The GOP isn’t doomed. It’s dead.


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With the electoral eviction of Donald Trump from the Oval Office, Republicans had a shot at redemption and resurrection.

They missed and failed — and deserve to spend the next several years in political purgatory. The chaos now enveloping what’s left of the Grand Old Party after four years of catering to an unstable president is theirs to own. Where conservatism once served as a moderating force — gently braking liberalism’s boundless enthusiasm — the former home of ordered liberty has become a halfway house for ruffians, insurrectionists and renegade warriors.

What does Trump have on these people, one wonders? The continuing loyalty of so many to a man so demonstrably dangerous can’t be explained by “the base,” a word never more aptly applied. What secrets were shared by Trump and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), who, after blaming Trump for the Jan. 6 mob attack, visited Trump at Mar-a-Lago this week to make amends? It seems that The Don, yet another appropriate nickname, need only purse his button lips and whistle to summon his lap dogs to Palm Beach, there to conspire for the next Big Lie.

The Reagan/Eisenhower GOP is dead, that’s for sure, what we have now is the Trump GOP, and you are correct, it is their own fault, they are just so scared shirtless that he will primary them that they kiss his ass, says a lot a lost their character. McCarthy had to crawl to Florida to seek forgiveness for prior remarks to get help in controlling the House GOP members

It should be interesting cause Trump is going to fade, and, largely due to Trump’s personality, there isn’t an apparent heir, no one is going don Cruz or Hawley paraphernalia, meaning they will have to redefine themselves again
Personally, I would like to see the GOP break apart, and form 2 different parties, having a viable third party would be very beneficial, because it would make it much harder for the next Trump to gain a foothold.
I've never seen a national party so scared, or lacking real vision.

20 years ago, either party would have repudiated comments like we have seen from MTG immediately and without ambiguity. Now, very few on the right even go there. They're too afraid that the conspiracy nutters are now their base, and even more remarkably, they don't want to offend them.
Bummer, I wanted the Republican anti-vax, climate science denial crowd solving the world's problems and protecting democracy.
Hello signalmankenneth,

With the electoral eviction of Donald Trump from the Oval Office, Republicans had a shot at redemption and resurrection.

They missed and failed — and deserve to spend the next several years in political purgatory. The chaos now enveloping what’s left of the Grand Old Party after four years of catering to an unstable president is theirs to own. Where conservatism once served as a moderating force — gently braking liberalism’s boundless enthusiasm — the former home of ordered liberty has become a halfway house for ruffians, insurrectionists and renegade warriors.

What does Trump have on these people, one wonders? The continuing loyalty of so many to a man so demonstrably dangerous can’t be explained by “the base,” a word never more aptly applied. What secrets were shared by Trump and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), who, after blaming Trump for the Jan. 6 mob attack, visited Trump at Mar-a-Lago this week to make amends? It seems that The Don, yet another appropriate nickname, need only purse his button lips and whistle to summon his lap dogs to Palm Beach, there to conspire for the next Big Lie.


Well it may be dead, but it is a walking and talking dead. And the things it is still doing as a 'dead party' are atrocious. First box checked would be supporting this lunatic Pailn replacement.
Hello archives,

The Reagan/Eisenhower GOP is dead, that’s for sure, what we have now is the Trump GOP, and you are correct, it is their own fault, they are just so scared shirtless that he will primary them that they kiss his ass, says a lot a lost their character. McCarthy had to crawl to Florida to seek forgiveness for prior remarks to get help in controlling the House GOP members

It should be interesting cause Trump is going to fade, and, largely due to Trump’s personality, there isn’t an apparent heir, no one is going don Cruz or Hawley paraphernalia, meaning they will have to redefine themselves again

Ivanka is going to replace Rubio on the next Senate primary. She has eyes on the WH.
Trump took over the GOP without resistance. Many reds were honest about Trump on the Red debates. They told the truth then. They called him the chaos candidate and a big liar. They said he was dangerous and a flawed human being. I think a lot of them would stick a knife in his back if the Trumpys would not attack them and they would get primaried.