
The Force is With Me

With more than 25 million votes cast by Gen Z and millennial voters in 2020, it’s estimated that youth turnout will top 53%, besting the previous high of 51% in 2008.

New analysis of young voter turnout indicates that a higher percentage of adults under the age of 30 cast ballots in this fall’s election than at anytime in history.

Exit poll data demonstrate that young voters under 30 favored Democrat Joe Biden over Republican Donald trump by a 2 to 1 margin, with young people of color leaning significantly more to the Left. Black voters under 30 favored Biden by a 76 point margin, Asian voters under 30 favored Biden by a 69 point margin, and Latino voters under 30 favored Biden by a 51 point margin. White voters favored Biden by just 6 points.

When it came to activism, women of color were found to be far more involved in activism than any other group.

Young people’s activism, participation, and leadership in this election have been historic, even at this time of so much uncertainty, when the nation is confronting a pandemic, widespread economic hardship, and systematic racism, young voters came out in large numbers all across the country. In key states like Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Arizona, they powered the Biden / Harris team to victory.

While young voters in America don’t vote at the same rates of their older counterparts yet, their overwhelming support for Biden Harris made a big difference in some close states. In fact, exit polling determines that Biden Harris won the majority of under 30 votes in at least a dozen red states. NextGen America, the Tom Steyer funded advocacy group focused on driving youth turnout, reported registering more than 122,000 young voters and collecting over 441,000 pledges to vote this year as part of their 59 million dollar effort to register young voters.

If the strong youth voter turnout this year and in 2018 make anything clear, it’s that this generation of voters will be a force in elections and politics for decades to come.

More bad news for a waning Republican Party.

Young voter turnout was much larger in 2020 than it was in 2016. Around 42 to 46% of voters under 30 voted in the 2016 election, whereas 52 to 55% of that same group voted in the 2020 election. In Georgia, 20% of all votes cast came from voters under the age of 30.

Leading this charge has been Stacey Abrams, who created the organizarion and fueled the energy behind the power of young adult voting.

With more than 25 million votes cast by Gen Z and millennial voters in 2020, it’s estimated that youth turnout will top 53%, besting the previous high of 51% in 2008.

New analysis of young voter turnout indicates that a higher percentage of adults under the age of 30 cast ballots in this fall’s election than at anytime in history.

Exit poll data demonstrate that young voters under 30 favored Democrat Joe Biden over Republican Donald trump by a 2 to 1 margin, with young people of color leaning significantly more to the Left. Black voters under 30 favored Biden by a 76 point margin, Asian voters under 30 favored Biden by a 69 point margin, and Latino voters under 30 favored Biden by a 51 point margin. White voters favored Biden by just 6 points.

When it came to activism, women of color were found to be far more involved in activism than any other group.

Young people’s activism, participation, and leadership in this election have been historic, even at this time of so much uncertainty, when the nation is confronting a pandemic, widespread economic hardship, and systematic racism, young voters came out in large numbers all across the country. In key states like Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Arizona, they powered the Biden / Harris team to victory.

While young voters in America don’t vote at the same rates of their older counterparts yet, their overwhelming support for Biden Harris made a big difference in some close states. In fact, exit polling determines that Biden Harris won the majority of under 30 votes in at least a dozen red states. NextGen America, the Tom Steyer funded advocacy group focused on driving youth turnout, reported registering more than 122,000 young voters and collecting over 441,000 pledges to vote this year as part of their 59 million dollar effort to register young voters.

If the strong youth voter turnout this year and in 2018 make anything clear, it’s that this generation of voters will be a force in elections and politics for decades to come.

More bad news for a waning Republican Party.
Nothing new. Younger voters have always tended to vote blue. In the 60’s it was the draft. Now they wish for student loan forgiveness. Then they get older, have jobs, pay taxes , get fed up with crime and move to safer suburbs. Then they retire and move out to the countryside. Priorities change.
Hello Nordberg,

An explosion of young people voting will be treated like Reds always do. They will stop them from voting.

They will try, but the problem is they can only do so much. And since their efforts only serve to attack and anger the exploited groups, this gives them added motivation to fight back by voting.

Republicans done poked da bear.
An explosion of young people voting will be treated like Reds always do. They will stop them from voting.

That’s already happening, but voting has survived every attempt to stop it that the reds can come up with. This too will survive.
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Nothing new. Younger voters have always tended to vote blue. In the 60’s it was the draft. Now they wish for student loan forgiveness. Then they get older, have jobs, pay taxes , get fed up with crime and move to safer suburbs. Then they retire and move out to the countryside. Priorities change.

True, but their numbers are increasing at the ballot box which adds another element to worry about for the white adult male fueled Republican Party, especially at a time when white female voters are slipping away.
True, but their numbers are increasing at the ballot box which adds another element to worry about for the white adult male fueled Republican Party, especially at a time when white female voters are slipping away.
Yeah, I hear about how Republicans will rule the next 100 yrs when they win, then I hear that Dems will rule for the next 100 yrs. Fact is, they both go too far when they win, every time.
I'm happy I get to live part time in one of the best of the Blue states, Hawaii. They haven't gone insane like coastal CA, Portland, Seattle or New York, e.g.
And Alaska is Alaska. The cleanest and most scenic, IMO.
I agree, the young voters are going to be a serious threat to the GOP as each election comes it will get worse.

I would also add is they have an identity problem in that the GOP has tied their wagon to an old man that probably will be gone in the next 4-6 years, then what, his daughter, how about one of his idiot sons, maybe a moron like DeSantis, or how about a Q/Trump girl like Greene? None of them could bring the GOP back into the WH and their chances of getting back either the House or Senate are slim, in fact they may lose more seats, when you refuse to sign a Bill to help the American People it will be remembered, count on it.

The GOP is in deep poo on several fronts and they know it, hence why so many Repubs at the State levels are trying to repress their voters, if people vote, and as we saw they will, the GOP will be lucky to win anywhere other than in districts that are heavily populated by GOP Sheep.