The gift that keeps on giving


U. S. NAVY Veteran
As Barack Obama and thugs in his administration dance around who designed a "red line" with Syria and whether or not there will be troops sent in "limited military strikes" against the Middle East country, let us remind ourselves of Mr. Obama's own words that were made less than one year ago. Speaking in Thailand on November 18, 2012, Barack Obama defended Israel's counter-assault on Hamas in the Gaza Strip by saying, "There's no country on Earth that would tolerate missiles raining down on its citizens from outside its borders." Obama said at press conference in Thailand at the start of a three-nation tour in Asia, "Let's understand what the precipitating event here that's causing the current crisis and that was an ever-escalating number of missiles that were landing not just in Israeli territory but in areas that are populated, and there's no country on Earth that would tolerate missiles raining down on its citizens from outside its borders." "So we are fully supportive of Israel's right to defend itself from missiles landing on people's homes and workplaces and potentially killing civilians," he continued. "Israel has every right to expect that it does not have missiles fired into its territory," he added.

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Even though Nova's motives are cheap and dirty and only aimed at destroying Obama more, there's still value in siding with him if it does something to prevent the plans for war.

There is also the very good possibility that Obama is just as anti-war as any of them and is playing his cards wisely. If he fails then it will set a precedence for US presidents getting their wars. Coincidental because of the fact that Obama is by far the most intelligent president your country has had in years?
Even though Nova's motives are cheap and dirty and only aimed at destroying Obama more, there's still value in siding with him if it does something to prevent the plans for war.

There is also the very good possibility that Obama is just as anti-war as any of them and is playing his cards wisely. If he fails then it will set a precedence for US presidents getting their wars. Coincidental because of the fact that Obama is by far the most intelligent president your country has had in years?

My motives are to prove once and for all that Obama is a hypocrite that will say whatever needs to be said to further his own agenda....
A hypocrite destroys himself in the eyes of intelligent and honest and ethical people but most likely won't affect your views of him....
Look at them just continuing to pretend Obama is lyig about the intell when the WORLD which has seen the evidence to confirming what was said
LOL, the world hasn't done shit, have they?

And I'm trying to keep O-BOMB-YA from doing anything either, because it's not our war.