The Main Stream Media Report Thread


Diversity Makes Greatness
Most people have a favorite news source in the mainstream media.

I like PBS Newshour.

Others like CNN, MSN, CBS, Fox, BBC, OANN, and more.

There are all the newspapers, magazines and their websites.

Who has time to keep up with them all? (almost nobody who has a life...)

Most people pick out their favorite one and stick with it. Maybe they have a few alternates to augment their main daily news source.

And then we come in here and talk about politics, armed with the how we were informed by our own news sources.

And we are astonished at how different the views of others are.


So, here is a thread where we can share what was said on the MSM that we frequent. Please share a story that informed you? Thanks.

Like I said. I watch PBS Newshour. I do not watch Fox or most of the others. The only way I know something they said is if it is linked in a post.

So please do! Try to keep it short. Anybody can go a watch entire reports, but we don't do that because we don't have the time.

Let us all share the media stories we consume, and share them here so we can see what is informing others. It's fine if you just give us your wrap-up of what they said.

And let's try to keep it respectful and fun.

Let's make it informative, shall we?

Onward to more awareness...

Tonight, PBS covered the Atlanta shootings, and featured a story about the rising hate crimes against Asian-Americans. A guest implored people not to repeat the derogatory terms for the coronavirus which implicate Asians as bad people. The story showed surveillance video of a 91 year old Asian man being totally blind-sided by an attacker who approached him on the sidewalk from behind and pushed him down on the sidewalk hard.

Who does a thing like that? Why? Several speakers implicated former President Trump for his callous blaming and rhetoric of China.
The story made me wonder if the spread of hatred in America is being augmented by nations like Russia, wanting to do harm to the USA.
Tonight PBS talked about how the CDC redefined the distancing guidelines for schools from 6' to 3', Biden and Harris met with Asian leaders in GA, and 41% of Republicans do not plan to get vaccinated.

Now, that's just baffling. They were all for it when Trump was touting his 'Warp Speed' plan, but now that it's here and Trump is gone, their tune changes.

Don't the realize that by not getting it, they are only going to delay the time when the numbers get low enough for us to relax all the guidelines?
All of a sudden, lots of conservatives are claiming Asian hate crime is perpetrated by blacks.

Lemme guess.

That's what was on Fox.

Just a wild guess.
Turns out that the Atlanta cop was not claiming that the killer had a bad day, he was reporting that the killer said that he was having a bad day.

I morn the loss of the journalists, the creative writing of the Mind Molders does not advance my life any.