The htread for Lorica to produce a fact that he claims I refuse

What 'fact' did I claim you refuse?

You realize that your subject isnt even a coherent sentence, right? I wont even mention spelling.

And btw, I'm a woman.
Today 09:50 AM #100 | Top

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Quote Originally Posted by evince View Post

In reality I only have the power that the FACTS give me.

they just have no power to face facts that make them feel all icky
No, facts that are not absorbed have no impact, no power.

And your delivery has the OPPOSITE affect. You have no credibilty also have no ability to absorb information that does not conform to your beliefs.

You may be the first liberal that I've seen online that behaves just like the fundie hyper-conservative religious nutters.

"Freedom doesn't mean safe, it means free."

Why are people surprised that folks on both sides can't be pigeon-holed according to some partisan agenda or inflammatory talking points?

"No, you'll be *a* judge of that, just like everyone else who reads it."
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Today 10:41 AM #22 | Top

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Quote Originally Posted by ` View Post

I think there still needs to be a lot of space for a lot of things to settle down. there was pretty much a drama explosion the last 2 weeks. Some left because the causes of the drama, (very few actually, if any actually did this) a few more took a break because of the fallout, the meta drama discussion, etc. a few others simply followed those that were banned because they like darla and want to chill with her.

Just think we need to regroup and get our heads together
A good werewolf game would clear the air.

see I told you these games were about controlling posters
First you have to go get a post where I ignored any evidence to that?

come on you claimed there were many

but you have yet to provide ANY proof of your claim

Not a chance idiot....I won't repost the same cheating cases over and over just for you to ignore again and again....
Goggle is your friend, do it yourself. My new MO is to not bother responding to trolls like you, Zappy, Monty1, the Dude, etc....
You can talk to yourself as you normally do for all I care.
Not a chance idiot....I won't repost the same cheating cases over and over just for you to ignore again and again....
Goggle is your friend, do it yourself. My new MO is to not bother responding to trolls like you, Zappy, Monty1, the Dude, etc....
You can talk to yourself as you normally do for all I care.

Then it should be a PIECE of cake to prove huh?

but you cant seem to find any proof of your claim.

fucking lair
Are you insane Evince?

I have no idea what you are talking about. I never even participated in whatever subject you are spewing about.

Please post the quote of mine that you are using to base this little insane rant off of. Because I have no idea what you are talking about and never even discussed that subject.

And stop pm'ing me. Your need for attention is pathetic.

You are truly deranged. Again: post a quote where I even discussed this subject with you, much less questioned the so-called facts.
Also, feel free to post a quote of any lie I ever posted about you.

And please use the dictionary definition of 'lie.'
Today 10:41 AM #22 | Top

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Quote Originally Posted by ` View Post

I think there still needs to be a lot of space for a lot of things to settle down. there was pretty much a drama explosion the last 2 weeks. Some left because the causes of the drama, (very few actually, if any actually did this) a few more took a break because of the fallout, the meta drama discussion, etc. a few others simply followed those that were banned because they like darla and want to chill with her.

Just think we need to regroup and get our heads together
A good werewolf game would clear the air.

see I told you these games were about controlling posters

You deserve to be ignored, until you learn how to consistently use the "quote" feature correctly.
Well, that and the fact that you're a drooling idiot. :)