The melting pot

no opinions on the matter?

gee I though maybe you guys were interested in the immigration issue.

Does that mean you will let this bill pass the house?
You don't want a discussion on immigration. You want another reason to call people racist and haters of the poor. Yeah I can see why people wouldn't flock to your thread and your bogus premise.

BTW I don't know anybody that is opposed to immigration. I know a lot of people who are opposed to illegal immigration. Apparently some people can't distinguish between the two.

Don't worry your little head. The GOP is he'll bent on committing mass suicide as a party and they will pass amnesty. Of course they will continue to lose their base and won't get an ounce of increased support from Hispanics.

They are being suckers AGAIN
Real liberals have distain for the melting pot and prefer the salad bowl. Desh must not be a liberal anymore. She's sold out. :(

Personally, I say pot is good!

If you guys would go to college or attend workshops, you would understand that real liberals hate the racist melting pot and prefer the tapestry and salad bowl concepts.
no opinions on the matter?

gee I though maybe you guys were interested in the immigration issue.

Does that mean you will let this bill pass the house?

Is 51 minutes the length of time that you're able to stay concentrated on one item, before the squirrel distracts you?
we seem to thrive on regionalism, fracturization along ethnic, cultural lines. Not unique to America.
I wonder how many people actually hold our Constitution in high regards? Afterall; that is the essense of the American ideal..
this country is an forever will be a melting pot.

everyone is melting all the time.

some sit outside the pot and claim they are the REAL Americans
Why is that?

3D can answer better than I but my understanding is it's what multiculturalism is all about. We have a dominant (white) culture in America and by forcing minority groups to assimilate we are causing them to lose portions of their culture as well as the argument that cultural differences are a good thing and should be maintained.
cultural differences are a good thing. however, not assimilating, if you will, is not a good thing. we should all be americans first, that is why people come to this country, to enjoy america and be americans.
3D can answer better than I but my understanding is it's what multiculturalism is all about. We have a dominant (white) culture in America and by forcing minority groups to assimilate we are causing them to lose portions of their culture as well as the argument that cultural differences are a good thing and should be maintained.

the melting pot means everyone melts together for ever.