The GOP didn't get squashed


The conventional wisdom is that the GOP got squashed by the recent shutdown battle. But the truth of the matter is that they won on one key issue.


Why? Because Congress does everything by baseline budgeting. Sequester resets the baseline which is why demalquedacrats haven't wanted to do a budget. Reid is giving away the farm in this interview. The GOP has the cudgel to beat the demalquedacrats over the head with. The demalquedacrats thought that they would box the GOP into a corner with sequester by putting in military cuts they thought the GOP would never go for. But, the Tea Party held tough and said "fuck it" bring it on bitches. The demalquedacrats never thought sequester would go into place. Now the demalquedacrats are hating life.
Two things.

1) Sequester wasn't "won" in the shutdown debacle. It was already firmly in place before that.

2) The sequester doesn't actually cut any spending. Anywhere.

That 'cudgel' you're talking's made of cheese. And not even Parmesan. Yeah, the Donkeys are pissed that they don't get to spend quite as much as they want to, but spending is still increasing every year from now until the US collapses in a pile of it's own fail.
Two things.

1) Sequester wasn't "won" in the shutdown debacle. It was already firmly in place before that.

2) The sequester doesn't actually cut any spending. Anywhere.

That 'cudgel' you're talking's made of cheese. And not even Parmesan. Yeah, the Donkeys are pissed that they don't get to spend quite as much as they want to, but spending is still increasing every year from now until the US collapses in a pile of it's own fail.

You are right, and I didn't argue that spending was cut. But they despise that the baseline has been reset. It doesn't cut but it prevents them from spending as much as they wanted which to a demalquedacrat is a massive cut