The mayan calendar (MAY) have predicted a long term disaster!


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!!!!!!!!!!DO NOT IGNORE THIS MESSAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At the end of the last mayan calendar was not the end of the world, or sudden destruction. Instead, began the ice age. Slowly, the world began to grow colder and colder, untill we reached and ice age. Today, coincidentally, the mayan calendar has ended again. And we are more advanced than ever before, and have been advancing rapidly. But while doing this we have destroyed the planet. In europe, when there was only around 100 million people, (1000-1400 AD) the rivers were mostly polluted, overfished, the forests were disappearing rapidly. Today there is a wopping SEVEN BILLION PEOPLE! Thats more than 60 times than the european population at the time, in fact at least 20 times the world population at the time. We are at the beginning of an environmental DISASTER!We are pumping more CO2 into the atmosphere, causing rapid global warming. If you think I'm an idiot for believing legit scientists that global warming is indeed happening, then you also think that NASA, the NOAA, and 97% of scientists (SOURCE: NASA ) are idiots as well, to any global warming deniers that may be lurking out there. Not only that we are clearing forests at least 100X faster than they were being cleared in the 1400's, if you look at a deforestation progress video you'll see the earth is going bare. So we are pumping pollution into the air, and removing the earths ability to remove it! Rivers everywhere are being polluted, drained, and overfished. Even the oceans are being destroyed, something the europeans never managed to do (Untill today, as europeans have basically taken over the world). Look it up, there is a clusture of human-induced TOXIC WASTE and plastic the size of TEXAS in the pacific ocean. Oil companies and such have spewed billions of tons of oil into seas as well. Think about it, should our planet be all polluted and destroyed like this? And why is this all happening in the century of the end of the mayan calendar, just like the ice age? Weather or not this environmental crisis was predicted by the mayan calendar, something has to be done, before it's too late!
!!!!!!!!ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DO NOT IGNORE THIS MESSAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ALERT!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!DO NOT IGNORE THIS MESSAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At the end of the last mayan calendar was not the end of the world, or sudden destruction. Instead, began the ice age. Slowly, the world began to grow colder and colder, untill we reached and ice age. Today, coincidentally, the mayan calendar has ended again. And we are more advanced than ever before, and have been advancing rapidly. But while doing this we have destroyed the planet. In europe, when there was only around 100 million people, (1000-1400 AD) the rivers were mostly polluted, overfished, the forests were disappearing rapidly. Today there is a wopping SEVEN BILLION PEOPLE! Thats more than 60 times than the european population at the time, in fact at least 20 times the world population at the time. We are at the beginning of an environmental DISASTER!We are pumping more CO2 into the atmosphere, causing rapid global warming. If you think I'm an idiot for believing legit scientists that global warming is indeed happening, then you also think that NASA, the NOAA, and 97% of scientists (SOURCE: NASA ) are idiots as well, to any global warming deniers that may be lurking out there. Not only that we are clearing forests at least 100X faster than they were being cleared in the 1400's, if you look at a deforestation progress video you'll see the earth is going bare. So we are pumping pollution into the air, and removing the earths ability to remove it! Rivers everywhere are being polluted, drained, and overfished. Even the oceans are being destroyed, something the europeans never managed to do (Untill today, as europeans have basically taken over the world). Look it up, there is a clusture of human-induced TOXIC WASTE and plastic the size of TEXAS in the pacific ocean. Oil companies and such have spewed billions of tons of oil into seas as well. Think about it, should our planet be all polluted and destroyed like this? And why is this all happening in the century of the end of the mayan calendar, just like the ice age? Weather or not this environmental crisis was predicted by the mayan calendar, something has to be done, before it's too late!
!!!!!!!!ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DO NOT IGNORE THIS MESSAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ALERT!!!!!

Yellowstone park's Caldera is going to erupt and solve the entire problem.
Since the ice age wasn't the end... this is not either. Though if we are foolish enough to keep living the way we are currently living, it may become uninhabitable.

Thing is, nature doesn't "care" about keeping us alive. The planet will keep spinning around the sun; whether we can still live on it or not...well, the planet doesn't care.'re the denier of man's influence on the environment....not me.
Recent heat waves?
Evidence supporting your theory?

Explain 1911 then........

Show me proof!!


Then screw you!!

Cyclical weather conditions.
Historical evidence supports it.
Nothing supports your THEORY.
Exept violent, intolerant liberal dogma.
Recent heat waves?
Evidence supporting your theory?

Explain 1911 then........

Show me proof!!


Then screw you!!

Cyclical weather conditions.
Historical evidence supports it.
Nothing supports your THEORY.
Exept violent, intolerant liberal dogma.

Kind of touchy aren't we? Seems like a sore subject. I hope you're right...but I think you're wrong.
I thought that man made global warming was an absolute scientific fact in liberal thinking?
It's a theory, an empty belief, like monotheism.
I thought that man made global warming was an absolute scientific fact in liberal thinking?
It's a theory, an empty belief, like monotheism.
I'm sorry but I must dispute this claim. According to NASA, 97% of climate scientists agree we are causing climate change. Are you claiming you know more than 97% of climate scientists?
Recent heat waves?
Evidence supporting your theory?

Explain 1911 then........

Show me proof!!


Then screw you!!

Cyclical weather conditions.
Historical evidence supports it.
Nothing supports your THEORY.
Exept violent, intolerant liberal dogma.
Nasa and the noaa supports our PROVEN FACTS! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
I'm sorry but I must dispute this claim. According to NASA, 97% of climate scientists agree we are causing climate change. Are you claiming you know more than 97% of climate scientists?

He'd rather believe the 3%...on the fossil fuel's more.convenient.
He'd rather believe the 3%...on the fossil fuel's more.convenient.
Erm, did you ask what I believe?

I believe the THEORY that mans activity on earth may have an influence on climate change.
I also recognize that in history, recent and ancient, climate change has been a reality.

I have an open mind.
You are close minded, intolerant, abusive and probably support violence to force your dogma.
Erm, did you ask what I believe?

I believe the THEORY that mans activity on earth may have an influence on climate change.
I also recognize that in history, recent and ancient, climate change has been a reality.

I have an open mind.
You are close minded, intolerant, abusive and probably support violence to force your dogma.

Not at you believe that it's possible that 97% of climatologists are right....but feel that we should just ignore it and hope it goes away on the off chance that the 3% are right?
Not at you believe that it's possible that 97% of climatologists are right....but feel that we should just ignore it and hope it goes away on the off chance that the 3% are right?

Do climatologists ever look to historical climate cycles?

The desiccation of sub Saharan Africa was blamed on man made climate change in the 70s.
Yet that trend is now reversing. Central Africa is now seeing a cycle of desiccation not seen for at least a century and a half.

I recognize the theory you subscribe to, religiously but I also see historical patterns of cyclical weather change.
I have an open mind.
You have a closed, dogmatic and intolerant mind.

Don't tell me what I believe.
Read what I post.