
Verified User
I love a good strong debate. I never get offended and never feel "hurt". I realise there are a whole bunch of snowflakes out there. I realise this is good against evil. However, I find it absolutely bizarre that people on this site dish out the HATE with vitriol by the shovel full on almost every post no matter what the subject. Its like say: sending an email to your adult friend and his 12 year old son sees it and decides to reply in a mischievous manner, an immature crass response.

I have dealt with very tough violent people and been face to face in many confrontations. I always stand my ground but, posting a topic for debate is a different level of interaction. There are literally two clear choices in regard to ALL topics posted for debate. (1) Interact maturely and with respect, especially towards a person you have never met face to face. (2) Dive in with total nasty intent, dropping the subject and just spewing out the vitriol making no sense except to show yourself as an absolute fuffwit low intelligence vacuous person.

I totally accept it is OK to attack personal insults with hard language and no respect.... that is OK with me. But I am trying to grasp why a number of users on this site will only reply with direct personal nasty insults. I am just asking, I find it bizarre.

Is it really good sense to reply to a forum topic: BIDEN SUPPORTS THE BLM? for example... with.. FUCK OFF YOU PIECE OF SHIT, GO FUCK YOURSELF. LOL LOL ... this is the level of many on this site. What the heck do you expect to gain? Dont you know it is a forum?
I have this vision of this type of person, I see a long haired, head stoned, drop-out slouching past me head down, dragging his feet - walking off the edge .... dysfunctional, unwanted, upset .... I just wonder what it is you get from a discussion forum??

There is that saying: "When they insult you and label you, you know you have said the truth"!!!
Why dont you people have a discussion? You are really not portraying the Democrats/leftie marxist brothers in a good light. I do fully understand this is GOOD versus EVIL and my stance is that the leftie dem marxists are EVIL. But I am aiming my opinions at a group, a gathering of people - not individuals, I dont know the individuals??? If you like Apples and I prefer Oranges the discussion can be interesting to do with Fruits. I might try an Apple based on your logical input. But, when your response is: Shove your Oranges, I hope you choke to death on the Pith ..... what is it you are trying to achieve?? You bolster the view that you are EVIL.
In other words the lefties/dems/neo-Marxists are hateful but the righties/Reps/neo-Fascists are angels.

As to this one: "BIDEN SUPPORTS THE BLM"? It implies that Biden (and it also implies Biden supporters too) supports violence.

Mind you I do agree with the insults. But with so much trolling, liars and such going on around here, it's hard not to remain civil.
You all prove my point. I expected no better. It is an innate, embedded trait among you lefties. You are pure evil. You do not even have the capacity to even attempt to have a discussion with rational thought.
You all prove my point. I expected no better. It is an innate, embedded trait among you lefties. You are pure evil. You do not even have the capacity to even attempt to have a discussion with rational thought.

Probably because most leftists cannot bolster rational thought.