The Holes in the Case for Military Action Against Syria

Also, too, I'm not sure that the UN report will absolve the administration from making suspect claims in the first instance, though.

If you don't know it to be true, don't claim that it is so, particularly when you're asking for permission to wage war.
McClatchy has a very good piece about the problems with the Obama Administration's public case for action against Syria. Everyone should read it. It's also worth noting that McClatchy purchased Knight-Ridder, which was pretty much the only media organization that took a hard look at the Bush Administration's case against Iraq and did some great reporting:

Thanks for posting, that was great work on their part. I remember Knight-Ridder well.
will Obama and Kerry be called liars by you? or will they just remain misled?

Well, at this point I haven't seen anything to suggest that they said things that they knew to be false or that have been shown to be false so . . . yeah, they aren't liars and haven't misled.
what is it that the intel is showing them?

you know the things they CANT show us?

remember when Clinton tried to get OBL before 911
LOL, did Desh approve of Bushs' warmongering?

All that matters to her is the color of the presidents skin and the D after his name, I think.
I found this interesting as well. Apparently, the former Iranian president has acknowledged that the Syrain regime used chemical weapons:

Former Iranian president Akbar Hashemi-Rafsanjani has roiled Iranian politics by admitting that the Syrian government gassed its own people at Ghuta in the eastern suburbs of Damascus. He was lamenting the calamities that are befalling the hapless Syrian people. He attacked the regime of President Bashar al-Assad for filling what he called “football stadiums” full of political prisoners, as well as for using gas on the rebels.

This sign of division in the Iranian elite would ideally be used by Washington to put diplomatic pressure on that country. However, the American fixation with gunboat diplomacy will probably forestall that diplomatic approach.

Bloghnews carried the original phone video.

This site translates the key remarks this way: “The Syrian people have suffered much during the past two years. More than 100,000 were killed and seven to eight million have become displaced. Prisons are overflowing with people and they have turned stadiums into prisons. On the one hand the people have suffered a chemical attack by their own government. On the other, they have to await for US bombs today.”
pretending the Obama admin is lying about this chemical attack is foolish.

The facts are there
pretending the Obama admin is lying about this chemical attack is foolish.

The facts are there

OK, but, like, why claim that the investigators showed up to late to do anything of value? And where'd the 1,429 number come from? And why didn't they alert anyone of the "suspicious activity" until after the attack?

I mean, I'm not saying that the regime did not use chemical weapons. I think they likely did, but that doesn't mean the administration gets to make unsupported statements about it in an effort to persuade people to support military action.
Because they know things we don't know.

there is some reason they feel evidence will be missed due to the people who are NOW dead and initially survived the attack.

when your emergency treatment people have died you lose a shit load of evidence
Well, at this point I haven't seen anything to suggest that they said things that they knew to be false or that have been shown to be false so . . . yeah, they aren't liars and haven't misled.
maybe I misread the news then, because I could almost believe that I heard Kerry say that there could be no doubt that Assad used chem weapons.