capital was not only unnecessary. Yes, we need to make sure that this transition of power happens peacefully and safely, but to send that message both to the American people and the world that somehow our nation’s capital is under attack and threat of a siege of taking over, I just don’t think that’s the message that we want to send to the American people and to the world."
Gabbard added that the enduring presence of the several thousand troops staying in the capital is a terrible message to send and wondered what our national leaders are trying to accomplish.
Watters noted 25,000 troops is enough to take over a country and said the deployment was intended to keep Americans scared of their fellow citizens.
Texas, Florida, New Hampshire, and Montana have all called their National Guard troops home. Governor Ron DeSantis went so far as to say the National Guard are soldiers, not “Nancy Pelosi’s servants.”
7,000 will remain through February 6th, with 5,000 staying until mid-March.