evince Truthmatters Nov 25, 2007 #1 http://www.tv3.co.nz/News/WeatherNe...tabid/422/articleID/39905/cat/76/Default.aspx These are the types of solutions I foresee for our future.
http://www.tv3.co.nz/News/WeatherNe...tabid/422/articleID/39905/cat/76/Default.aspx These are the types of solutions I foresee for our future.
C Cypress Well-known member Nov 25, 2007 #2 The methane eating bug If they can put it in pill form, it may cure Rush Limbaugh of excessive flatulence.
The methane eating bug If they can put it in pill form, it may cure Rush Limbaugh of excessive flatulence.
A Agnosticus_Caesar Fuck You Too Nov 25, 2007 #3 [ If they can put it in pill form, it may cure Rush Limbaugh of excessive flatulence.] That would end his career.
[ If they can put it in pill form, it may cure Rush Limbaugh of excessive flatulence.] That would end his career.
uscitizen Villified User Nov 25, 2007 #4 LOL, Yes just sneak it into the food chain and it would end Republicanism.