The Hivemind Fallacy - Current Debate-*Musk*Security*Risk* Just 1 example of Trend


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I was recently 'debating' a thread with several of the hive on another site screaming that Musk is a national security risk, citing some article supposedly making that case, is chock-full of glaring examples of a common trend in the hivemind community. It's the same old playbook: hurl a wild accusation at a high-value target of the radical left. Typically, there's what I think of as an 'anchor story' in the description that best articulates the charges asserted in the headline. Then there are additional links within the 'troubling' assertions outlined in the body, instantly adding 'credibility' to the whole point.

These days, the 'anchor' story barely needs substance to meet the 'credibility' bar, but it's still the best case the hive member can find to back up a crazy accusation sourced from something so biased it would make Pelosi blush. Often the writer won't hesitate to loft unfounded claims, framing clear opinion as 'without a doubt' truth. Usually, the best verifiable source will be a 'former this' or 'a supporter says,' maybe even 'an aide close to 'the target', and of course 'Retired Army General Says' none of which would have survived the cutting room floor even 20 years ago. In the rare instance the story has a real heavyweight or verifiable facts, it's still heavily biased, only 'true' if you hold the 'correct' political views.

Then, if there are additional links to bolster the assertion(s), get ready for some 'circular' referencing. Sometimes, the link will take you to a page of a left-wing rag where the assertion is in big, bold letters as a headline with the rest of the page filled with ads. More often, you're directed to a short story on some radical left news site like 'The Independent,' slinging around 'serious concerns' and 'the source believes' or "angered supporter said' – completely useless for those seeking truth.

Another trend worth noting is this relatively new fear of people's comments on social media. New, as in, since the left lost the luxury of having all the popular platforms under control, busy tweaking algorithms to shadowban or outright ban any effective message or messenger. Strangely, that fear went from 0 to 100 on March 14th, 2022.

Which brings me to the hive's biggest enemy, aside from Trump: Elon Musk. He's undoubtedly a prime target for the hive masters. The left acts like any statement from Musk is gospel for the right-wing radicals, assuming 'MAGA' will dutifully obey and believe without scrutiny, making his remarks the most dangerous possible. This leap is easy for them because they parrot their hive masters. Whether it's Obama, Biden, Harris, Cardi B, Whoopi, or Oprah, when they speak, the hive briefly transforms from sheep to parrots. So naturally, when they see Musk or Trump comment, they assume non-hive members do the same and swallow it whole. This is absurd; most normal people form their own opinions through thinking and weighing the credibility of claims until further research changes or cements their views, not automatically or uniformly like the hive.

It's been a while since I bothered to follow the yellow brick road of circular referencing that the left uses to make their case. I thought I'd dip into the latest and surprise, I confirmed that nothing has changed since the last time I ventured down this pointless rabbit hole. My advice? Don't bother unless you have spare time and are bored out of your mind; then it can provide a bit of ironic humor. I'm on a long road to recovery from a less than perfect back surgery, so I guess I have that excuse. When I'm back on my feet, I'll be more stingy with my time than waste it confirming 'facts' from the hive.

Anyone else notice this strategy? I know what I'll get from the hive, either silence or straight to predictably boring insults. Challenge: Put some meat behind your denial, or use a bit of your imagination with the insults.

Below are the three links found in the thread

Elon Musk | The Independent

Elon Musk - X news, SpaceX, family, money and more

Musk ripped for demanding people share more ‘positive, beautiful’ content on X

The billionaire has been branded a ‘hypocrite’ for the demand and accused of turning the platform into a ‘cesspit’
The purpose is to get the SpaceX Board to push him out.
You think that's it? Maybe, I don't doubt they would love that, but the paranoia seems very real to the libtards. The only person that triggers them more is Trump himself and I'm starting to think Mush has him beat. I'm really quite convinced the many failing news sites and cable shows are aware of this reaction and exploit the hive any chance they get by posting sensational stories with virtually zero credible sources. Whatever the reason Musk is the villain of the day for now.
You think that's it? Maybe, I don't doubt they would love that, but the paranoia seems very real to the libtards. The only person that triggers them more is Trump himself and I'm starting to think Mush has him beat. I'm really quite convinced the many failing news sites and cable shows are aware of this reaction and exploit the hive any chance they get by posting sensational stories with virtually zero credible sources. Whatever the reason Musk is the villain of the day for now.
Musk must be a lesson to the rest of us who might get the idea that we can disobey the Overlords.

We will do as we are told....OR ELSE!
I was recently 'debating' a thread with several of the hive on another site screaming that Musk is a national security risk, citing some article supposedly making that case, is chock-full of glaring examples of a common trend in the hivemind community. It's the same old playbook: hurl a wild accusation at a high-value target of the radical left. Typically, there's what I think of as an 'anchor story' in the description that best articulates the charges asserted in the headline. Then there are additional links within the 'troubling' assertions outlined in the body, instantly adding 'credibility' to the whole point.

These days, the 'anchor' story barely needs substance to meet the 'credibility' bar, but it's still the best case the hive member can find to back up a crazy accusation sourced from something so biased it would make Pelosi blush. Often the writer won't hesitate to loft unfounded claims, framing clear opinion as 'without a doubt' truth. Usually, the best verifiable source will be a 'former this' or 'a supporter says,' maybe even 'an aide close to 'the target', and of course 'Retired Army General Says' none of which would have survived the cutting room floor even 20 years ago. In the rare instance the story has a real heavyweight or verifiable facts, it's still heavily biased, only 'true' if you hold the 'correct' political views.

Then, if there are additional links to bolster the assertion(s), get ready for some 'circular' referencing. Sometimes, the link will take you to a page of a left-wing rag where the assertion is in big, bold letters as a headline with the rest of the page filled with ads. More often, you're directed to a short story on some radical left news site like 'The Independent,' slinging around 'serious concerns' and 'the source believes' or "angered supporter said' – completely useless for those seeking truth.

Another trend worth noting is this relatively new fear of people's comments on social media. New, as in, since the left lost the luxury of having all the popular platforms under control, busy tweaking algorithms to shadowban or outright ban any effective message or messenger. Strangely, that fear went from 0 to 100 on March 14th, 2022.

Which brings me to the hive's biggest enemy, aside from Trump: Elon Musk. He's undoubtedly a prime target for the hive masters. The left acts like any statement from Musk is gospel for the right-wing radicals, assuming 'MAGA' will dutifully obey and believe without scrutiny, making his remarks the most dangerous possible. This leap is easy for them because they parrot their hive masters. Whether it's Obama, Biden, Harris, Cardi B, Whoopi, or Oprah, when they speak, the hive briefly transforms from sheep to parrots. So naturally, when they see Musk or Trump comment, they assume non-hive members do the same and swallow it whole. This is absurd; most normal people form their own opinions through thinking and weighing the credibility of claims until further research changes or cements their views, not automatically or uniformly like the hive.

It's been a while since I bothered to follow the yellow brick road of circular referencing that the left uses to make their case. I thought I'd dip into the latest and surprise, I confirmed that nothing has changed since the last time I ventured down this pointless rabbit hole. My advice? Don't bother unless you have spare time and are bored out of your mind; then it can provide a bit of ironic humor. I'm on a long road to recovery from a less than perfect back surgery, so I guess I have that excuse. When I'm back on my feet, I'll be more stingy with my time than waste it confirming 'facts' from the hive.

Anyone else notice this strategy? I know what I'll get from the hive, either silence or straight to predictably boring insults. Challenge: Put some meat behind your denial, or use a bit of your imagination with the insults.

Below are the three links found in the thread

Elon Musk | The Independent

Elon Musk - X news, SpaceX, family, money and more

Musk ripped for demanding people share more ‘positive, beautiful’ content on X

The billionaire has been branded a ‘hypocrite’ for the demand and accused of turning the platform into a ‘cesspit’
musk is a huge anti-maga faggot.
musk is a huge anti-maga faggot.
This is a compelling argument. Unfortunately, I'll have to pick the debate up later. Feel free to post as many comments that reflect your intelligence and skill like this one or better. I'll enjoy them later. lol for real.
This is a compelling argument. Unfortunately, I'll have to pick the debate up later. Feel free to post as many comments that reflect your intelligence and skill like this one or better. I'll enjoy them later. lol for real.
The best is yet to come.

Au revoir, chum.
no it's because he puts the priorities of large corporations over the needs of American citizens.
Nope. Your cholera stems from Musk helping to improve the economy which gives you something at which to point that helps the economy by incidentally helping big corporations.

Americans are not hurt by the importing of that which is needed that doesn't already exist domestically.
Nope. Your cholera stems from Musk helping to improve the economy which gives you something at which to point that helps the economy by incidentally helping big corporations.

Americans are not hurt by the importing of that which is needed that doesn't already exist domestically.

look at you suck that Elon cock.
go boy, go.
wow. look at you suck that Elon cock. go boy, go.
Previously, you viewed everything as fascism. Now you view everything as sucking Elon Musk's cock. You corn-hole yourself into a very strange safe-space. Is Diogenes in there with you? I bet you have raging rave going on in there with strobe lights flashing, right?
techbros are self hating fools for supporting Elon and his attack on their industry.
You're such a disappointment. I was holding out hope that you might have a good point to sprinkle in with the 3rd grade level insults. It's clear you are triggered by Musk and Trump. I've seen studies that suggest that your behavior is rooted in bizarre sexual fantasies about those you claim to hate, you're overcompensating.. Obviously, I have not been above slinging insults but whether you agree or not, I do at least have assertions that belong to me. Any thoughts of your own, excluding what Musk or Trump 'parts' live rent free in your mind?

Prediction: More examples of odd sexual frustrations and fantasy or maybe another compelling comment like "techbros are self hating fools" lol
You're such a disappointment. I was holding out hope that you might have a good point to sprinkle in with the 3rd grade level insults. It's clear you are triggered by Musk and Trump. I've seen studies that suggest that your behavior is rooted in bizarre sexual fantasies about those you claim to hate, you're overcompensating.. Obviously, I have not been above slinging insults but whether you agree or not, I do at least have assertions that belong to me. Any thoughts of your own, excluding what Musk or Trump 'parts' live rent free in your mind?

Prediction: More examples of odd sexual frustrations and fantasy or maybe another compelling comment like "techbros are self hating fools" lol
eat ass, globalist traitor whore.

you were always fake maga.